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      人教版高二Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Warming-up

      發布時間:2017-11-19 編輯:互聯網 手機版



      課題 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Warming-up 課型 New

      教學目標 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Get the students to understand his play.

      3. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      重點 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      難點 Get the students to understand his play.

      學情分析 The Ss can finish the task.

      教具課件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

      教法 Individual, pair of group work to make every student work in class.

      教學程序 教學內容(引入、例題、練習題、檢測題等) 師生

      活動 時間分配

      Step 1

      Step 2

      Step 3

      Step 4


      1. Chinese plays

      Beijing Opera, Huangmei Opera, Kunqu Opera, Henan Opera, Shanxi Opera,etc.

      2. There was a great British playwright and poet in the world’s history of literature. He wrote about 37 plays and a large number of poems in his life. Here is a picture of him. Do you know who he is? (William Shakespeare)

      3. Introduction

      William Shakespeare (1564-1616 ) was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. He is considered to be the greatest playwright and poet of the Renaissance in Europe. As a playwright, he wrote tragedies, comedies, historical plays. As a poet, he wrote narrative poems and sonnets. He began to write for the stage in the late 1580. He first came to notice in 1592 as a playwright in London. In 1599 he became a part owner of the Globe Theatre in London and finally retired to his birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, in1613. He wrote 37 plays. Apart from the plays, he is identified as the author of four large poems and a book of sonnets.


      Today we are going to learn Unit 19 .

      1. Do you know some of Sharespeare’s plays?

      ★1 Romeo and Juliet ★2 Hamlet

      ★3 King Henry IV ★4 King Henry V

      ★5 King Henry VIII ★6 Troilus and Cressida

      ★7 As You Like It

      2. Quiz: pick out the plays written by Shakespeare

      Twelfth Night; Henry V; Cymbeline; The Lost necklace; Love’s Labours Lost; The Millionaire; The Merchant of Venice; Hamlet; The Tempest ; Measure for Measure

      3. Main Works

      1) Tragedies:

      Romeo and Juliet(羅密歐與朱麗葉) Macbeth(麥克白) King Lear(李爾王)

      Hamlet(哈姆雷特) Troilus & Cressida(特洛伊羅斯與克瑞西達)

      2) Comedies:

      A Midsummer Night’s Dream(仲夏夜之夢) Twelfth Night(第十二夜)

      The Merry Wives of Windsor(溫莎的風流婦人)The Merchant of Venice(威尼斯商人)

      3) Histories:

      Henry IV(亨利四世) Henry VIII(亨利八世)

      4) Poems:

      The Sonnets(十四行詩) A Lover’s Complaint(愛人的怨訴)

      4. Some quotations from different Shakespeare’s plays:

      King Henry IV: Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

      Meaning: A person who has great responsibilities, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesn't sleep soundly.

      Hamlet: To be or not to be: that is the question. 生存還是死亡:這是個問題。

      Meaning: That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing. The hero is being terribly upset and undecided.

      Hamlet: Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

      Meaning: It is best not to lend money to others and not to borrow from others. When we lend something. We risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.

      Romeo & Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name…

      Meaning: why my lover Romeo is from a family that has a long feud with mine. If only Romeo were not from the family. It conveys the passionate love. /Why must you be the son of my family’s greatest enemy? Refuse your family for my love.

      Troilus & Cressida: Words, words, only words, no matter from the heart.

      Meaning: Empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.

      5. Which plays of Shakespeare do you know?

      1) Romeo and Juliet: Two young lovers ,were separated by their family because of the hatred between them. Juliet was forced to marry Paris, whom she didn’t love .Friar Lawrence made a plan for Romeo and Juliet to escape, but something wrong happened. Those mistakes made Romeo think Juliet was already dead. He killed himself in Juliet’s tomb, where he found that Juliet was still alive at the same time, but it was too late. Romeo was dead, so Juliet killed herself too. Everything was over and those two young Lovers made the families end their feud.

      2) King Lear: King Lear has three daughters. One day he told them he had decided to retire and spend the rest of his life in quiet peace. In order to divide his kingdom among his daughters, he asked them how much they loved him. Two of his daughters tried their best to deceived him and told him they loved him more than anyone else. But one of his lovely daughter Cordelia didn’t want to lie to him, though she loved her father. At Last King Lear divided his kingdom between the two while Cordelia got nothing. His two remaining daughters cruelly and gradually stripped everything from him until he got mad.

      3) Hamlet: His father was killed by his uncle and his mother married to his uncles soon. The soul of his father asked him to avenge his uncle. This simple mater impels him to thing about the whole society and times. He decided to shouldered the responsibility of bringing about a radical change in the existing state of affairs. He fights against the dark power all by himself. He is hopelessly outnumbered and ends up with failure.

      Word study

      1) lie-lay-lain---lying /lie-lied-lied-lying/lay-laid-laid-laying

      The boy lied about his reasons for being late (late).

      Edison’s father was puzzled why Edison was laying the eggs.



      Anderson was lying on the bed with all his clothed on.

      I lay awake for about ten minutes.


      The machine lay idle all week.


      lie in 位于(某個范圍內的里面);在與/lie on位于(與之接壤)/lie to位于(某個范圍之外)

      Changchun lies in the northeast of China.

      Liaoning Province lies on the south of Jilin.

      Japan lies to the east of China.

      His success lies in hard work.


      1. Group work: read the texts again, act them out with your classmates.

      2. Find more details about this play in your school library or from the internet.

      3. Finish the exercise of Language study.

      See the pictures



      See the pictures




      Explain & do exx 6’




      板書 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

      The 1st Period


      lie-lay-lain---lying /lie-lied-lied-lying/lay-laid-laid-laying

      lie in 位于(某個范圍內的里面);在與/lie on位于(與之接壤)/lie to位于(某個范圍之外)

      教學后記 It is difficult in understand the sentences from Shakespeare’s play.



