Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit
The Merchant of Venice is the most outstanding “romantic” comedy written by William Shakespeare, the greatest British playwright and poet of Renaissance. This play is mainly about the process of a story that Shylock, a cruel and greedy moneylender, is punished by Antonio, a merchant of Venice, with the help of his friends-Portia and Bassanio. The central theme of the play is the triumph of love(between Portia and Bassanio)and friendship(between Antonio and Bassanio)over insatiable greed and brutality(as presented by Shylock).A happy ending is brought about when Shylock is punished.Here we can see the true progressive significance of The Merchant of Venice and of its author:consistent hatred for the oppressors and sympathy for the oppressed.Meanwhile,it provides us an opportunity to learn some language points as well as revising Direct and Indirect speech.
Ⅱ.Teaching Goals
1.Talk about Shakespeare and his plays.
2.Learn to recount detail in conversation.
3.Review Direct and Indirect Speech.
4.Write a short play.
Ⅲ.Background Information
1.William Shakespeare
For any Englishman,there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greatest post and dramatist(劇作家).Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him,that of William Shakespeare.Every Englishman has some knowledge,however slight,of the work of our greatest writer.All of us use words,phrases and quotations(引用語)from Shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of English-speaking people.Most of the time we probably don’t know the source of the words we use,rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of Hamlet and complained that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations!
Shakespeare,more perhaps than any other writer,made full use of the great resources of the English language.Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English;Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand! There is probably no better way for foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it.Such a study is well worth the effort,even though some aspects(方面)of English usage,and the meaning of many words,have changed since Shakespeare’s Day.
It is paradoxical that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author.We know that Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon,and that he died there in 1616.He almost certainly attended the Grammar School in the town,but of this we cannot be sure.We know he was married there in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and that he had three children,a boy and two girls.We know he spent much of his life in London writing his masterpieces.But this is almost all that we do know.
However,what is important about Shakespeare’s life is not its products,the plays and the poems.For many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about Shakespeare’s life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long time critics have been theorizing(理論化)about the plays.Sometimes,indeed,it seems that the the poetry of Shakespeare will disappear beneath the great mass of comment that has been written upon it.
Fortunately this is not likely to happen. Shakespeare’s poetry and Shakespeare’s people (Macbeth, Othello, Hamlet, Falstaff and all the others)have long delighted not just the English but lovers of literature(文學)everywhere, and will continue to do so after the scholars and commentators and all their works have been forgotten.
The play Hamlet is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’s tragedies(悲劇).It was written in 1601~1602 and first published in 1603.
The action of the play is laid in medieval(中世紀的)Denmark.The King suddenly dies.Gertrude,Queen of Denmark,within two months marries the new king,Claudius,brother of her husband.
The son of the late king,Hamlet,returns from the university,where he has received his education.Heavy is the heart of the young man.The country is in a state of unrest.There is said to be war.He thinks his father was murdered but he does not dare to tell others.One night Hamlet dreams of his father.He talks to his father,who tells his son he has been murdered by his brother Claudius.Hamlet hates the murderer very much and he decides to kill Claudius.
The ghost made a sign to Hamlet
that he should go with him
The struggle between Hamlet and Claudius is increasing.Claudius pays close attention to Hamlet.Hamlet pretends to have gone mad.
To expose Claudius,Hamlet thinks of a plan:a group of actors are engaged to perform a play which recalls his father’s murder.When Claudius appears deeply affected by the performance and leaves the hall before the play is ended,Hamlet knows he is right.To get rid of Hamlet,Claudius sends off Hamlet to England with his two men,who used to be Hamlet’s friends and now are ordered to spy on him and kill him.
While at sea,Hamlet discovers a letter,in which Claudius orders the two men to kill him.Hamlet manages to escape from the ship and returns to his homeland,Denmark.
In the end,Claudius is killed by Hamlet.His mother is poisoned and dies.If you want to know whether Hamlet is alive or not,Please read the play or see the film.
But soon Laertes made
a deadly stroke at Hamlet
Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periods
The First Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the following:
(1)Words and phrases:
merchant,duke,masterpiece,mercy,enemy,pay back,as well as,after all
(2)Everyday English:
Correct me if I’m wrong,but…
One of the most important facts is…
As far as I know,…
You shouldn’t forget that…
You could,for example,say…
After all,…
What shouldn’t be forgotten is…
The way I would go about it…
But in this particular case…
2.Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Improve the students’ listening ability.
2.Improve the students’ speaking ability and learn some useful phrases as well as everyday English.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to help the students get the general idea of the listening material and find the answers to the listening exercises.
2.How to get the students to finish the task of speaking.
Teaching Methods:
1.Talking,speaking and listening to improve the students’ ability to use English.
2.Individual,pair or group work to make the students finish each task.
Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in
T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.
Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr/Ms.
T:Sit down,please.Class begin.First,please tell me if you are interested in plays,especially some of the world-famous plays.
T:There was a great British playwright and poet in the world’s history of literature.He wrote about 37 plays and a large number of poems in his life.Here’s a picture of him.Do you know who he is?
