Words and Expression
1.curse n. 1)a rude or offensive word or phrase people use when they are angry (罵人話)
eg. He muttered a curse at the other driver.
2)a word or phrase that has a magic power to make sth bad happen (咒, 咒語)
eg. The family thought that they were under a curse.
3)somethinng that causes harm or evil (禍根)
eg. Noise is a curse of modern city life.
v. to swear
eg. He hit his head as he stood up and cursed loudly. 他站起來時撞了頭,便大罵.
curse sb / sth for sth咒罵…,詛咒…
eg. She cursed her bad luck.
He cursed himself for his stupidity.
brave adj. not afraid.
It was brave of you to do so.=You were brave to do so.
bravely adv. bravery n.
2.explore v.
1)explore for sth: to travel to or around a place to learn about it (勘探,考察)
eg. companies exploring for oil
2) to examine sth completely or carefully to find more about sth (探索,探討)
eg. These ideas will be explored in more detail in chapter 7.
exploration n. carry out space exploration
oil exploration
explorer n.
3.curious adj.
1)having a strong desire to know about
be curious about/ to do
eg. Children are always curious about everything around them.
eg. He is curious to know what is written in his letter.
2)strange and unusual 稀奇古怪的,難以解釋的
It is/was curious that…
It is curious that she left without saying goodbye.
curiosity 好奇心,求知欲
out of curiosity出于好奇
Children show curiosity about everything.
4.set sail
eg. Early in the morning, they set sail southward.
set sail for sp. 啟程前往…
eg. We set sail for home.
sail v. to begin a journey on water 航行,起航
eg. Our ship will sail for Stockholm tonight.
sailor a sailing ship go sailing
5.fortune. n.
1) a very large amount of money 大筆的錢,巨款
They must have spent a fortune on that house.
cost/spend/be worth a fortune
a small fortune= a lot of money
make a / one’s fortune =make a lot of money in business
2).chance, and the good or bad influence that it has on your life運氣,命運
have the good fortune to do sth.
I had the good fortune to be invited to stay in Rome.我運氣好,受邀去羅馬小住。
ill-fortune= bad luck
tell one’s fortune 算命 fortune-teller 算命的人
fortunate adj. fortunately adv.
6.preserve v.
1)to keep a particular quality, feature, etc. to make sure that sth is kept 保護,維護
eg. I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.
eg. The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.
2)to keep sth in its original state in good condition 維持原狀
eg. It’s the duty of police to preserve public order. 警察的責任是維護公共秩序
preservation n. 保護,維護
preserver 保護人,維護者
7. come across 偶然遇到,發(fā)現(xiàn)
run into 偶然遇到
run across 偶然遇到
come over 來訪,拜訪;過來
come out 出版; (太陽、月亮、星辰)出現(xiàn)
come on 快點,加油
come at 撲向,向……逼近
come down (價格,水平)降低
come along 進步,好轉(zhuǎn)
come up 被提到,被討論
come to 總計,清醒過來
8.content n.
1).(plural) the things that are inside a box, bag, room 容納的東西
The box had fallen over, and some of the contents had spilled out.箱子翻了,里面的一些東西散落出來。
2)。The things that are written in a letter, book (信、書的)內(nèi)容
If the contents of this letter become known to the Foreign Secretary, there would be grave consequences.如果信的內(nèi)容被外交大臣知道的話,后果非常嚴重。
adj. happy and satisfied.愜意的,滿足的(不用于名詞前)
She is content with her job at the moment.
John is quite content to watch television for hours at a stretch.
9.Swallow v.
To make food or drink go down your throat and towards your stomach 吞下,咽下
He swallowed the last of his coffee and asked for the bill.
Swallow up 吞并;耗盡,用盡
n. 燕子;吞、咽
10.coincidence n.
the fact of two things happening at the same time by chance, in a surprising way. 巧合,一致
eg.What a coincidence! I wasn’t expecting to see you here.
eg. It’s not a coincidence that none of the directors are women.
coincide v. to take place at the same time
It’s a pity out trips to New York don’t coincide.
coincident adj. 同時發(fā)生的, 巧合的
coincidentally adv. 一致地, 巧合地
11.disturb v
1) to interrupt sb so that they can not continue what they are doing by asking a question.干擾,打擾,使中斷
Sorry to disturb you, but I have an urgent message from your husband.
Do not disturb。 請勿打擾。
disturb the peace 擾亂治安
disturbance n.