      課題 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Warming-up 課型 New

      教學目標 1. Get the students to understand the play The Merchant of Venice.

      2. Practice listening, to know why Antonio borrowed money from Shylock.

      3. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      重點 1. Get the students to understand the play The Merchant of Venice.

      2. Practice listening, to know why Antonio borrowed money from Shylock.

      3. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      難點 Help the students to get information by listening.

      學情分析 The Ss can finish the task.

      教具課件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

      教法 Individual, pair of group work to make every student work in class.

      教學程序 教學內容(引入、例題、練習題、檢測題等) 師生

      活動 時間分配

      Step 1

      Step 2

      Step 3

      Step 4

      Step 5 Revision

      1. His failure lies ___ his laziness.

      A. on B. in C. to D. from

      2. We grew ____ at their long absence.

      A. easy B. uneasy C. upset D. set

      3. He recognized clearly where his duty ___.

      A. lies B. lay C. lays D. laid

      4. “Mike is ____, Mum,” said his little sister. “That isn’t my fault. I noticed some broken toys __ on the floor so I picked them up and ___ them on the chair.

      A. lying; lay; lay B. lying; lie; lay C. lying; lain; laid D. lying; lying; laid

      5. Taiwan lies ____ the east of Fujian and Jiangxi ___ the west of Fujian.

      A. to; on B. in; in C. on; to D. to; in

      6. I didn’t know what _____.

      A. was the matter B. is the matter C. matter was D. the matter is

      7. The thief begged the police ____ mercy.

      A. for B. with C. upon D. among

      8. He denied _______ the camera before.

      A. to see B. having seen C. to have seen D. saw


      Word study

      1. deny (denied, denying)


      Can you deny the truth of his statement?

      He denied telling me/that he had told me.



      I was denied the chance of going to college.


      He has denied his country and his principle!

      2. refuse/reject都有“拒絕”的意思,有時可以通用。



      He refused to speak at the meeting.

      He rejected my request.

      He rejected helping me with my English study.


      1. Look at some pictures of Venice and ask:

      1) What attitude should we have towards new inventions?

      What is the city most famous for?

      How do people here go from place to place?

      2) know the time line of Shakespeare’s life

      April 23,1564: born

      1570 (7): local Grammar School

      1582: married Anne

      1586: arrived in London

      1590: first play Henry VI

      1599: a part owner of the Globe Theatre

      April 23,1616:died

      3) Look at the pictures of Shakespeare’s Birth place: Stratford

      2. Listening

      1) Introduce the play

      The play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, was probably written around 1596. William Shakespeare first came to notice in 1592 as a playwright(劇作家) in London.

      2) Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

      1. Match the two columns

      2. What is their relation to the other characters in the play?

      Shylock: the moneylender

      Antonio: the merchant of Venice

      Bassanio: Antonio’s friend

      Portia: Bassanio’s wife

      Duke: the judge

      3. Fill in the blanks

      1) She loves Bassanio but they can not get married because he is too poor. Then Bassanio asks Antonio to lend him 3,000 ducats.

      2) Antonio goes to Shylock to borrow the money.

      3) Shylock agrees to lend Antonio the money, but Antonio must promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from any part of his body if he cannot pay the money back after 3 months.

      4) On the day Bassanio and Portia get married, they receive a letter from Antonio saying that all his ships have been lost at sea.

      5) Portia thinks of a clever plan to save Antonio.

      6) Dressed as a lawyer, she arrives at the court of the duke.

      4. Introductions of the characters in the play

      Antonio: A Venetian merchant of huge wealth. he makes his money from trade, much liked by his friends. He is always ready to help others.

      Shylock: A successful Jewish moneylender. He lends the 3,00 ducats to Antonio. He asks Antonio to pay with one pound of his flesh if the debt is not repaid on time.

      Bassanio: The romantic lead of this play. He is Antonio’s

      friend. He marries Portia. He borrows a lot of money from Antonio.

      Potia: The heroine of this play. Portia is a wealthy and

      beautiful woman who is desired by many men. She also possesses a sharp mind, which saves Antonio from doom at the hands of Shylock.

      Duke: As judge over the court case between Shylock and Antonia, he has the power to pardon a death sentence. In the play, he is put in a difficult position by Shylock; he doesn’t want Antonio to die, but to ignore Shylock’s legal rights would be to place all of Venice in disrepute as a place to conduct business.

      5. Word study

      At the time of the story his ships are all at sea to trade with foreign countries.

      trade vi /vt

      1) trade with與….有貿易往來

      India began trading with Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries.

      2) trade in 做……生意

      The company trades in silk, tea, and other items.

      3) trade (somebody) something for something 交換,交易

      I'll trade you my camera for your drill.

      4) trade something in 折價購物

      He traded his old car in for a new model.他以舊車折價添錢買了一部新型汽車

      5) trade on/upon something 利用……以圖私利,濫用

      If you ask me, they're just trading on Sam's good nature(溫厚)

      6. Questions

      1) In which city does the play take place? Venice.

      2) How much time passes between the beginning of the play and the end? Three months.

      3) How much money does Bassanio need to marry Portia? Three thousand ducats.