(Teacher shows the picture.)
Ss:William Shakespeare.
(Bb:William Shakespeare)
T:Quite right.He lived from 1564 to 1616(Bb:1564~1616).He is considered to be the greatest playwright and poet of the Renaissance(14th~16th centuries)in Europe.As a playwright,he wrote tragedies,comedies,historical plays.As a poet,he wrote narrative poems and sonnets.Can you follow me?
T:Today,we are going to learn Unit 19.The Merchant of Venice (Bb:Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice).In the first period of this unit,we’ll learn something more about his plays as well as 玊he Merchant of Venice.獸irst,Let’s learn some new words and phrases.Look at the screen.
(Teacher shows the screen and deals with them as usual.)
merchant/′m/ n. 商人
△Venice/′vens/ n. 威尼斯(意大利港口城市)
△Shylock/′a /夏洛克(男子名)
pay back 償還;報答
△ducat/′d/ n. 古時候在歐洲通用的金幣
duke/dju:k/n. 公爵
masterpiece/′mstpis/ n. 杰作;最佳作品
mercy/′msI/n. 憐憫;仁慈
△revenge/rI′vend/ n. 復仇;報復
enemy/′enmI/ n. 敵人
as far as 到目前為止;就某種程度或范圍而言
after all 畢竟
Bb:pay back,as far as,after all)
Step Ⅱ Warming up
T:Well.Now please open your books at Page 65.Look at Warming up.Look at the pictures and read each quotation one by one.Try to understand each one of them.Then tell from which plays,of which the titles are below the pictures,they come.Work in pairs to prepare for a few minutes.
(A few minutes later.)
T:Are you ready?
T:Who’d like to have a try?Any volunteer?
S1:The first one and the third one are from Hamlet; the second one from/King Henry Ⅳ;the fourth one Romeo and Juliet;the last one Troilus and Cressida.
T:You did a good job.Sit down,please.Then what do you think these famous words mean?Can you explain them in English?
Ss:Yes.But not clearly and exactly.
T:So,let me explain them to you.Listen carefully and tell which one I am referring to.Do you see my point?
T:No.1:Why must you be the son of my family’s greatest enemy?Refuse your family for my love.
Ss:“Romeo,Romeo,why are you Romeo?Deny your father,and refuse your name…”
T:No.2:That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die,that is,to take action or to do nothing.
Ss:“To be or not to be;that is a question.”
T:No.3:It is best not to lend(money) to others and not to borrow from others.When we lend something.We risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.
Ss:“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.”
T:No.4:A person who has great responsibilities,such as a king,is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.
Ss:“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”
T:No.5:Empty words,not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.
Ss:“Words,words,only words,no matter from heart.”
T:Great.However,I still want to suggest you find these plays,from which the quotations come from,to read or watch them if you haven’t before.Do you think so?
T:What other plays of Shakespeare do you know?
Ss: Twelfth Night; King Lear; Othello…
(Teacher writes them as well as those talked about just now.)
T:Can you explain what they are about?Choose one of them and have a try.Any volunteer?
S2:I’d like to talk about Othello.Othello,a dark-faced Moor,serves as a capable general in Venice and wins the love of a beautiful,strong-minded girl Desdemona,daughter of a senator.Her father objects to her secret marriage with the Moor,but Othello is just then much needed as commander to lead troops to a war with the Turks,and so the senator’s protest is overruled by the duke and Othello goes to war on the island of Cyprus,accompanied by his new bride.After their arrival there,the Turks have already met with destruction in a sea storm and the war is over,but one of the officers under Othello hates the general for placing another man above him and therefore tries to destroy the Moor’s happiness by convincing him of Desdemona’s illicit relations with the man above him.Othello falls into the trap,kills Desdemona,and finds out the truth at last and kills himself.The officer under Othello is shipped back to Venice after his villainy is exposed to await fit punishment.
T:Anybody else?
S3:I’d like to talk about…
Step Ⅲ Listening
T:Well done.We’ve talked much about Shakespeare and his plays.Next,let’s listen to the introduction to The Merchant of Venice,the most outstanding “romantic” comedy.It will tell us how the story takes place and helps us learn about the main characters in it.Can you follow me?
T:OK.Now please look at the Listening part at Page 66.First,read through the questions in Exercise 1.Then listen to the tape to find the answers.
(Teacher allows the Students a few minutes to prepare,and then plays the tape.After that,teacher checks the answers.)
Suggested answers:
Ex.1 1.Venice
2.three months
3.three thousands ducats
4.a pound of his flesh
T:Well done.Now please read through the requirements of Exercise 2.Then I’ll play the tape again for you to finish the following chart.
(After the Students prepare for a while,teacher begins to play the tape.At the end,check the answers with the whole class.)
Suggested answers:
Step Ⅳ Speaking
T:Up to now,we’ve learnt much about Shakespeare and his plays.Can you tell me what makes his play a masterpiece,Han Mei?
S4:The ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.
T:Can you give some examples shown in The Merchant of Venice?Any volunteer?