12.result n. result of sth
1)a thing that is caused or produced because of sth else.后果,結(jié)果
eg. She died as a result of her injuries.
as a result 結(jié)果 as a result of 由于…原因
eg.He made a mistake, and, as a result, lost his job.
eg. They will announce the result of the vote tonight.
3) the mark or the grade you get in an exam
eg. Have you had your results yet?
without result 毫無結(jié)果地
V. to happen because of sth else that happened first
result from 因…而發(fā)生
eg. His success results from working hard.
result in 造成,導致
eg. The earthquake has resulted in many thousands of deaths.
13. labour
(U) effort or work, especially physical work努力,勞動
Manual labour體力勞動
(U)all the people who work for a company or in a country勞工,工人
Skilled/unskilled labour cheap labour
v.1) to try very hard to do sth; struggle 努力做;奮爭
I’ve been labouring over this report all morning整個早上我都忙于這份報告。
Labour to do sth
Ray had little talent but laboured to acquire the skills of a writer.
2) to work hard 努力工作
Marina had laboured late into the night to finish her essay.
14. warning n.
1) [C,U] a statement, an event, etc. telling sb that sth bad or unpleasant may happen in the future so that they can avoid it 警示
eg. Doctors gave a warning against eating any fish caught in the river.
eg. Let me give you a word of warning.
2) [C] a statement telling sb that they will be punished if they continue to behave in a particular way 警告,告誡
eg. to give sb a final/ written warning
warn v. 1) to tell sb about sth, especially sth dangerous or unpleasant that is likely to happen so that they can avoid it
warn sb of sth
warn sb about/ against sb/ sth
warn that… 提醒注意/使警惕
eg. He warned us against pickpockets.
eg. She was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job.
eg. Police have warned of possible delays.
2) to strongly advise sb to do or not to do sth in order to avoid danger or punishment
勸告, 警告,告誡
warn sb against/about… warn sb (not) to do
eg. The guidebook warns against walking alone at night.
eg. He warned her to keep away from the dog.
15. inspire v
1) to encourage sb by making them feel confident and eager to achieve sth great. 鼓舞,激勵
inspire sb to sth
I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts.希望這次成功能激勵你加倍努力。
inspire sb to do sth
His speech inspired us to try again.
inspiring adj. inspried adj. inspiration n.
16.discourage v.
1)to make sb think that they will not be able to succeed in doing sth so that they no longer want to continue doing it 使灰心,使喪氣
Students get discouraged if you criticize them too often.
2)to prevent or try to prevent sb from doing sth.設法阻止
Discourage sb from doing sth.
We ought to be focusing on discouraging children from smoking.我們應該把重點放在勸阻孩子不要吸煙上。
discouraging adj. discouragement n.
encourage sb to do sth.
16. desire
v. to want or hope for sth very much 想要,希望(正式,不用于進行時)
desire to do sth
Anyone who desires to vote must come to the meeting.
desire sb to do sth
The prince desired her to be his queen.
n. a strong hope or wish 渴望;欲望
a desire for knowledge
Anna has a desire to travel.
show/ express a desire 表現(xiàn)/表達意愿
have no desire to do sth 不想做某事
desirable adj. 值得擁有的,值得做的。
17.a(chǎn)pply v.
1)to make a formal, usually written request for sth such as a job, a place in university.申請
I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.
Tom applied for a post of secretary.
Apply to sb for sth.向某人申請某物
2) to use sth such as a method , idea, or law in particular situation, activity, or process. 應用,使用,運用
apply sth to
Theories should be applied to practice.
aply oneself 致力于,鉆心于
aplied adj. applied science/ physics/ linguistics
aplication n. application forms
18. superior
n. someone who has a higher rank or position than you, especially in a job. 上司,上級,長官
sb’s immediate superior 某人的頂頭上司。
Adj. 1) having a higher position or rank than someone else.職位更高,上級的
A superior court 上級法院
2)better , more powerful, more effective than a similar person or thing 更好的, 更強的,更有效的
The products produced in this factory are superior to those made its rivals.
superiority n.
19. quality n.
1) Sth such as courage, intelligence, or loyalty that people may have as part of their character 品德,品性
You need special personal qualities to work as a nurse.
2) the degree to which sth is good or bad質(zhì)量,品質(zhì)
The higher the price the better the quality
high quality quality of life
3)sth such as size, colour, feel or weight that make one thing different from other things 性質(zhì),特性
The analysis looks at the physical and chenical qualities of the sample.該分析是測定樣品的物理和化學特性的。
4)a high standard 優(yōu)質(zhì)的,高水準的
He is an actor of real quality. 他是一個非常優(yōu)秀的演員。
qualify v. qualified adj.