      4) What must Antonio give Shylock if he can’t pay back the debt? A pound of flesh

      Reading Comprehension

      Parts of the story Description


      Antonio and Bassanio borrow 3,000 ducats from Shylock. However, there is a catch: if the debt is not repaid on time, Antonio as security will pay with one pound of his flesh.

      problem Antonio and Bassanio are not able to pay the debt .Antonio’s ships are lost. Shylock starts demanding his pound of flesh.

      Rising action

      The Duke tells Shylock to have mercy on Antonio. Bassanio promises to pay twice or even ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Portia tells Shylock to be merciful, but Shylock insists on having his pound of flesh.


      Portia declares Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut nearest to Antonio’s heart, no more, no less. And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonio’s blood fall, he will lose all his land and money

      outcome Shylock begs for mercy. He is punished, though not killed.

      Summary and Homework

      Review the reading part. Finish the paper which contains ten questions about the text.

      See the pictures



      Explain & do exx.

      Listen & do exx


      Fill in the blanks 8’





      板書 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

      The 2nd Period

      Listening & pre-reading

      1. deny (denied, denying)


      He denied telling me/that he had told me.

      Can you deny the truth of his statement?



      I was denied the chance of going to college.


      He has denied his country and his principle!

      2. refuse/reject都有“拒絕”的意思,有時可以通用。



      He refused to speak at the meeting.

      He rejected my request.

      He rejected helping me with my English study.

      3. trade

      1) trade with與….有貿易往來

      2) trade in 做……生意

      3) trade (somebody) something for something 交換,交易

      4) trade something in 折價購物

      5) trade on/upon something 利用……以圖私利,濫用

      教學后記 It is too much to introduce the characters in the play.



      課題 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Reading 課型 New


      目標 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Get the students to understand his play.

      3. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      重點 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      難點 Help the students to learn to be more creative.

      學情分析 The Ss can finish the task.

      教具課件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

      教法 1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

      2.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.

      3.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

      教學程序 教學內容(引入、例題、練習題、檢測題等) 師生

      活動 時間分配

      Step 1

      Step 2

      Step 3

      Step 4

      Step 5 Revision

      1. What is their relation to the other characters in the play?

      Shylock: the moneylender

      Antonio: the merchant of Venice

      Bassanio: Antonio’s friend

      Portia: Bassanio’s wife

      Duke: the judge

      2.The plot of the story



      1. Fill in the blanks


      In order to help his friend Bassanio, Antonio turns to Shylock. Shylock lends him 3,000 ducats on condition that he pays the money back in three months. Otherwise Antonio will have to pay with one pound of flesh.


      Antonio and Bassanio are not able to pay the debt because Antonio’s ships are all lost at sea. Shylock starts asking for/demanding his pound of flesh.


      The Duke tells Shylock to have mercy on Antonio. Bassanio promises to pay even ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Portia tells Shylock to be merciful, but Shylock insists on having his pound of flesh.


      Portia declare Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut nearest to Antonio’s heart, no more, no less. And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonio’s blood fall, he will lose all his land and money.


      Shylock begs for mercy. He is punished though not killed.

      2. Questions

      A classical balance is often used as a symbol for The merchant of Venice.

      (1).What is usually weighed with a balance?

      What goes into the scales left and right?

      (2).Why does Portia ask Shylock whether he brought a balance?

      (3).What is the deeper meaning of the balance?

      What is weighed in Portia’s court of law?

      3. Fast-reading: Read the texts, finish the following work:

      1) Place the pictures in right order.

      2) Find the best answers of the following five questions.

      4 2 1

      3 6 5

      4. Skimming

      ★The Merchant of Venice(1)

      1) The text mainly tells about___.

      A. Antonio’s kindness B. Portia’s cleverness C. Shylock’s cruelty D. all of the above

      2) Antonio did business with ____.

      A. people in Venice B. people in Italy C. people in other countries D. people in the world

      3) Antonio was a ____ person.

      A. warm-hearted B. strong-willed C. open-minded D. ill-tempered.

      4) In the text the author shows us human being’s merit of ____.

      A. bravery B. pride C. kindness D. tolerance

      5) By saying “Do not so bitter.” the Duke wants Shylock to be ____.

      A. forgiving B. calm C. kind-hearted D. reasonable

      6) The word “scold” in the second paragraph means ___.

      A. fool with B. laugh at C. criticize D. make known

      7) It seemed that the Duke in the court supported ___.

      A. Portia B. Antonio C. Shylock D. none of the above

      8) That Portia was able to defend Antonio was due to___.

      A. her cleverness B. a famous lawyer’s help C. her husband’s support D. Both A and B

      9) Find out the right order: B---A---D---C

      A. Shylock insisted on having one pound of Antonio’s flesh.

      B. Portia asked Shylock to show his mercy on Antonio.

      C. Antonio said his last words to Bassanio.

      D. Portia warned Bassanio of the impossibility of changing the law.


      ★The Merchant of Venice(2)

      1) Shylock was charged with(指控) ___.

      A. murder B. stealing C. cheat D. ill-treatment

      2) To punish a murderer, the law of Venice would ___.

      A. take everything that he owned away B. sentence him to imprisonment

      C. sentence him to death D. both A and B

      3) Which happened first in the text?

      A. Shylock wanted to take the money instead of Antonio’s flesh.

      B. Portia permitted to give shylock a fair judgment.

      C. Shylock promised to leave his money to his daughter and son-in-law.

      D. Antonio forgave Shylock.



      1) What is your opinion of Portia?

      2) What is your opinion of Shylock?

      3) Why do you think Shylock prefers to take his pound of flesh instead of the money from Bassanio?

      4) What are the two meanings of “I’ll pay him back with all my heart?

      Analyse the main characters. Find sentences in the text to support your ideas.

