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      江蘇省淮北中學英語學科教案 9A Unit 3 Teenage problems(譯林牛津版九年級英語上冊教案教學設計)

      發布時間:2016-2-20 編輯:互聯網 手機版

      初三年級教案活頁紙 主備人:陳小軍 審核人:初三英語組全體老師

      總 課 題 9A Unit 3 Teenage problems 總課時 10 第 1 課時

      課 題 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 課 型 新授

      教學目標 知識目標 1. Know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases

      2. Know the different meanings of ‘get’

      能力目標 1. Talk about problems and their causes.

      2. Think about one’s problems and how to deal with them

      情感目標 Express problems and talk about solutions.

      教學重點 Talk about problems and their causes.

      教學難點 Express problems and talk about solutions.

      課前預習 1. Preview the new words and phrases

      2. Pre-learn Period 1: Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      Step1 Warm-up

      1.Explain that most teenagers have problems. Tell them that if they ever need to talk about their problems, they should talk to their teachers, friends or family. Tell them that having a problem is nothing to be ashamed of ----- everyone has worries from time to time.

      2.Do a survey of the problems that thestudents in the class have.

      3.Discuss the problems questioned by the students.

      Step2. Comic strip

      1. Ask the students to listen to the tape with the books closed. And then answer a question “ What problem has Eddie got? ”.

      2. Tell them that Eddie is getting fat. Here “get” means “become”. What other meanings does “get” have?

      Listen and think what problems they have.

      Work in pairs

      Discuss someproblems

      Listen and prepare for the question

      Think about the usages of “get”



      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記


      get a good mark, get some help from, get enough sleep,

      get excited, get a bus, get married

      1). My uncle ______________ last year.

      2). Did you hear Simon __________________ in the exam?

      3). You didn’t ______________,did you?

      4). The audience _____________ when they saw Hello Kitty.

      5). My father _____________ to work every day.

      6). Shall we ________________ from an adviser?

      Step 3. Welcome to the unit.

      Part A

      1. Review “noisy” and “quarrel”. Explain the students the different meanings of the two words . (these words mean “full of noise” and “argue”).

      2.Ask them to work in pairs to complete Part A on page 39.

      Once all students have finished, ask one student at a time to read out what they have written. Listen for mistakes and mispronunciation.

      Part B

      1.Make a survey of the problems. Write the following headings on the board:

      Not enough sleep

      Not enough time to do homework

      Too noisy to study


      Argue with cousin/classmate/parent

      Parents are always busy

      2. Read out each problem in turn, and ask students to raise their hands if they have this problem. Make a tally of the problems that students have. This will reinforce a group feeling. Finally, make a note of the biggest problem the class has. Write the following on the board:

      “The biggest problem Class …Grade ... has is …”

      3.Explain that part B is different from the previous exercise, as students have to rank how big these problems are in their lives.

      Do some exercises with the given expressions

      Listen and answer what they are discussing in the dialogue

      Complete Part A on page 39.

      Read out each problem in turn

      Try to answer the question: “The biggest problem Class …Grade ... has is …”


      “noisy” and “quarrel”的用法區別.


      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      4.Explain to students that number 5 means that this is a big problem for them while number 1 means it is a small problem.

      5.Tell students to complete Part B on their own. Ask volunteers to give their answers but do not force students. If there are no volunteers, do not go over the answers to this exercise with the class. Keep the students’ answers confidential.For stronger classes, ask students to add what they consider to be the biggest problems teenagers face to the list if these are different to those on the list.

      Step4 Homework

      1. Revise this period

      2. Pre-learn the next period

      Step5.Notes after teaching

      Complete Part B on their own.

      Do some exercises after class



      初三年級教案活頁紙 主備人:陳小軍 審核人:初三英語組全體老師

      總課題 9A Unit 3 Teenage problems 總課時 10 第2課時

      課題 Reading (A) 課型 新授

      教學目標 知識目標 To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings

      能力目標 To ask for advice

      情感目標 To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

      教學重點 To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings

      教學難點 To ask for advice

      To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

      課前預習 1. Preview the new words and phrases of this period

      2. Pre-learn Period 2: Reading (A)

      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      Step 1.Revision

      Revise something learned in the last period.

