班級 高三( ) 姓名 等第
Module 9 Unit 3 Project
Learning aims:
1. Help students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together
2. Read a magazine article about colours and cultures.
Important points & difficult points:
1. How to complete a project.
2. Learn something about colours and cultures.
Step1 : Lead-in
Encourage Ss’ interest by showing them a short film about colours.
1. What is your favorite color? Why do you like it?
2. Why do different people have different ideas about the same color?
3. What are the colors of the five rings on the Olympic flags? What do the colors represent?
Step2: Structure analysis
How is information organized in the article?
Part 1.( 1 ) Color can express different feelings
Part 2.( 2-6 ) Explanation of different colors and what they symbolize in different areas
Part 3.( 7 ) Don’t be arbitrary when choosing an outfit.
Step3: Detailed reading for important information
1. Read the passage again and take note of each color mentioned in the passage. Fill the blanks.
color Meaning
Positive Country/region ___Negayive_________ Country/region
red ___ celebration______ and good luck China __violence______ and warning of danger The USA
happiness China sadness South Africa
_bravery _____ many countries
yellow happiness and joy mourning and the__loss_____ of loved ones Egypt
hope the USA
courage Japan Being not brave, or a coward Western countries, such as the USA and the UK
peace India
green __growth________, health and the environment Ireland envy and jealousy Western countries. Such as the USA and the UK
hope and spring ancient Egypt __inexperience______
black being cool and elegant Western countries evil Western countries
wealth mourning Western countries
white cleanliness, virtue and innocence Western countries mourning China
holiness In Christian countries
Step 4 將短語與中文意思連線
1. under the color 負債
2. a black sheep 盈利
3. feel blue 在….方面無經驗
4. be green with envy 憂郁
5. be green at 在…..幌子下
6. in the black 害群之馬
7. in the red 善意的謊言
8. white lies 嫉妒
Step 5 Language points
1. 【原句回放】Rose are red, violets are blue, but which of the two really suits you? (P46)
【語言點】辨析 fit & suit & match
fit 指大小、尺寸形狀合適,引申為“吻合”,也可指資格、能力適合要求,含有稱職或勝任的意思
suit 指口味、性格、時間、氣候,也指衣服的顏色、花樣、款式適合某人
match 和……相配,指大小、色調、形狀、性質等的搭配;與…..匹配;與…相符合
【小試】用suit, fit, match 填空
1. No dish _suits______ all tastes.
2. Try the new key and see if it _fits______.
3 .The curtains don’t match________ the paint.
4. The color of the cloth _suits______ a woman at my wife’s age.
5. What he said didn’t _match___the fact.
1. - How about eight o' clock outside the cinema?
-That _______ me fine.
A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits
2. You should _______ your product ________ the market, which is the correct way to earn money.
A. suit; to B. fit; to C. subject; to D. match; to
3. I can’t go that far .Long plane trips don’t_______ me.
A. agree with B. agree to C. fit for D. match with
4. He knows a lot about film .No one in our class can______ him in that knowledge.
A. catch B. suit C. compare D. match
5. Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to ________, so she left.
A. show off B. go up C. fit in D. come over.
2.【原句回放】 While it is generally true to say that humans like color, our choices are not necessarily random.
The same color can have a positive meaning in one culture, while in another, a negative meaning.
【語言點】while 1) 當…..的時候 2)___然而,卻_________ 3_盡管__________
【復習】 when 1) 當…..的時候 2) ___就在這時__________ 3) _既然_,考慮到
1._______ I really don’t like art, I find his work impressive. (2007山東)
A. Since B. If C. While D. As
2. We were on the point of discussing financial investment ________the telephone rang unexpectedly.
A .while B. when C. as D. once
3. How can they learn anything ________ they spend all their spare time watching TV?
A. while B. unless C. when D. until
4. The girl had hardly rung the bell _______the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her. (2010福建)
A. when B .as C. since D. until
【語言點】random adj任意的,隨便的 a random choice
at random 隨意地,任意地 open the book at random
3.【原句回放】 Usually associated with positive meanings, green is most strongly connected to life.
【語言點】1) associate A with B /be associated with 與…有聯系,把….聯系在一起
1._Facing/Faced with_(face) the difficulties, he never gave up.
2.__Devoted__(devote) to a simple life in the service of others, he won a widespread respect.
3.__Dressed_________ (dress) in white , she looks like an angel.
4.Seated__________ (seat) in the fist line, he enjoyed the wonderful performance happily.
4. 【原句回放】Another negative way green is used is when it refers to someone with little experience.
比較:The way ___(that/in which__)_______ he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.
The way _that/which__________he explained to us was quite simple.
5. The idiom ‘in the black’ also conveys the positive meaning of having money or that a business is making a profit.
【語言點】 convey vt. 傳達,傳遞,表達 convey sth to sb;
運送,搬運,轉運 convey sth/sb from …..to….
I find it hard to convey my feelings in words.
Passengers are conveyed by bus to the airport.
【拓展】communicate …..to…把…..傳達給…
6.You might make an unconscious statement about yourself that you not want to make.
【語言點】 unconscious adj 無意識的,下意識的;失去知覺的,神智不清的
conscious adj consciousness n 意識
The injured man was unconscious but still alive.
He is conscious of being watched.
Teachers are interestingly conscious of the importance of Tnternet._________________________________________________________
【拓展】 be aware of be sensitive to
1. 未必___not necessarily____ 2.表達情感地手段 a medium for expressing feelings
3. 意識到 be conscious of 4..與….有聯系 be associated with
5. 損失的象征 a symbol of loss 6.希望的標志 a sign of hope
7. 傳達積極的意思 convey positive meanings 8.獲利 make a profit
9. 比如 for instance 10 隨意地 at random
11. 對….隨心所欲 be arbitrary about 12.做….不合適 It’s inappropriate to do..
13. 與事實相一致 match the fact/correspond to…
14.從負面意義上看 on the negative side 15. 在一些情況下 in some cases
二 詞型轉換
1. symbol n.------- _symbolize___v. 2. emotion n.--------___emotional_____ adj
3. political adj ------_politics_____n -----___politician___n
4. brave adj------___bravery_____n 5.associate v-------__association n.
6. representation n.------_represent_v-----____representative_n
7.medium n ------ __media________(復數) 8.suitv.-----__suitable__adj ---___suited__adj