      Shylock: greedy and mean, cold-blooded, stone-hearted, vengeful(復仇心重的), crafty(狡詐的)

      Portia: smart, wise, kind, merciful, decisive, brave

      Antonio: generous, weak, sheepish, kind, friendly

      Word study

      Antonio must promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of flesh from any part of his body if he cannot pay the money back after three months

      1. promise

      1) promise sth答應/允許某事

      Last night the headmaster promised a full investigation.

      2). promise somebody something

      The company promised us a bonus(紅利,獎金) this year.

      3) promise to do something 答應做某事

      She's promised to do all she can to help.

      4). promise somebody to do something

      He promised(約定) me to be here at 6 o’clock.

      5). promise (somebody) (that)

      You promised me the car would be ready on Monday

      6). promise to be something 預示, 有希望/可能

      Tonight's meeting promises to be a difficult one.

      Dark clouds promising showers later

      7). promise well大有希望,顯示成功的跡象

      8). promising 有希望的,有前途的,大有可為的

      a promising career in law a promising young actor a promising start

      2. go (down) on your knees 跪下

      on one’s knees 可表示:

      1) 用膝蓋支撐

      我用手和膝蓋支撐著地朝床下看.I was on my hands and knees looking under the bed

      2) 虛弱

      The company was on its knees公司快垮了

      3) 強烈的歉意

      He should be on his knees begging for forgiveness.他應當跪下來請求寬恕

      4) 請求幫助

      Do I have to go down on my knees and beg? 我得跪下來請求嗎?

      Discussion: Read the following sentences that could be spoken in the play. Who says what and to whom?

      Sentence sentence by sentence to

      “I feel sorry for you. You’ve come to face an enemy with a heart of stone, who knows neither pity nor mercy.” Duke


      “I don’t have to give you answers that will please you” Shylock Bassanio

      “Don’t worry! Before he can even take one drop of your blood, he will first have to take my flesh, blood, bones and everything else.” Bassanio


      “Don’t feel bad that a friend paid back the money you owed, but feel bad that you lost him.” Antonio


      Summary and Homework

      Review the whole reading part.

      Ask & answer

      Fill in the blanks

      Read & do exx








      書 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

      The 3rd Period


      Analyse the main characters. Find sentences in the text to support your ideas.

      Shylock: greedy and mean, cold-blooded, stone-hearted, vengeful(復仇心重的), crafty(狡詐的)

      Portia: smart, wise, kind, merciful, decisive, brave

      Antonio: generous, weak, sheepish, kind, friendly

      教學后記 The Ss aren’t familiar with the text.



      課題 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Reading 課型 New


      目標 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Get the students to understand his play.

      3. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      重點 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      難點 Help the students to learn to be more creative.

      學情分析 The Ss can finish the task.

      教具課件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

      教法 1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

      2.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.

      3.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

      教學程序 教學內容(引入、例題、練習題、檢測題等) 師生

      活動 時間分配

      Step 1

      Step 2

      step 3 Revision

      Fill in the blanks

      Parts of the story Description


      Antonio and Bassanio borrow 3,000 ducats from Shylock. However, there is a catch: if the debt is not repaid on time, Antonio as security will pay with one pound of his flesh.

      problem Antonio and Bassanio are not able to pay the debt .Antonio’s ships are lost. Shylock starts demanding his pound of flesh.

      Rising action

      The Duke tells Shylock to have mercy on Antonio. Bassanio promises to pay twice or even ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Portia tells Shylock to be merciful, but Shylock insists on having his pound of flesh.


      Portia declares Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut nearest to Antonio’s heart, no more, no less. And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonio’s blood fall, he will lose all his land and money

      outcome Shylock begs for mercy. He is punished, though not killed.

      Reading: Answering the following questions:

      1. Where were Antonio’s ships at the beginning of the story?

      They were all at sea.

      2. What did Bassanio want to do?

      He wanted to marry Portia.

      3. Why do you think it was not possible for Bassanio to marry Portia without money?

      Bassanio had no money while Portia was rich. Perhaps it was not the custom for a poor man to marry a rich lady at that time.

      ★on the sea 在海邊,臨海 Dalian is on the sea.

      ★beyond/over the sea(s) 在海外;往或在被海洋所隔開的國家

      ★the high seas 外海;海洋

      ★at sea 離開陸地;不見陸地; 在海上

      He was buries on the sea.

      ★all/completely at sea 茫然;迷惑;不知所措

      He was all at sea when he began his new job.

      ★She loves Bassanio but they cannot get married because he is too poor.

      marry vi

      She married young (=at a young age)

      People in higher social classes are more likely to marry late

      marry vt

      1). marry sb 嫁,娶,與……結婚

      I'm going to ask her to marry me on St Valentine's Day.

      2). marry somebody (off) to somebody把……

      She was determined to marry all of her daughters to rich men.

      They married her off to the first young man who came along.

      3). get married 結婚

      Tom and Alice are going to get married.

      4). marry sb 主持……的婚禮

      The priest who married us was really nice.

      ①在表示”與……結婚”時,不可用 with 應用 to

      He was married to a friend of mine.

      ②marry 是終止性動詞,表示結婚“多長時間”要用 be married


      She has been married to Robert for two years.

      = She married Robert two years ago.

      = It is two years since she married Robert.

      = Two years have passed since she married Robert.


      Are you married?

      Is he married?等.

      若 “未婚”, 答 I’m single.


      When were you married? 或

      When did you get married? 等.

      4. Who did Bassanio ask for help? What was the problem with Anotonio? How did they solve the problem?

      Bassanio asked his friend Antonio for help, but he had not enough money to lend to his friend then. Antonio decided to borrow money from Shylock.