S5:Mercy versus revenge and love versus money.
T:Quite right.Now,please read the two situations in Speaking first.Then find examples for each one in modern life and work in pairs to discuss whether it is right or wrong.Are you clear about that?
T:And behind the situation,there are some useful expressions.Study them first,then use them in your dialogue if possible.Do you remember?
(The students begin to work.Teacher goes among them to see how they are going on with the work.A few minutes later,teacher asks some pairs to act out before class.)
Sample dialogues:
Situation 1
A:In The Merchant of Venice,Shylock gets the chance to kill Antonio,and he would.What’s even more,he refuses the Duke’s persuasion to have mercy on Antonio.But when the the roles are turned around,the Duke shows mercy to Shylock despite the fact that nobody really likes Shylock.What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?
B:In my opinion,people should be kind and mercyful.The punishment on my enemy should depends on the situation.If he tries to correct his fault and is able to get along well with me in future,I will forgive him.After all,a friend is better than an enemy.
A:I agree with you.What shouldn’t be forgotten is that all the things has a limited line.
B:How do you like the play The Merchant of Venice?Have you read any other plays of Shakespeare?
A:It’s worth reading.The ideas behind it are still important to today’s people.Besides,I’ve read Romeo and Juliet, King Lear and so on.
B:Great!Would you like to tell me the stories some day?
A:No problem.
Situation 2
A:You know,in The Merchant of Venice,Bassanio cann’t marry Portia because he doesn’t have enough money.What a pity!And this happens everywhere around the world.What do you think about a situation like that?
B:From my point of view,love is more important than money.If money is lost,we can earn it by our hands.However,if love is lost,it can never be back again.
A:Money is necessary,but not the most important.Money can bring you many things,but it can not buy you happiness.
B:Yes.Great minds think alike.
Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework
T:In this class,we’ve mainly talked about Shakespeare and his plays.While we were doing each task,we’ve learnt some useful expressions,such as pay back,as far as,after all.After class,I hope you can practise using them again.Besides,remember to preview the Reading part in this unit.So much for today.Goodbye.
Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the
Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
The First Period
Ⅰ.William Shakespeare (1564~1616)
King Henry Ⅳ/Hamlet/Romeo and Juliet/Troilus and Cressida/Twelfth Night/King Lear/Othello
pay back,as well as,after all
Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching
The Second Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the following:
tear up,have mercy on,offer up,be seated
2.Train the students’ reading ability.
3.Learn to recount detail in conversation.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Useful words and phrases:
have mercy on,anymore,tear up,offer up,be seated,pay back
2.Improve the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Help the students understand the play exactly,especially the following sentences.
1.You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.
2.I offer you ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed.
Teaching Methods:
1.Asking-and-answering before reading to make the students interested in what they will read.
2.Fast and careful reading to train the students’ reading ability.
3.Discussion after reading to make the students further understand what they’ve read.
Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Revision and Pre-reading
T:Yesterday,we learned a lot about William Shakespeare and his plays.Who’d like to tell the titles of his four great tragedies?Volunteers?
S1:Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,Macbeth.
T:Thank you.Sit down,please.And he also wrote some romantic comedies.Which is the most outstanding one?
Ss:The Merchant of Venice.
T:Tell the names of the main characters in the play.
T:Well.Now look at the screen and match the people in Column A with the instructions in Column B.
(Show the screen and ask the students to do it together.)
1.Antonio A.the Magnifico
2.Shylock B.a merchant
3.Bassanio C.Antonio’s friend
4.Portia D.a moneylender
5.Duke E.Bassanio’s wife
Suggested answers:
1-B 2-D 3-C 4-E 5-A
T:After Portia knows that Antonio has to give Shylock a pound of his flesh,she thinks up a plan to save Antonio.What do you think Portia will do to save Antonio?
S2:I think she will give Shylock much more money than what Antonio borrowed from him.
T:Will Shylock accept her money?
S2:Maybe.He is greedy.
T:It sounds reasonable.Is there anyone who has a different opinion?
S3:I think she will try to persuade Shylock to show mercy to Antonio.
T:Will she succeed?Don’t forget he is cruel and he hated Antonio.Who has read this play?Tell us what Portia does to save Antonio.
S4:She pretends to be a judge and arrives at the court of the Duke.
T:Thank you.Sit down,please.Today,we’re going to read this play,The Merchant of Venice.After reading it,we’ll know what happened in the court.First,let’s learn some new words and expressions.Look at the screen.
(Teacher shows the screen and deals with them with the whole class.)
have mercy on 對……表示憐憫
weakness/′wiknIs/ n. 軟弱;弱點
anymore/′enI′m/ adv. 不再
greatness/′greItnIs/ n. 偉大
judgement/′ddmnt/ n. 判決;判斷
gentleman/′gentlm跡/ n. 紳士
envy/′envI/玽t.& n. 妒忌;羨慕
troublesome/′trblsm/ adj. 令人煩惱的;討厭的
merciful/′msIfl/ adj. 仁慈的;寬大的
gentle/′ɡentl/ adj. 溫柔的;柔和的;有教養的
bless/bles/ vt. 祝福,保佑
tear up 撕毀;取消(合同等)
swear/swe/vt.& vi. 發誓;宣誓
offer up 獻出;獻上
surgeon/′sdn/ n. 外科醫生
△sentence/′sentns/ n. 判決
declare/dI′kle/ vt. 宣布;宣稱
court/kt/ n. 法庭
△scale/skeIl/n. 天平盤;稱盤
Step Ⅲ Reading
T:Well.Now please turn to Page 67.Read the play quickly and find out what she does when she arrives at the court.You can begin to read it now.