      Step 2.Reading

      Part A

      1.Ask students whether they have read advice columns, e.g. , newspapers, magazines and websites. Bring in some samples from newspapers and magazines to show students.

      2.Explain the context. Millie and Simon have both written letters to a youth worker.

      3.Ask students to scan the text and see if there are words that they do not know. Explain these words briefly.

      4.Read Millie’s letter aloud. Ask students to listen carefully to you and follow the text on page 40. Ask questions to check understanding, e.g.

      What is Millie’s favorite hobby? (painting)

      What is Millie’s problem? (She doesn’t have enough time for hobbies and homework.)

      Have a revision

      Listen to their teacher and try to answer some questions

      Scan the text

      Listen and try to answer some questions


      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      5.Ask one student at a time to read a paragraph, ask students to say which parts of the text they do not understand. Clarify any points if necessary.

      6.Read Simon’s letter aloud. Ask students to listen carefully to you and follow the text on page 41. Ask questions to check understanding, e.g.

      When does Simon play football? (After school until late.)

      How do his parents feel about it? (They don’t like this and ask him to go home before 6 p.m.)

      7.Ask one student at a time to read a paragraph, after each paragraph, ask students to say which parts of the text they do not understand. Clarify any points if necessary.

      8.Some words and language points:

      achieve; advice; balance; colourful; give up; hand in

      Step4 Homework

      1. Revise this period

      2. Pre-learn the next period

      Step5.Notes after teaching

      Read the paragraphs and try to answer some questions

      Learn some words and language points:

      Do some Exx after class 遵循學生的思維規律,層層深入,同時注意閱讀課的要旨是強調閱讀,真正地達到提高學生的閱讀能力.



      初三年級教案活頁紙 主備人:陳小軍 審核人:初三英語組全體老師

      總 課 題 9A Unit 3 Teenage problems 總課時 10 第3課時

      課 題 Reading (B.C.D) 課 型 新 授

      教學目標 知識目標 To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings

      能力目標 To ask for advice

      情感目標 To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

      教學重點 To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings

      教學難點 To ask for advice

      To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

      課前預習 1. Preview the new words and phrases of this period

      2. Pre-learn Period 3: Reading (BCD)

      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      Step 1. Revision

      Revise something learned in the last period.

      Step 2. Reading (B/C/D)

      Part B

      1. Remind students that the vocabulary that the vocabulary listed in Part B appears in Millie and Simon’s letters on pages 40 and 41. If students are not sure what a word means, it may help them to read the word in context on those pages.

      2.Ask students to work in pairs to complete Part B. When students have complete all the answers, they raise their hands. The first pair to finish the exercise correctly is the winner.

      3.When students have finished, give the correct answer to each question.

      Part C

      1.Tell students that in Part C, they must play the role of Sigmund Friend, and must “diagnose” what is wrong with Millie and Simon.

      Have a revision

      Try to remind some vocabularies

      Complete Part B.


      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      Part C

      1.Tell students that in Part C, they must play the role of Sigmund Friend, and must “diagnose” what is wrong with Millie and Simon.

      2.Remind students that they can find all the answers in the reading passage on pages 40 and 41. They should complete the exercise by putting a cross or a tick in the blanks. For more able students, ask them to complete the exercise without referring the back to the reading passage.

      3.After checking the answers with the class, ask more able students to look for phrases or sentences in Millie and Simon’s letters to support their answers.

      4.This is a straightforward exercise and students of all levels should be able to complete it on their own.

      Part D

      1.Revise key vocabulary. Write the following words on the board:

      advise keep

      earlier later

      focus help

      forget about school work

      give up remember

      hobby ignore

      homework go home

      painting study

      spend hours work hard

      time drawing

      stay out hours

      2.Explain that for each word in the column on the left, there is a related word in the column on the right. The words may be opposites, synonyms or related words. Point to the first word and ask the class to find the matching word in the right-hand column.