      5. What was the agreement between Antonio and Shylock?

      If Antonio did not pay the money back at the end of three months, Shylock could take a pound of flesh from any part of Antonio’s body.

      ★pay back 還錢給某人

      pay somebody(sth)/something back

      I'll pay you back on Friday.

      We're paying back the loan over 15 years.

      Have you paid me back the money you owe me yet?

      pay somebody back for something 懲罰,報復

      I'll pay Jenny back for what she did to me!


      pay for sth

      1). 付錢買……,為……付錢 Mum paid for my driving lessons.

      2). 為某事吃苦頭或受懲罰 They paid dearly(深深地,昂貴 )for their mistakes.

      pay (something ) off

      1). 付清工資予以解雇,償清(欠款等)

      Two hundred workers have been paid off.

      I'll pay off all my debts first.

      2). 帶來好結果 Teamwork paid off.

      3). 賄賂某人

      pay (something) out

      1). (按時)為某事付巨款

      Why is it always me who has to pay out?

      Altogether he had paid out almost 5000 for the improvements.

      2). 松出(繩索等)

      pay up 付清全部欠款

      If you don’t pay up, I’ll take you to court. 如果你不還清欠款,我就到法院告你

      6. What news did Antonio receive after he had borrowed money from Shylock?

      All his ships were lost at sea.

      7. What did Portia decide to do ?

      She decided to dress up as a lawyer, dress up her maid Nerissa as a lawyer’s clerk, and both went to the court of the Duke to save Antonio.

      8. What did the Duke ask Shylock to do?

      To have mercy on Antonio.\To show mercy to Antonio.

      9. What did Bassanio decide to offer?

      He offered Shylock six thousand ducats for the three thousand that Antonio had borrowed.

      10. What was Shylock’s reply to their offer ?

      He still demanded his pound of flesh.

      11. Why do you think Shylock preferred to take his pound of flesh instead of accepting the money from Bassanio?

      He hated Antonio because Antonio had many times scolded him publicly for being greedy and cruel.




      你瘦了。You’re losing flesh.

      老虎是肉食動物。Tigers are flesh-eating animals.


      Have you ever tasted the flesh of the snake?


      My brother like meat while I like fish.

      這是什么肉?What kind of meat is it?

      12. What letter did Nerissa bring? What did the letter say?

      A letter from a famous lawyer. The lawyer could not come but was sending a learned doctor of law in his place.

      13. What are the two meanings of “I will pay him back with all my heart”?

      A. Literally (字面意), with the heart which he shall cut out of my body.

      B. Metaphorically(隱喻意),wholeheartedly, willingly.

      14. When Portia said “Your wife would not be pleased …”, who was she thinking of?

      Herself. She was Bassanio’s wife, but she was wearing the clothes of a lawyer, and Bassanio did not recognize who she was at that moment


      Review the Reading part.

      Read & do exx

      Explain & Do exx

      Read & anaswer

      Explain & do exx





      板書 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

      The 4th period


      ★pay back 還錢給某人

      pay somebody(sth)/something back

      I'll pay you back on Friday.

      pay somebody back for something 懲罰,報復

      I'll pay Jenny back for what she did to me!


      pay for sth

      1). 付錢買……,為……付錢 Mum paid for my driving lessons.

      2). 為某事吃苦頭或受懲罰 They paid dearly(深深地,昂貴 )for their mistakes.

      pay (something ) off

      1). 付清工資予以解雇,償清(欠款等)

      Two hundred workers have been paid off.

      2). 帶來好結果 Teamwork paid off.

      3). 賄賂某人

      pay (something) out

      1). (按時)為某事付巨款

      Altogether he had paid out almost 5000 for the improvements.

      2). 松出(繩索等)

      pay up 付清全部欠款

      If you don’t pay up, I’ll take you to court. 如果你不還清欠款,我就到法院告你

      教學后記 Some Ss can’t remember all the plot of the story.



      課題 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Reading 課型 New


      目標 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Get the students to understand his play.

      3. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      重點 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      難點 Help the students to learn to be more creative.

      學情分析 The Ss can finish the task.

      教具課件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

      教法 1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

      2.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.

      3.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

      教學程序 教學內容(引入、例題、練習題、檢測題等) 師生

      活動 時間分配

      Step 1

      Step 2

      Step 3

      Step 4 Lead-in:


      Shylock begs for mercy. He is punished though not killed.



      1).beg to do something 懇求做……

      The children begged to come with us.

      2). beg somebody to do something懇求某人做……

      I begged Helen to stay, but she wouldn't listen.

      3).beg (somebody) for something/beg (something) from somebody 向某人乞求….

      She ran to the nearest house and begged for help. 他依靠向富人行乞為生

      He made a living by begging from the rich.

      4). beg (sth) of sb (to do sth) 懇求某人做……

      beg a favor of sb 懇求某人幫忙

      They begged of us not to punish them. 他們懇求我們不要處罰他們

      5). beg leave to do something (=ask permission to do something)請允許做…

      2. What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?

      have sb in one’s power 能左右某人 have power over sb 對某人有控制力

      fall into sb’s power 落入某人的控制中 in power 當權,執政 come to power 上臺,當權

      3. may/might (just) as well do sth 還是做……的好,不妨做……

      The taxi was so slow we might just as well have gone to there by bus.

      4. Question

      1) What did Duke ask Shylock to do?

      Have mercy on …, be reasonable…

      2) What did Shylock insist on?

      Insist on…, desire …

      3) What was Bassanio willing to do ?

      Pay …six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that…

      4) What about Antonio ?