(After a few minutes,teacher checks the answer.)
T:OK.Everyone,I think you must have found the answer.Who’d like to tell me?
S5:She tries to persuade Shylock to show mercy to Antonio and accept the money offered by Bassanio.
T:Does she succeed?
T:What does she do next?
S5:She has to allow Shylock to take his pound of flesh from Antonio’s breast.
T:Thank you.Sit down,please.Do you agree with him/her?
T:Well done.You’ve understood it well.Now please read it carefully again and further understand it.At the same time,find out all the useful phrases.A few minutes later,I’ll collect them from you.
(After a few minutes,teacher collects and writes them on the blackboard.After that,teacher deals with some language problems.)
T:Look at the blackboard,please.All these phrases are important and useful.You must remember them and try to use them.Do you remember?
T:Besides,there are some other language points which are useful but difficult to understand.I’ll explain them to you.Look at the screen.
(Teacher shows the screen and explains to the students.)
1.anymore=any more
e.g.She doesn’t live here anymore.
Are they producing this machine anymore?
2.may/might as well do sth.
e.g.Since nobody else wants the job,we might as well let him have it.
All the pubs are closing.We may as well go home.
3.If you offered me…,I would still take…
(Note:if=even if)
e.g.If she is poor,she’s honest at least.
If the sun were to rise in the west,I would not break my word.
4.be seated
e.g.He then asked me to be seated.
She seated herself on the sofa.
She saw a few people seated on the bench at the back of the classroom.
5.…how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?
e.g.I’ll come when I’m needed.
She’ll be able to give you help when necessary.
6.I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrow.
e.g.The new building is four times the size of the old one.
The street is three times the length of that one.
The room is twice the size of that one.
(=The room is as twice large as that one.)
e.g.Have you paid(me)back the money you owe me yet?
I’ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.
Rose doesn’t know how to pay him back for his help.
(Bb:anymore=any more,may/might as well do sth.,be seated,if=even if,when=if,times,pay back)
Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud
T:OK.Now I’ll play the tape of the text.First,listen and follow.Then,listen and repeat.Meanwhile,pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.Is everything clear?
(Teacher begins to play the tape.A few minutes later,teacher deals with the next part.)
Step Ⅴ Post-reading
T:Now,you must have understood the play more exactly.Let’s have a discussion about it.Please turn to Page 69.Look at the questions in Post-reading and work in groups of four to discuss them.After a while,I’ll ask some of you to report to the rest of the class.Begin to work now.
Suggested answers:
1.She is clever and learned.
2.He is cruel.
3.Shylock hated Antonio because Antonio had many times scolded him publicly for being greedy and cruel.
4.(A)Literally, with the heart which he shall cut out of my body; (B)metaphorically, whole-heartedly, willingly.
5.①Usually,things are weighed with a balance.
Weighs go into the left scale and things go into the right scale.
②She wants to remind Shylock that he must cut exactly a pound of flesh from Antonio,no more,no less.
③The deeper meaning of the balance is justice.
In Portia’s court of law,morals are weighed.
6.Duke speaks to Antonio
Shylock speaks to Duke
Bassanio speaks to Antonio
Portia speaks to Bassanio
Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework
T:In this class,we have mainly read the first part of 玊he Merchant of Venice.While reading it,we’ve also learned some useful words and expressions and sentences.After class,read the text again and revise what we’ve learnt in this class.That’s all for today.See you!
Ss:See you!
Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
The Second Period
anymore=any more
if=even if
show mercy on,may/might as well do sth.,according to,cut off,tear up,offer up,do the deed,be seated,
take sb.in one’s arms
Ⅲ.Sentence patterns:
A is three (four,etc.)times the size(height,etc.)of B.
cStep Ⅷ Record after Teaching
The Third Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:
justice,murder,go down on knees,punishment,immediately,order,sword,conflict,complex
2.Train the students’ reading ability.
3.Train the students’ ability to write a play.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Help the students understand the text exactly and master the following words and phrases:
shall,at the mercy of,go down on knees
2.Help the students finish the task of writing a play.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to help the students write a play.
Teaching Methods:
1.Listening before reading to get the general idea of the text.
2.Asking-and-answering after reading to make the students understand the detailed in formation.
3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.
4.Performing to make the class lively and interesting.
Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in
T:Yesterday,we read the first part of 玊he Merchant of Venice.獳ntonio’s trial was taking place at the court.Do you still remember what happened at the court?Wang Hai,could you please retell the story in the first part?