      3.Ask volunteers to come to the front of the class and draw a line between two words to link them. Go through the words in the two columns with students before asking them to match the words.

      Complete the exercise by putting a cross or a tick in the blanks.

      Revise key vocabulary.

      Draw a line between two words to link them. 認識并理解與問題有關的詞匯;學會表達情感。

      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      4.Answers are as followings:

      advise keep (opposite)

      earlier later (opposite)

      focus help (synonym)

      forget about school work (related word/opposite)

      give up remember (opposite)

      hobby ignore (opposite)

      homework go home (opposite)

      painting study (related word)

      spend hours work hard (related word)

      time drawing (related word/synonym)

      stay out hours (related word)

      5.Once students are clear about the vocabulary, ask them to complete Part D on Page 43. More able students can complete the exercise on their own. Less able students can work in pairs or small groups.

      6.Once students have finished Part D, ask two students to read the letters aloud. Praise students for areas where they do well. Try not to focus too much on their mistakes as this will crush their confidence when speaking in front of the class.

      Step 3. Practice

      Step4 Homework

      1. Revise this period

      2. Pre-learn the next period

      Step5.Notes after teaching

      Finish the exercise, make sure they are more familiar with the words and can use them

      Complete Part D on Page 43.

      Do some Exx after class.




      初三年級教案活頁紙 主備人:陳小軍 審核人:初三英語組全體老師

      總課題 9A Unit 3 Teenage problems 總課時 10 第4 課時

      課題 Vocabulary 課型 新授

      教學目標 知識目標 To understand the different meanings of the verb “to be”

      能力目標 To use the verb “to get” when talking about problems

      情感目標 To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

      教學重點 To understand the different meanings of the verb “to be”

      To use the verb “to get” when talking about problems

      教學難點 To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

      課前預習 1. Preview the new words and phrases of this period

      2. Pre-learn Period 4: Vocabulary

      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      Step 1. Revision.

      Revise something learned in the last period

      Step 2. Vocabulary

      Part A

      1.Explain that the words in the box at the top of Page 44 are synonyms of the verb “to get” below the pictures, and can be used to replace “get” in each picture.

      2.Ask students to work in pairs to complete Part A.

      3.For weaker classes, ask students to read out the answer for each picture. For stronger classes, after students have read out the answers, ask them to make sentences using the phrases under the pictures.

      Part B

      1.Explain to students that they can use their answers from Part A to help then with the exercise in Part B. for weaker classes, students can work in pairs to complete Part B. For stronger classes, students can work on their own.

      2.For stronger classes, once students have finished, ask two students to read out the whole letter. Compliment them on parts of the letter they read particularly well. Have a revision

      Listen,think ,and try to do some exx. in Part A.

      Work in pairs to complete Part B. 復習鞏固與問題有關的詞匯;學會表達情感。

      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      Part B

      1.Explain to students that they can use their answers from Part A to help then with the exercise in Part B. for weaker classes, students can work in pairs to complete Part B. For stronger classes, students can work on their own.

      2.For stronger classes, once students have finished, ask two students to read out the whole letter. Compliment them on parts of the letter they read particularly well.

      3.For weaker classes, ask students if they have the same problems as Amy. Ask students to raise their hands if they do. For stronger classes, ask students what their advice would be for Amy.

      Step 3.Practice

      Step 4 Homework

      1. Revise this period

      2. Pre-learn the next period

      Step5.Notes after teaching

      Work in pairs to complete Part B.

      Practise and do some exx after class.




      初三年級教案活頁紙 主備人:陳小軍 審核人:初三英語組全體老師

      總 課 題 9A Unit 3 Teenage problems 總課時 10 第5課時

      課 題 Grammer (A, B) 課 型 新 授

      教學目標 知識目標 1.To use “wh-” words + “to” infinitives to talk about problems.

      2.To learn about sentences types

      3.To study five kinds of sentences structures

      能力目標 Grasp the structures of “wh +to do sth.”, five kinds of sentences

      情感目標 Talk about problems with “wh +to do sth.”

      教學重點 “wh +to do sth.”structure, sentences types, five kinds of sentences structures

      教學難點 Talk about problems with “wh +to do sth.”