      It’s useless trying …, you might as well… Don’t wait .., pass judgement on me and give…

      5) How did Portia enter the court? Dressed as a judge

      6) What did she do before declaring Shylock’s taking a pound of flesh from Antonio?

      Mercy falls like.., it blesses…

      7) What’s Bassanio’s further willingness?

      Ten times the money…,

      8) What’s Shylock’s attitude?

      Expect.., sworn to heaven …, not a requirement…, there’s nothing…

      9) According to the law, shall Shylock get the pound of flesh?

      It’s impossible to change the law.

      10) What’s Portia’s declare?

      Declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.

      11) How do things change? How does the wise learned Portia save Antonio’s life?

      Cut off one pound of flesh, no more, no less,

      If…, ….

      12) Did the Duck show mercy to Shylock?

      Shall not have you killed but as your punishment…

      13) How did Antonio deal with the money which came to him?

      Give up… leave … to

      14) How did Shylock feel?

      As dear to me as life itself, my only comfort,…

      5. Discussion

      The theme

      Love is the most beautiful in the world

      Love and friendship Hatred and revenge

      A pound of flesh A pound of flesh

      Antonio Shylock

      Language points

      1. It’s useless trying to argue with Shylock.

      It’s useless / no use doing sth. 做……是沒用的

      It was useless complaining.

      2. argue with sb about/ over sth (與某人)爭論(某事)

      1) He was arguing with his parents about how to spend the money.

      2) The children were arguing over which TV programme to watch

      3. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants

      pass sth on sth/sb 對…表示(意見); 對… 處刑

      1) Pass sentence on an accused man 將被告判刑

      2) I can’t pass an opinion on your work without seeing it


      4. 倍數的表示方法

      A is three times the size ( height, length, width, etc.) of B

      A is three times as big (high ,long, wide, etc.) as B

      A is three times larger (higher, longer, wider, etc.) than B

      但二倍可以用 twice(adv.) 或 double (adj)

      e.g. The room is twice the size of that one.

      Our total income of 2002 was double that of 1998.

      5. desire

      1) n. strong wish渴望;心愿

      have desire for sth / to do sth

      1) He had no desire to return to her family.

      2) We all have desire for happiness and friendship

      2. vt. 期望;渴望;希望得到

      desire sth/(sb) to do sth/that…(should) do

      1) I desire to see you.

      2) They desire him to go there at once.

      3) I desire that these letters be burnt after my death.

      learned: adj. having much knowledge 有學問的;博學的

      He’s a very learned man.

      6. envy 嫉妒,羨慕

      envy sth / sb.

      envy sb. sth.

      admire sb. for sth.

      I envy you your good health.

      feel envy at\of 對…感到羨慕,嫉妒

      7. seat

      1) take one’s seat /be seated 就座

      ① She bought a magazine and took her seat in the train.

      ② He then asked me to be seated.

      2) seat oneself 使某人就座

      He seated himself in front of the classroom.

      3) seat: 可容納…座位

      That hall can seat 500 students.

      8. accuse

      What are you accused of?

      accuse sb of (doing) sth 指責,控告某人某事

      1) He was accused of murder.

      2) Smith accused her of lying.

      9. …let me tear up this paper

      1) tear up ①撕毀=tear sth into pieces ②不履行

      He tore up all the letters he had sent her.

      He accused his secretary of tearing up the agreement.

      2). tear down弄倒,拆除

      tear at 撕扯

      tear off 扯掉;匆匆寫成;匆匆做成

      tear oneself away 忍痛舍去

      He couldn’t tear himself away from the book. 他看書看得愛不釋手。

      10) I have sworn to heaven to have my pound of flesh. 我已經對天發誓要得到我的一鎊肉。

      swear sth/to do sth/that…(should) do

      1) The criminal swore to tell the truth before the judge.

      2) I swear that you are completely wrong.

      3) He swore eternal love to her.

      11) offer sth up: 奉獻…

      A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess.

      12) deed 行動,所做的事

      do the deed 付諸行動,生效

      do good deeds 做好事


      Read the text

      Do exx & explain

      Read & answer






      板書 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

      The 5th period



      1).beg to do something 懇求做……

      The children begged to come with us.

      2). beg somebody to do something懇求某人做……

      I begged Helen to stay, but she wouldn't listen.

      3).beg (somebody) for something/beg (something) from somebody 向某人乞求….

      She ran to the nearest house and begged for help. 他依靠向富人行乞為生

      4). beg (sth) of sb (to do sth) 懇求某人做……

      beg a favor of sb 懇求某人幫忙

      They begged of us not to punish them. 他們懇求我們不要處罰他們

      5). beg leave to do something (=ask permission to do something)請允許做…


      A is three times the size ( height, length, width, etc.) of B

      A is three times as big (high ,long, wide, etc.) as B

      A is three times larger (higher, longer, wider, etc.) than B

      但二倍可以用 twice(adv.) 或 double (adj)

      e.g. The room is twice the size of that one.

      Our total income of 2002 was double that of 1998.

      3. may/might (just) as well do sth 還是做……的好,不妨做……

      The taxi was so slow we might just as well have gone to there by bus.

      教學后記 Too many language points for Ss to learn.



      課題 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Reading 課型 New


      目標 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Get the students to understand his play.

      3. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      重點 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      難點 Help the students to learn to be more creative.

      學情分析 The Ss can finish the task.

      教具課件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

      教法 1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

      2.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.

      3.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

      教學程序 教學內容(引入、例題、練習題、檢測題等) 師生

      活動 時間分配

      Step 1

      Step 2

      Step 3 Reading

      1.declare: 宣布,聲明

      declare sth/sb/sth (to be)/ that…

      1) declare war on the old world

      2) declare him to be innocent

      3) He declared that it was true.