S1:Yes.At the court,the Duke tried hard to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio,but Shylock insisted on having a pound of his flesh.Even if Bassanio would pay him double the money Antonio had borrowed,Shylock would not change his mind.While the Duke was wondering what to do,Portia arrived,pretending to be a famous lawyer.At first,Portia also tried to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio and take more than three times his money.But Shylock still refused to give up his demand for a pound of flesh from Antonio,so Portia said he might take his knife to prepare to do the deed.
T:Well done.Sit down,please.Will Shylock get his pound of flesh?Let’s go back to the court.First,listen to the tape of the second part of the play.Try to find out what will happen to Antonio and Shylock at last.Begin to listen!
(Teacher plays the tape and checks the answer at the end.)
T:Have you found out the answer?
T:Who’d like to have a try?
S2:Shylock will not get Antonio’s flesh.He has to give half of his money to the city of Venice and promise to leave the other half of his money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.
T:(To the other students)Is that right?
T:OK.Now let’s learn the new words.Then read the play.Look at the screen,please.
(Teacher shows the new words on the screen and deals with them as usual.)
justice/dstIs/ n. 公正;正義
murder/′m:d/ vt. 謀殺
go down on knees 跪下
punishment/′pnImnt/ n. 懲罰
immediately/I′mi:dItlI/玜dv. 立刻;馬上
order/′:d/ vt. 命令;下令
sword/s:d/ n. 劍;刀
conflict/′knflIkt/ n. 沖突;戰斗
complex/′kmpleks/ adj. 錯綜復雜的;難解的
△tragedy/′trddI/ n. 悲劇
Step Ⅲ Reading
T:Now,please open your books at Page 71.Read the second part of the play carefully and find out the answers to the questions on the screen.
(Show the screen.)
1.How does Portia stop Shylock from cutting Antonio’s flesh?
2.What does Portia say when Shylock finally agrees to take three times more than Antonio borrowed from him?
3.What is the result of the trial?Does the story have a happy ending?
(Teacher allows the students some time to read the play and prepare for the questions.At the end,ask some students to answer the questions.)
Suggested answers:
1.Portia allows Shylock to take exactly one pound of flesh from Antonio,no more,no less.She also tells Shylock that he must not let one drop of his blood fall.So Shylock gives in.
2.She says that Shylock must give half of his money to Antonio and the other half to the city of Venice according to the law.
3.Antonio is saved.Shylock gets punished.The story has a happy ending.
(After checking the answers,teacher deals with some language points.)
T:Well done.You’ve understood it better.Now let’s learn some useful words and phrases in it.Look at the screen.(Show the screen.)
e.g.We shall start for Beijing tomorrow.(future use)
You shall have a nice present for your birthday.(promise)
You shall be sorry for what you have done,I tell you.(warning)
When he comes in nobody shall say a word.(order)
Nothing shall stop us from carrying out his plan.(decision)
2.at the mercy of
e.g.They were lost at sea, at the mercy of the winds and the waves.
3.go down on one’s knees
e.g.They will never go down on their knees before the oppressors.
e.g.The prisoner begged (the judge) for mercy.
(Bb:shall,at the mercy of,go down on one’s knees,beg…for)
Step Ⅳ Writing
T:Well,we’ve read The Merchant of Venice.It has a happy ending.Can you tell me whether it is a tragedy or a comedy?
T:Why do you think it is a comedy?
Ss:Because the Good wins,and the Bad loses.
T:You are right.Now,please turn to Page 72 and look at the tips of getting the main point of a play.
(Teacher and the students read through the tips and writes some key words on the blackboard.After that,teacher says the following.)
T:Today,another trial took place between two women.They are arguing about a baby.How did the story occur?And what would they do?Please read the passage in Writing at Page 71 and find out who wins the trial,the Good or the Bad?You can begin now.
(After the students finish reading the passage.Teacher checks the answer.)
T:OK.Everyone,have you found out the answer?Who wins?
Ss:Yes.The Good wins.
T:Quite right.Now,please work in groups of four or five to write a short play based on this story.Give names to the King,the two mothers and the children.There is also a character to play the role of the soldier.If you like,you can also have a few other characters who are friends of the two mothers.Can you follow me?
T:Besides,find a good title for your play.Do you remember?
T:OK.Begin to prepare now.Five minutes later,I’ll ask one group to act out your play before the class.
A sample play:
Clever King Charles
Sarah(Sa):the woman whose baby is living
Deborah(D):the woman whose baby is dead
Charles(C):the King
Emma(E):a friend of the two women
Simon(S):a soldier of the King
(Inside King Charles’ palace)
C:What is your quarrel?
Sa:O King!I have a baby.And Deborah has a baby.One baby is dead.The dead baby looks like Deborah’s baby.I think Deborah took my baby when her baby died.
D:O King!Sarah is angry because her baby is dead.She came to see my baby.When she saw my baby she wanted it because her baby is dead.
E:O King!I saw the two babies.I think the dead baby is Deborah’s baby.I think Deborah took Sarah’s baby in the night,when Sarah was asleep.