      課前預習 1. Preview the new words and phrases of this period

      2. Pre-learn Period 5: Grammar ( A B)

      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      Step 1. Revision

      Revise something learned in the last period.

      Step 2. Grammar ( A& B)

      Part A

      1.Remind students that when we talk about “wh-” words, we mean question words. i.e., what, when, why, where, who, how

      2.For stronger classes, introduce “whom” and “whose”. “Whom” is the object pronoun form of “who”,e.g. Whom did you invite to the party? However, it is rarely used nowadays except in formal contexts. Normally, we simply say “who”. “Whose” is the possessive form of “who”,e.g. “Whose book is that?

      3.Explain to students that they need to use the “wh-“ words +to do structure to complete the exercise on page45. The “wh”- words can be used more than once.

      4.This is a fairly challenging exercise and all students will

      Have a revision

      Remind “wh-” words

      Compare “who” with “whom”,”whose” 練習來鞏固所學的內容

      教 學 過 程

      教 師 活 動 學 生 活 動 備課札記

      benefit from guidance. For stronger classes, ask students to

      do it by themselves and the n check their answers. Less able

      students will benefit from working in pairs. More able

      students can work on their own, but encourage students to

      share their difficulties with the class. If one students finds

      something difficult, it is likely that the others do too. Be on

      hand to offer help for this exercise. For weaker classes, tell

      students that it may be easier it may be easier if they find

      either the “wh-“ word or “to”-infinitive first before working

      out the whole answer.

      5.Once students have finished, choose one student to play the part of Millie and another student to play the part of Sigmund. Ask them to read the conversation aloud. Check for incorrect answers and mispronunciation. For weaker classes, ask several pairs of students to read one exchange each.

      Part B

      1.As a warm-up activity, write the following form on the board:Statement (positive)

      Statement (negative)




      2.Ask students to make up a sentence in each blank on the right according to the requirement on the left. Students make up their own sentences on a piece of paper. Less able students can work in pairs. Encourage more able students to work on their own.

      3. Ask a student to come to the front of the class and write the sentence in the right column. If the answer is correct, he / she can choose the next students to the front to continue. If not, you choose the next student.

      4.Go through the table at the top on page 46. Ask students if

      they have any questions. Make sure they understand the four types of sentences.

      Listen ,and be familiar with the two structures, then practice them

      Read the conversation aloud

      Make up a sentence in each blank. 先和同學們熟練這兩句型,然后操練

      5.Tell students the basic use of a statement is to give information, e.g., “Millie wrote to Sigmund Friend for advice.” The negative form of this statement is “Millie did not write to Sigmund Friend for advice.” Some statements do more than give information. They can also be used to ask for information, express approval or sympathy, thank someone, give orders or provide an offer.

      6.Tell students the basic use of a question is to ask for information, e.g., “When do you usually go to school?” We can also use questions in other ways, such as making requests, e.g., “Can I have a cup of tea, please?” making suggestions, e.g., “Shall we bring more water?”, making offers, e.g., “Can I help?” or asking for permission, e.g., “May I come in?”

      7.Tell students that the imperative form is the base form of the verb. The imperative is used to give orders or to get someone to do something. When giving orders, you expect the person will obey. For example, when I say “Stop making so much noise!”, I mean that “You should stop making noise.” An imperative can also be used to give suggestions, warnings, instructions, invitations or good wishes.

      8.Tell students that an exclamation is a sentence spoken with emphasis. We can use “what” or “how” to start an exclamation, e.g., “How lucky we are today!”

      “What a lucky day!”

      9.Explain to students that in the exercise on page 46 they must identify the different types of the sentences and write the correct answers in the blanks. This is a fairly simple exercise. Students can work out their own.

      10.Once students have finished, ask the class to check the answers with you.

      Step 4 Practice

      Step 5.Homework

      Step 6. Notes after teaching

      Step5.Applen Make sure to understand the four types of sentences.

      Listen ,and be familiar with the two structures, then practice them

      Practise and do some exercise after class. 先和同學們熟練這些句型,然后操練



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