      2. cruel adj. 殘忍的;殘酷的

      be cruel to sb or sth

      Don’t be cruel to animals. 不要虐待動物。

      3. bend one’s knee to sb 屈服于某人/bring sb. to his knees 迫使某人屈服

      Nothing can bring us to our knees.


      1. Filling in the following passage :

      Bassanio fell in love with Portia, but he could not ask her to marry him because he was poor. His best friend Antonio, a merchant of Venice, was willing to help him, but he had no money just then. Antonio went to Shylock, a moneylender, for help. Having been scolded by Antonio for being cruel and greedy, Shylock hated him, however, he agreed to lend him the money on condition that Antonio would allow_ him to take a pound of his flesh if he could not repay him within three months.

      With the money Antonio had borrowed from Shylock, Bassanio married Portia, but unfortunately, Antonio lost all his ships at sea. He would have to give Shylock a pound of his flesh. Hearing the news, Bassanio went to his friend right away. At the court, the Duke tried hard to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio, but Shylock insisted on having a pound of his flesh. Even though/if Bassanio would pay him double the money Antonio had borrowed, Shylock would not change his mind. While the Duke was wondering what to do, a young man arrived, who was pretending to be a famous lawyer. It was Portia. After she entered the room, she took her seat as judge. She knew how to deal with this troublesome case.

      ★insist on , persist in , stick to

      insist on 多用于堅持意見,看法,主張

      persist in 一般用于堅持行動,有時用于固執己見

      stick to 多用于堅持原則,計劃,諾言,決定

      He always sticks to his promise. That is why he is respected greatly.

      The boy insists on his own views.

      She persists in taking her dog with her, even in hospital.

      2. Proof reading

      Bassanio needed money when he wanted to marry

      the rich and beautiful Portia. He asked his best friend

      Antonio with help. As Antonio’s ships were at sea, for

      he had no money in hand. He borrowed money

      from Shylock and gave them to Bassanio, who it

      happily married to the lady he loved. to

      Shylock was a cruel moneylender. He lent

      Antonio money on condition that Antonio would the


      give him one pound of his flesh if he fail to pay failed

      back the money at the end of three months.


      1). tear somebody away from 勉強使某人離開

      We finally managed to tear him away from the TV. 他看書看得不忍擇手

      He couldn’t tear himself away from the book.

      2). tear down弄倒

      They are tearing down those old houses to build a new office block.

      3). tear something off 匆匆寫成, 匆匆做成,獲得

      tear off a letter in five minutes

      tear off a piece of music 匆匆演奏一支曲子

      3. Expressions

      1.撕毀tear up 2. 獻上,獻出offer up

      3.跪下go down on knees 4. 對……表示憐憫have mercy on

      5.在……看來in the eyes of 6. 到目前為止as far as

      7.償還,報答pay back 8. 畢竟,終究after all

      9.轉身turn around

      4. Multiple Choice

      1. ____ he can come to my party and ____ his present.

      A. hope, hope for B. hope, hope C. hope for, hope D. hope for, hope for

      2. – Shall we go swimming? -- OK. I’ll just go and get ____.

      A. to change B. myself changed C. changed D. to be changed

      3. I shall stay in the hotel all day ____ there is news of the missing child.

      A. in case B. no matter C. in any case D. ever since

      4. Some steps have been taken to protect the forest ____.

      A. from being destroyed B. from destroying C. to destroy D. to be destroyed

      5. ____ in the newspaper, the new president will take office next week.

      A. It is reported B. Which is reported C. It is reporting D. As is reported

      6. We all know that ____ speak louder than words.

      A. movements B. performances C. operations D. action

      7. I don’t think this matter is worth ____.

      A. worrying B. to worry C. worrying about D. to worry about

      8. ____ working tirelessly for the hungry, the homeless and the sick, mother was awarded the Nobel Peace prize.

      A. Because B. Owing to C. Thanks for D. As

      9. ____ what he said that day, I didn’t believe him any more.

      A. Because B. Because of C. As D. For

      10. – Your brother has two children, doesn’t he? – That’s right. He ____ in 1972.

      A. did marriage B. was married to C. married with D. got married

      11. It was very difficult to build the Great Wall without modern machines. All the work had to be done ____.

      A. with hand B. by hand C. with hands D. by hands

      12. I can lend you the money ____ you give it back at the end of the three weeks.

      A. in a condition that B. on condition that C. on the condition if D. on condition whether

      13. ____ their children, the old couple live a very happy life.

      A. Be proud of B. Proud of C. Take pride in D. Taking pride for

      14. They were lost at sea, ____ mercy of the winds and waves.

      A. at B. at the C. in D. in the

      15. It has been announced that candidates ____ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

      A. can B. will C. may D. shall


      ★condition [U] & [C] 狀態,健康狀態;條件。

      (1) My car is old but in good condition.

      (2) He has been out of condition for two weeks.

      (3) I will lend you money on this condition.

      (4)Their working conditions (situation) are improving.

      ★①on condition that 在…條件下。后接同位語從句,

      He’ll lend you the money on condition that you return it on time.


      ②on no condition

      You should on no condition smoke at school.

      我決不會同意。On no condition shall I agree.

      ③on one condition 規定一個條件

      I will let you go on one condition.

      ④on this/that/no/what condition在(這種/那種/沒有/什么)情形下

      You must on no condition tell him what has happened.