C:Call the swordsman.Tell him to bring his sword.
(A man comes in.He has a big sword in his hand.)
S:O King!Here is the swordsman.
C:Bring the baby here.(A servant takes Deborah’s baby and brings it to the King.)I am a just King.I do not know whose baby this is.I do not know if this is Deborah’s baby or Sarah’s baby.But I must be just to each of you.I will take this baby and cut it into two halves.Then Sarah can have half of the baby,and Deborah can have half.
D:Yes,yes,the King is a good King.Cut the baby in halves.
Sa:But the baby will die!
C:Yes,the baby will die.But you shall each have one half of the baby.So you will not quarrel any more.
Sa:O King!Save my baby.Do not cut the baby.Give the baby to Deborah.Let the baby live.
C:Give the baby to Sarah.Sarah wants the baby to live.So I know that Sarah is the mother.Deborah is a bad woman.She took Sarah’s baby.
(Two men take Deborah away.)
E:The King is a just King.O good King Charles!Clever King Charles!
Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework
T:In this class,we read the second part of The Merchant of Venice and learned to write a play.By doing this,we’ve learned some useful words and phrases,and our skill in using language has be well developed.After class,practise more and revise what we’ve learnt in class.That’s all for today.See you next time.
Ss:See you next time.
Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard
Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
The Third Period
Ⅰ.Words and phrases:
shall,at the mercy of,go down on one’s knees,beg…for
Ⅱ.Tips of getting the main point of a play
a conflict between the Good and the Bad
→complex problems and relationship
→struggle between them
→a higher,wise character to find the solution
→the Good wins,and the Bad loses
→a comedy
Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching
The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Review the words and phrases appearing in the last two periods.
2.Review Direct and Indirect Speech.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Get the students to master the words and phrases correctly.
2.Get the students to master the interchanges of Direct and Indirect Speech.
Teaching Difficult Point:
Help the students master the changes of the pronouns,tenses,adverbials in the interchanges of Direct and Indirect Speech.
Teaching Methods:
1.Practising to finish the tasks in Word Study and in Grammar.
2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class and finish each exercise better.
Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Revision
T:In the last few periods,we’ve learn more about one of Shakespeares’ plays-The Merchant of Venice.What have you learnt from it?
Ss:The Good will be able to defeat the Bad at last.Justice is supported by everyone.
T:Quite right.Besides,we’ve learnt some useful phrases. I’ll give you a dictation of them. Please take out a piece of paper.Hu Yue,please come to the blackboard.…Are you ready?
T:OK.Let’s begin…
(Teacher begins to give the dictation and after that,checks the answers with the whole class.)
Step Ⅲ Word Study
T:Well done.Now please open your books at Page 69.Look at Word Study in this unit.Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the text.You’d better read each sentence to see which phrase fits the description first.Then fill in the blanks according to the meaning.See what I mean?
T:OK.You can begin now.First by yourself.Then check your answers with your partner.At last,I’ll collect the right answers.
Suggested answers:
1.all believed
2.pay back
3.show mercy to
4.offered,tear up
5.offer up
6.As far as
Step Ⅳ Grammar
T:Next,let’s come to Grammar.We all know in The Merchant of Venice,Shylock insisted on taking a pound of Antonio’s flesh according to the agreement between them.Why did Antonio borrow money from Shylock?
Ss:To help his friend Bassanio,who had no money to marry Portia,a rich and beautiful lady.
T:Quite right.Now,please turn to Page 71 and read the material in the box.Then work in pairs to change it into dialogues.
Act 1:The dialogue between Bassanio and Antonio.
Act 2:The dialogue between Antonio,Shylock and Bassanio.Do you see what I mean?
(The students begin to work.Teacher goes among the students to see how they are going on.At last,teacher asks some pairs to act out their dialogues.)
Sample dialogues:
Act 1:(B=Bassanio;A=Antonio)
B:Antonio,I want to tell you a good piece of news that I am in love with Portia,a rich and beautiful lady.
A:Does she love you?
B:She loves me too.
A:Then why don’t you get married?
B:I can not ask her to marry me because I have no money.I wonder if you can lend me three thousand ducats.
A:I’d like to help you,but all my ship are at sea.I have no money at present.
Act 2:(S=Shylock)
A:Shylock,I want to know if I can borrow some money from you.
S:I agree to lend you the money on one condition.If you don’t pay the money back at the end of three months,I’ll have the right to have a pound of your flesh to be cut off from any part of your body.
A:OK.I would accept these terms.
B:Please,Antonio,don’t accept these terms.
A:Don’t worry.I’ll take his offer and sign the agreement.
T:Wonderful.You did a good job.Next,let’s look at the second exercise.Here are two letters.One is the letter that Antonio wrote to Bassanio.The other one is the letter from the lawyer to the Duke.By reading them,you’ll know more about the play.Are you interested?
T:Now,begin to read.After that,change them into Indirect Speech.Then correct mistakes each other.At the end,I’ll ask some students to read to the class.Is everything clear?