      16. There is a ____ that we’ll have a good harvest.

      A. sign B. mark C. signal D. news

      17. You can ____ a good result in the exams.

      A. hope B. hope for C. hope to D. wish

      18. They ____ the agreement and broke their promise.

      A. tore up B. tore down C. tore D. tore at

      19. We should ____ others. Don’t be so bitter .

      A. show mercy to B. have mercy on C. have mercy to D. A or B

      20. Someone wants to ____ you. ____ he come in?

      A. ask, Shall B. ask for, Will C. ask, Will D. ask for, Will

      21. He is a boy with ____.

      A. so wise head B. a so wise head C. so wise a head D. such wise head


      ★His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke.

      1)用于陳述句的第二,第三人稱中,表示說話者的意圖,允諾,警告,命令,決心等 “必須,應,可”

      ① You shall get the answer right this afternoon.

      ②You shall not leave your post. 你不得離開崗位

      ③The enemy shall be wiped out

      2)在條約,規章,法令等文件中表示義務或規定,一般用于第三人稱 “應,必須”

      All payments(付款) shall be made in cash.

      3)用于第一, 第三人稱的疑問句中,表示征求對方意見“…好嗎? 要不要…?”

      ① What shall I get for dinner?

      ② Shall he come in or stay out?

      Homework 1. Read the text


      Do exx & explain

      Do exx & explain

      Do exx & Explain




      板書 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

      The 6th period


      ★1.declare: 宣布,聲明

      declare sth/sb/sth (to be)/ that…

      1) declare war on the old world

      2) declare him to be innocent

      3) He declared that it was true.

      ①on condition that 在…條件下。后接同位語從句,

      He’ll lend you the money on condition that you return it on time.


      ②on no condition

      You should on no condition smoke at school.

      我決不會同意。On no condition shall I agree.

      ③on one condition 規定一個條件

      I will let you go on one condition.

      ④on this/that/no/what condition在(這種/那種/沒有/什么)情形下

      You must on no condition tell him what has happened.

      教學后記 The Ss are doing well in then multiple choice.



      課題 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Reading 課型 New


      目標 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Get the students to understand his play.

      3. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      重點 1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.

      2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

      難點 Help the students to learn to be more creative.

      學情分析 The Ss can finish the task.

      教具課件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

      教法 1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

      2.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.

      3.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

      教學程序 教學內容(引入、例題、練習題、檢測題等) 師生

      活動 時間分配

      Step 1

      Step 2

      Step 3 Multiple Choice

      22. I know he ____ that beautiful girl.

      A. in love with B. love with C. is in love with D. is love with

      23. I’ll go with you to the mountain ____.

      A. on condition B. on one condition C. on condition that D. in one condition

      24. We don’t doubt __ he’ll give us much help, __ we doubt is ___ he’ll come on time.

      A. whether, what, when B. that, what, whether

      C. whether, what, whether D. what, why, whether

      25. I was about to go out for a concert ____ a friend of mine, ____ I hadn’t seen for years.

      A. while, who B. when, whose C. when, who D. as, that

      26. ____ everyone can hear the speaker, there is no ____ to turn up the radio.

      A. Now that, point B. Even if, point C. Now that, need D. Even if, need

      27. Last summer holiday, I went back to my hometown, ____ the neighbour and the house ____ I used to be familiar with were gone.

      A. only finding, which B. only to find, that C. to find, whom D. found, that

      28. ____ at failing in the maths exam, John wouldn’t like to talk about it to his parents.

      A. Disappointed B. To be disappointed C. Disappointing D. Having disappointed

      29. It is said that he has a gift ____.

      A. for a music B. for the music C. for music D. to music

      30. The electricity ____ so we had to stop our production.

      A. cut off B. was cut off C. were cut off D. was cut up

      31. He owed his thanks ____ his parents

      A. to B. for C. at D. with

      32. If you help me with my bag, you ____ get twenty yuan as a pay.

      A. will B. shall C. are going D. must

      33. I admired my classmates Lisa very much, ____ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.

      A. Except for B. But for C. Apart from D. In spite of

      35. To my ____, I found my mobile phone at the back of the taxi, ____ others couldn’t possibly see before.

      A. surprise, that B. joy, which C. delight, where D. sorry, when

      36. The Yellow River is ____ the Pearl River.

      A. two times long as B. as two times long as

      C. as twice longer as D. twice as long as

      (1) A is 倍數 the size ( length / height /width ) of B

      (2) A is 倍數 as big ( long , high , wide ) as B

      (3) A is 倍數 bigger ( longer , higher ) than B

      The new building is three times the size of the old one.

      =The new building is three times as big as the old one.

      =The new building is twice bigger than the old one.

      37. It sometimes happens that some people are in a position that they can make an important decision about a person they hate. where

      38. Have you seen her recently?

      Yes. ____ that I met her in the cinema yesterday. (C)

      A. It happened B. It happens C. It so happened D. It so happens

      1). It (so) happens that… 碰巧……

      It so happened that I had no money with me.

      2). happen to do something 碰巧做……

      I happened to see James in town. = It happened that I saw James in town.

      3). as it happens 碰巧

      As it happens, I know someone who might be able to help you.

      make/ reach/ come to/ arrive at/ take a decision about/on sth 對……

      We finally came to a firm decision on the matter.

      39. How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show neither? none

      none 代詞 指代上文中的名詞

      I wish I could offer you some cake but there's none left.

      Although these were good students, none had a score above 60.

      'Was there any mail?' 'No, none at all.'

      1). will/would have none of something 不容許,不理睬

      We offered to pay our half of the cost but Charles would have none of it

      2). none other than somebody 就是

      The mystery guest turned out to be none other than Cher herself.

      3).none but somebody 僅僅

      a task that none but a man of genius could ac

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