Suggested answers:
Letter 1:
Bassanio received a letter from Antonio.In the letter,Antonio said that all his ships were lost at sea and that now he had to pay Shylock with a pound of his flesh according to their agreement.Antonio also said how he wished to see Bassanio before he died,since it was impossible that he should live in paying Shylock.Antonio told Bassanio to forget about the letter if his love for Antonio was not enough to lead him there.
Letter 2:
Doctor Bellario wrote in his letter that he was very ill.He said that when the Duke’s letter (had) reached him,he(had)had with him a learned young doctor from Rome and that he had told the doctor about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio.He wrote to the Duke they had studied many law books and the doctor knew what he would say.He asked the Duke to let the doctor stand in his place and give judgement.He told the Duke that he had never known so young a body with so wise a head though he was young.
(After checking the students’work,teacher deals with some language points.)
T:Well done.Next,let’s learn some useful expressions.Look at the screen,please.
(Teacher shows the screen.)
1.be in love with/fall in love with
e.g.They have been in love with each other since they met for the first time.
The first time Peter met Alice at a party,he fell in love with her.
2.on one condition/on condition that
e.g.He was allowed to go swimming on condition that he kept near the other boys.
I’ll come on condition that John is invited,too.
e.g.Did you notice that you made so serious a mistake?
It is too difficult a book for beginners.
How wonderful a plan it would be!
(Bb:be/fall in love with,on one condition/on condition that,so/how/too+adj.+a(n)+n.)
Step Ⅴ Consolidation
T:OK.So much for the language points.In order that you can master Direct and Indirect Speech better,especially the way to change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.I’ll give you another exercise.Look at the sentences on the screen and complete them.
(Show the screen.)
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.
1.“Do not be so bitter,”the Duke said to Shylock.
→The Duke asked Shylock______.
2.“Do all men kill the things they do not love?”Bassanio said.
→Bassanio asked______.
3.“Antonio is my enemy and I hate him,”Shylock said.
→Shylock said______.
4.“Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth,”Portia said.
→Portia said______.
Suggested answers:
1.not to be so bitter
2.if all men killed the things they did not love
3.Antonio was his enemy and he hated him
4.mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth
Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework
T:In this class,we’ve mainly revised the words and phrases learned in the play.In particular,we’ve revised Direct and Indirect Speech by doing some exercises.You should pay special attention to the changes of the pronoun,tenses and adverbial in the interchanges of Direct and Indirect Speech,and you should be able to use some sentence structures freely such as “tell sb. to do…”“ask sb.to do…”and “say that…”.(Write the structures on the blackboard.)For today’s homework:Retell the story of The Merchant of Venice.You can use the words and phrases on the screen.You’d better copy them down.
(Show the screen.)
Retell the play The Merchant of Venice,using the following words and phrases:
be in love with,ask…for help,scold…for,on condition that,pay back,cut off,get married,be lost at sea,have mercy on,be seated,do the deed,be allowed to,drop,ask for,insist on,at the mercy of,according to,be taken away
That’s all for today.See you next time.
Ss:See you next time.
Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard
Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
The Fourth Period
Ⅰ.Useful phrases
be/fall in love with
on one condition
on condition that
Ⅱ.Direct and Indirect Speech
tell/ask sb.(not) to do sth.
say that-clause
ask wh-/how+clause
Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching
The Fifth Period
Indirect Speech
Teaching Aims:
1.Enable the students further to know and understand how to change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.
2.Help the students remember all kinds of changes when we change a Direct Speech into an Indirect Speech so that they can use them freely.
Teaching Important Point:
The changes of pronouns,verbs,adverbials of time and places.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to change some special sentences from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.
Teaching Methods:
1.Review method to make the students gain new insights through restudying old materials.
2.Pair work or group work to enable every student to work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision
Greet the whole class as usual.
T:In this class,we’ll review the Indirect Speech.Then we’ll do some exercises.At last we’ll have a test.First look at the screen,and finish the exercises.If you’re not sure about your answers,you can have a discussion in pairs.
(Show the following on the multimedia.)
Put these sentences into Indirect Speech.
1.“I have left my pen in your room,”he said.
2.“Did you see her last night?”he said.
3.She said,“Where can they find a taxi?”
4.The teacher said,“Give me some chalk.”
5.“Don’t waste your time,”I said to him.
(A moment later,check the answers.Teacher may ask some students to say their answers one by one.)
Suggested answers:
1.He told me that he had left his pen in my room.
2.He asked(me) whether I had seen her the night before.
3.She asked where they could find a taxi.
4.The teacher asked me to give him some chalk.
5.I advised him not to waste his time.
Step Ⅱ Revision and Discussion
T:Well done!As we all know,when we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech,there are some changes in the sentence.Now,please look at the screen.Discuss in pairs and fill in the form.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Pronouns this
this morning
last night
the day before yesterday
three days ago
next week
yesterday morning
yesterday afternoon
the day after tomorrow
Verbs come
Tenses(with the verb “keep”
as an example)
be (am/is/are)keeping
have kept
had kept
will keep
(The teacher goes around the class and corrects the mistakes the students make.At last,show the answers on the screen for students to check their answers.)
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Pronouns this
these that
this morning
last night
the day before yesterday
three days ago
next week
yesterday morning
yesterday afternoon
the day after tomorrow
here then
that night
that day
that morning
the day before
the night before
two days before
three days before
the next/following day
the next/following week
the morning before
the afternoon before
in two days’s time
two days after
Verbs come
will go
must/had to
have kept
had kept
will keep kept
was(were) keeping
had kept
had kept
would keep
T:Now,look at the screen,please.Put the sentences into Indirect Speech.
1.I said,“I shall be there.”
2.He said,“I shall be there.”
3.“The earth goes round the sun,”the teacher said.
4.“Let’s go to the park on Sunday,”he said.
5.Mother said,“Let’s not go to bed until Smith comes back.”
T:(A few minutes later) Now,who can give the answer to the first sentence?…
S1:I said that I should be there.
S2:He said that he would be there.
S3:The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.
T:In the first sentence,there’s no change of pronoun,so“shall” should be changed into “should”.In the second sentence,the pronoun has changed,so “shall”should be changed to “would”.The third sentence expresses a truth that the earth always goes round the sun,so the verb in Indirect Speech remains to be “goes”.Is that clear?
T:Now,look at the fourth sentence,please.Here,“Let’s do…”or “Let sb.do…”can be expressed with the phrased:(sb.)suggested that…;…suggest doing…;…say that…;insist that…;insist that…;insist on doing…,etc.Do you understand?
T:OK.Who will try this one?
S4:He suggested that they (should) go to the park on Sunday.
S5:He suggested going to the park on Sunday.
T:Good.Both of your answers are correct.Now,who wants to do the last one?
S6:Mother suggested that they should not go to bed until Smith came back.
T:Good.Who has a different answer?
S7:Mother suggested their not going to bed until Smith came back.
T:Is his/her answer right?
T:Very good.Please look at the sentences on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)
1.“I am off to the pictures.Where are you going?”
2.“Will you come out tonight?”“No.”
T:When we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech,if there are two sentences,we should add a word,a group of words or a sentence to make the Indirect Speech smooth.Do you understand?
T:OK.Who wants to try the first sentence?
S8:He said he was off to the pictures and wanted to know where I was going.
T:Good.Now,who wants to try the second sentence?
S9:He asked me if I would go out that night,but I said (told him) I wouldn’t.
Step Ⅲ Consolidation
T:Please change the sentences on the screen into Indirect Speech.After you finish,you may check your answers in pairs.
(Show the following on the screen.)
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:
1.“I wish you health and success in the new year,”she said.
2.The teacher said to Tom,“Be careful,think before you answer.”
3.He asked,“Are you sure your mother will come?”
4.“What shall I do with your mail when you’re away?”
5.“Is the book open or closed?”
6.“He didn’t like music,did he?”Jack asked.
7.“I won’t be free tonight.I’ll be giving the students a lecture,”he said.
(A moment later,ask some students to write their answers on the blackboard.Then check the answers with the whole class.)
Suggested answers:
Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.
Step Ⅳ Test
T:Now,let’s have a test.Look at the screen.
Change the following from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech,Indirect speech into Direct Speech:
1.“You needn’t have come over,”she said to John.
2.The teacher said, “I’ll try to give you some easier examples tomorrow morning.”
3.He said that this was his fault and promised to be more careful next time.
4.“Where have you been all the time and what have you been doing?”Jack asked me.
5.“Are you sure they will agree to come this evening?”she asked me.
6.They asked the teacher whether he could go to their bedroom that night to help them with their English grammar.
7.“Go at once,”the officer said to his man.
8.He asked me to go there again the next day.
(A few minutes later,check the answers with the whole class.)
Suggested answers:
1.She said to John that he needn’t have gone there.
2.The teacher said that he would try to give us some easier examples the next morning.
3.“This is my fault and I will be more careful next time,”he said.
4.Jack asked me where I had been all the time,and what I had been doing.
5.She asked me whether I was sure they would agree to come that evening.
6.“Could/Can you go to our bedroom tonight to help us with our English grammar?”they asked the teacher.
7.The officer ordered his men to go at once.
8.“Come here again tomorrow,”said he.
Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework
T:Today we’ve reviewed the Indirect Speech.When we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech,we should pay attention to the changes of pronouns,adverbials,verbs and tenses,especially to the changes of personal pronouns.After class,review the Indirect Speech,discuss the exercises we’ve done in class and use Indirect Speech as much as possible to master it better.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!
Ss:See you tomorrow!
Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
The Fifth Period
Indirect Speech
1.She said she wished us health and success in the new year.
2.The teacher told Tom to be careful and think before he answered.
3.He asked whether I was sure my mother would come.
4.He asked me what he should do with my mail when I was away.
5.He asked me if/whether the book was open or closed.
6.Jack asked whether he liked music.
7.He said he was not free that night,because he was going to give the students a lecture.
Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching