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      Teaching plan for unit 12, Module IV,BNUP(北師大版高一英語必修四教案教學設計)

      發布時間:2016-9-17 編輯:互聯網 手機版

      Unit 12 Words and Expressions



      ☆Read a letter; magazine pages and what people say on radio show.

      ☆Talk about different cultures and manners and do role plays.

      ☆Listen to different accents, and interview and some dialogues.

      ☆Write an informal letter.

      ☆Learn about verbs followed by –ing form or infinitives and Present Participles.

      I. Listening: Listen to three people taking. Which country are they from?

      Tape script

      1. Our typical way of life? Well, we’re a beach culture, you know. We spend a lot of time at the beach, surfing, swimming, eating, partying-we even have our Christmas dinner on the beach, you know! It’s the weather, you see, always lots of sunshine. And as for free we are just crazy about sport-cricket, rugby, tennis. I guess most of us spend our holidays on the coast in our country-it’s very expensive to go abroad, you know. Everywhere’s just so far away!

      2. Well, it’s a big country, so it’s kind of hard to say what’s typical. Like the weather-we’ve got all kinds of different climates. Our way of life, well, I guess it’s fast, so the food is fast, too, lots of hamburgers and hot dogs. What else? Er, I guess we watch a lot of TV in our free time-there are hundreds of channels on 24 hours a day. Er, we go to the movies a lot, too. And sport is very big. Our basketball and football stars earn millions of dollars. Most of us go on holiday in our own country, it’s so big and there are so many wonderful places to visit. You should come and visit us!

      3. It’s difficult to say what is typical, as we’ve become such a multicultural society. Our weather hasn’t changed though and people still spend a lot of time talking about it! In terms of food, our traditional roast beef or fish and chips are not as popular as they used to be. People eat a lot more “international” food these days: Italian food, Indian food, that kind of thing. Free time? If you go to a park any weekend, you’ll see lots of people jogging, walking or fishing. There are a lot of fitness fanatics! We like watching sport too, especially football, though our national teams always seem to lose! A lot of us go abroad for our holidays every year. Greece and Italy are the most popular destination, probably because the weather’s so nice. There we are. I’ve mentioned the weather again!

      II. Talking: Which things are very different from where you live? Which things would you like to dislike?

      Lesson 1 Visiting Britain

      Teaching aims:

      To practise using verbs+ing form or infinitives

      To practise reading a text and identifying paragraph topics

      Teaching difficulties:

      To practise using verbs+ing form or infinitives

      Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

      Teaching procedures:

      I. Warming up

      T: What do you know about Britain and the British people ? Can you introduce Britain national flay? Can you name national Britain song” ( God Save the Queen )

      II. Reading: After reading the text ask the question “Will the text mainly introduce these knowledge?” again. ( No! The text introduce to us how different culture it is between us. )

      Answer the following questions:

      1. In Britain how do you leave a tip?

      2. If you don’t get used to western food in Britain what should you do?

      3. What does the text mainly introduce?

      4. What do the British eat for breakfast?

      5. How much money do you should take for visiting Britain?

      6. Do you often laugh after listening to a joke in Britain?


      1.First check your bill to see if a tip is included or not. If it isn’t, leave 10% of the bill-even a bit more if the service is good.

      2. Every town in Britain has at least one Chinese restaurant.

      3. humor, tip, food, money, accommodation

      4. Bacon and eggs with a few slices of toast

      5. Traveller’s cheques

      6. You don’t think anything funny.

      III. Language points

      1. at least 至少

      That building must be at least 200 years old. 那座建筑至少有二百年的歷史.

      Birds use at least half of the air they take in to cool their bodies.


      2. get used to + n /v-ing 習慣于……

      I’ve got used to the hot food here. 我已習慣了這里辣的食物。

      We have got used to going to bed late. 我們已經習慣了晚睡。

      3. avoid doing something 避免做某事

      They all tried to avoid mentioning that mane. 他們都盡量避免提到那個名字。

      I looked down to avoid meeting his eyes. 我向下看以避免看到他的眼睛。

      4. suggest +n/ v-ing 建議

      I suggest going to Hawaii for our Christmas holiday. 我建議去夏威夷過圣誕節。

      suggest 從句中的謂語動詞+動詞原形

      I suggest he (should) solve the problem as soon as possible. 我建議他盡快把這個問題解決了。

      5. consider doing something 考慮做某事

      He wouldn’t consider making these changes. 他根本不想考慮做出這些改變。

      He considered talking to Jack in person. 他考慮與杰克私下談談。

      6. risk doing something 冒險做某事

      In the strong winds, we couldn’t risk putting the sails up, so we had no means of controlling the boat.


      They risked losing everything. 他們冒著失去一切的危險。

      7. Words: ( Lesson 1 )

      1. tip n. 尖端 pointed end of something

      We write with the tip of a pencil. 我們用鉛筆的尖端寫字。

      The tips of my fingers are cold. 我的手指尖是涼的。

      n. 裝在末端的東西 small piece at the end of something

      His name was on the tip of my tongue. 他的名字就掛在我的嘴邊。

      n. 小費 a small amount of money you give to a waiter, porter, etc.

      In the restaurant, they leave a tip to the waiter on the table. 在飯館里,他們把小費放在桌上給服務員。

      How much should we leave as a tip at the restaurant? 我們在飯館里給小費時在桌上留下多少錢呢?

      n. 指點;提示 little piece of advice

      He gave me some tips about gardening. 他在園藝方面給了我一些指點。

      v. 給小費;給賞錢 give extra money to someone after he has done a job

      Shall I tip the porter? 我要給搬行李的人小費嗎?

      In America, they usually tip taxi drivers. 在美國,人們一般要給出租汽車司機小費。

      2. owe v. 負債 to have to pay money to somebody, because you have borrowed it

      I owe him 5 yuan which he lent me last week. 我欠他五元錢,那是他上星期借給我的。

      They asked him to pay what he owed them. 他們要他償還欠他們的債務。

      How much do I owe you? 我欠你多少錢?

      The debt we owed them could never be paid. 他們對我們的恩惠我們永遠也報答不了。

      v. 感激;把……歸于 feel that someone has done a lot for you

      He owes his success to hard work and patience. 他把他的成就全歸功于勤奮和忍耐。

      We owe all our achievements to the correct leadership of the Party.


      He owes it to his doctor’s care that he is quite well again. 多虧醫生的照料,他的病才好了。

      She has owed it to herself for a long while to do some serious reading. 她早就應該認真看點書了。

      I owe you many thanks. 我該好好謝謝你。

      3. absorb vt. 吸收(水、熱、光等) to take or suck in, eg. water, heat, light, etc.

      A sponge absorbs water. 海綿吸水。

      The heat is absorbed by the water. 熱量被水吸收了。

      vt. 吸引注意力 to take up all the attention of

      His task absorbs him. 他的工作占了他全副精神。

      vt. 吸收(學問,知識) take (learning; knowledge) into the mind

      He absorbed the point of view of his teacher. 他接受了老師的觀點。

      The students can absorb the lesson in an hour. 學生們一小時能接受一課書。

      be absorbed in ???

      4. brief adj. 短暫的 short; lasting only a short time

      He made a brief stay in Beijing. 他在北京小住。

      We had a brief holiday. 我們過了一個短暫的假期

      adj. 簡短的 using few words; speaking shortly

      His words are brief. 他的話很簡潔。

      brief case 公事包 a brief note 便條

      in brief 簡言之 in a few words

      In brief, the matter stands thus. 簡單地說,事情是這樣的。

      5. exchange vt. 交換,調換 give one thing and get another thing for it

      Will you exchange seats with me? 你愿同我調換座位嗎?

      He exchanged the plough for the sword. 他以犁換劍(化干戈為玉帛)。

      n. 交換;互換;交換物 the act of exchanging; giving and taking; that which is exchanged

      Let’s have an exchange of views on the matter. 讓我們對這件事交換一下意見吧。

      in exchange for 作為交換 in the place of something that you have given to someone

      I’ll give you three sweets in exchange for an apple. 我拿三塊糖換你一個蘋果。

      n. 外匯兌換;兌換率 the giving and receiving of the money of one country for that of another; relation in value between kinds of money used in different countries

      What is the exchange (i.e. for money) today? 今日匯率如何?

      n. 電話總機;交換臺;電話局 a central telephone office

      n. 交換所;交易所 a place where men trade

      a stock exchange 證券交易所

      a telephone exchange 電話局

      6. wander vi. 漫游;閑逛 to go from place to place with no special purpose

      The boys wandered around the town with nothing to do. 那些男孩無所事事,在鎮上到處閑逛。

      For three months they wandered in Europe. 他們在歐洲這兒那兒地逛了三個月。

      After lunch I wandered alone about the town. 吃過午飯之后,我一個人在城里轉了轉。

      vi. 迷失方向 leave the right way or direction

      He wandered from the right path. 他陷入歧途。

      We wandered for miles and miles in the mist. 我們在霧中亂走了好些英里。

      vi. 流浪 journey through (a place) without a settled course

      In those years, poverty stricken, hungry refugees wandered about the countryside.


      Before liberation, I was always wandering with my family from place to place, making a precious living.


      wander from the subject 離題

      Be careful not to wander from the subject. 注意不要離開正題。

      The speaker had a tendency to wander from the track. 演講人老愛扯開去。

      wander too far from one’s subject 離題太遠

      wander from the course(road, right path) 迷失道路

      7. laughter n.[C] 笑 the act of laughing

      The children were shouting with laughter. 孩子們高聲大笑。

      John and Nina roared with laughter. 約翰和尼娜放聲大笑。

      The laughter from the next room is very distracting. 隔壁房間的笑聲很吵人。

      I heard sounds of laughter in the next room. 我聽見隔壁房間里有笑聲。

      Then she tickled me into a burst of laughter. 然后,她用手指輕輕地觸我,癢得我發出一陣大笑。

      Their laughter made him angry. 他們的笑聲使他惱火。

      8. majority n. 多數,大多數 most things or people in a group

      The majority of Chinese people have television. 中國大多數人都有電視。

      The majority is for ( against ) him. 多數贊成(反對)他。

      The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 這次的損害大部分容易補救。

      n. 多數票 the greater or greatest number of votes

      The resolution was passed by a large majority. 這個決議以多數票通過。

      n. 成年 full age

      He has reached his majority. 他已達到了法定年齡。

      by a small (narrow) majority 以微弱多數

      minority n. 少數,少數派(票),少數民族 small part of a group

      They are in the minority. 他們是少數派。

      The Chinese nation includes more than 50 national minorities besides the Hans.


      an active minority 積極的少數派

      during one’s minority 未成年期間

      be in the minority 屬于少數派

      oppress the minority 壓迫少數派

      Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners

      I. Teaching aims

      i. Knowledge aim

      a) To help the students learn about western manners.

      b) To practice using polite expressions.

      c) To help the students learn about the different styles of communication in different cultures.

      ii. Ability aims

      a) To improve the students’ speaking and listening skills.

      b) To enable the students to use polite expressions correctly.

      iii. Moral aims

      a) To help the students understand and respect the cultural shock.

      b) To arouse the students great interest in English study.

      c) To make the students become persons with good manners.

      II. Important and difficult points

      i. How to help the students learn about western manners.

      ii. How to help the students use polite expressions correctly.

      iii. How to help the students understand the cultural shock.

      III. Teaching aid and methods

      Teaching aid: A multimedia computer

      Teaching methods

      i. Listening and speaking

      Purpose: To improve their listening and speaking skills

      ii. Task-based method

      Purpose: To finish teaching assignment

      iii. Active cooperation

      Purpose: To get the students to learn from each other

      IV. Teaching procedures

      I. Lead- in: Free talk: Do you think you are a person with good manners? Why?

      Purpose: To make a clever linkage to the main topic of Mind Your Manners.

      II. Brief introduction of western manners: Meeting and greeting people: 1. Greeting people; 2. What you should do; 3. What you shouldn’t say.

      Table manners:

      Decide which of the following behaviors are polite or impolite at a western dinner party.

      ( ) 1.Use the fork with your right hand.

      ( ) 2. Put your napkin(餐巾) on your lap.

      ( ) 3. Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you.

      ( ) 4. Ask for a second bowl of soup.

      ( ) 5. Use your fingers when eating chicken.

      ( ) 6. Finish eating everything on your plate .

      ( ) 7. Talk loudly while eating.

      ( ) 8. Make other people drink more spirits(烈酒) than they can take.

      Discussion: What will you do if you want to make a good impression on the others?

      Purpose: To help the students learn about western manners briefly.

      III. Key Points: Words: (Lesson 2 )

      9. manner n.[U] 方式,方法 way something happens; way you do something

      He may do it in this manner. 他可以照這個樣子做。

      He was walking in a strange manner because he was drunk. 他走路的樣子很怪,因為他喝醉了。

      n.[U] 態度,舉止 way that you talk to someone

      He has a very easy manner. 他舉止從容不迫。

      He was speaking in a very strange manner. 他用一種非常奇怪的態度講話。

      n.[Pl] 禮貌,規矩 general way you behave when other people are there

      It’s bad manners to talk a full mouth. 嘴里吃著東西說話是不禮貌的。

      He has no manners at all. 他一點禮貌都沒有。

      Good manners are everywhere admired. 有禮貌到處都會得到贊賞。

      n.[C] 習慣,風俗,生活方式 habit, customs, ways of life

      She has written a book on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians.


      It is interesting to learn the manners and customs of other countries.


      in a formal manner 以正式的態度

      10. request vt. 請求;要求;需要 ask for something

      He requested his friend to go with him. 他請求他的朋友和他一起去。

      I request that you should come early. 我要求你早些來。

      You are requested not to smoke in the theatre. 劇院里不準吸煙。

      n. 請求 polite demand

      His request was refused. 他的要求被拒絕了。

      I am sorry I cannot consent to your request. 對不起,我不能答應你的要求。

      He came by request. 他應邀而來。

      by request 依著請求 in answer to a request

      That famous singer sang again by request. 那個著名的歌手依大家要求又唱了一次。

      at our request 應我們的邀請

      much in request 非常受歡迎 being asked for by many people

      He is very much in request as a teacher of English. 作為一個英語教員,他很受歡迎。

      n. 需要 demand

      The library will lend you this book on request. 只要你提出要求,圖書館就借給你這本書。

      These goods are in great request. 這些貨物極為需要。

      IV. Homework.

      Lesson 3 Living Abroad

      Teaching aims:

      To practise identifying facts and opinions and making inference in the reading texts

      To practise Present Participle

      Teaching difficulties:

      To practise Present Participle

      Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

      Teaching procedures:

      I. Warming up

      East, west, home is best. 金窩銀窩不如自己的狗窩。

      You can’t judge a book by its cover. 人不可貌像。

      He kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. 殺雞取卵。

      He is a silly goose. 他是個笨豬。

      He is as poor as a church mouse. 他窮得叮當響。

      He is chasing after the wild goose. 他在做無用功/他在做徒勞的搜索。

      II. Reading

      Humour and cultural difference

      ---The Indians are very impolite.

      ---Why do you say that?

      ---Last time when I was invited to an Indian friend’s home for dinner, the host kept putting food on my plate while I shook my head all the time.

      ---Haha, there is some misunderstanding between you.

      Note: People from Indian, Nepal, and Sri Lanka nod their head to say “NO” and shake their head to say “YES”.

      It is always polite to eat the food.

      If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate. People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. When you have had enough, just say so, or you will always overeat!

      In Western countries, don’t take any food until the host take up her knife and fork. She will not act like the Chinese host and invite you to start first. When she begins, that means you can also start.

      Helping Yourself and refusing if a servant passes food around. It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you. But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: "No, thank you.”

      It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests will rise from theirs at the same time.

      What about American or Britain?

      III. Voice your opinion

      What do you think is the most interesting to you when you visit a city for the first time, its people, its food or its architecture?

      IV. Language points

      1. have a …time (in) doing something

      In his second year in the university, he had a difficult time in catching up with his classmates

      他大學二年級時, 有一段時間學習有些吃力.

      2. sound like 聽起來像

      It sounds like a good idea. 聽起來像是一個好主意.

      3. Insist on doing sth.

      He insisted on seeing me home. 他堅持送我回家.

      Teachers encourage students to translate Chinese into English. 他堅持讓她呆在倫敦.

      4. Words ( Lesson 3 )

      11. familiar adj. 熟悉的,常見的,慣用的 usual, that you often see, hear, etc.

      I am familiar with this idea. 我曉得這個意見。

      The singer is familiar to every one of us. 這位歌唱家是我們大家熟悉的。

      adj. 親密的,親近的 in close friendship, intimate

      He is my familiar friend. 他是我親密的朋友。

      adj. 隨便的 more friendly than is welcome; bold

      This word can only be used in familiar conversation. 這個詞只能用于比較隨便的談話之中。

      a familiar saying 通俗格言 a familiar essay 小品文

      be familiar with 熟悉,通曉 know something well

      He’s familiar with the subject. 他很熟悉這個科目。

      She is familiar with such things. 她對這類事情很熟悉。

      12. stare v. 盯;凝視 look at someone or something for a long time

      She was staring out of the window. 她凝視著窗外。

      v. 瞪大眼睛瞧 look at someone or something with wide open eyes

      In the West. people think it’s rude to stare at a person. 在西方,人們認為盯著看人是不禮貌的。

      She stared him up and down. 她上下打量他。

      stare at 凝視 look at steadily with a bold or a vacant expression

      We stared at one another. 我們面面相視。

      She stared at me with surprise. 她驚訝地瞪眼看著我。

      He stared at the book and couldn't understand what he was reading.


      We stared silently at the lump. 我們默默地盯著那個腫塊。

      n. 盯;凝視 a long, steady look

      Famous people get used to the stares of the crowds. 出了名的人習慣于人群的盯視。

      stare down 盯得(某人)不敢再對視下去;以目光壓倒;使動搖;使屈服 meet the gaze of (sb.), causing him to look away by continued staring; overcome by staring, outstare; cause to waver or submit as if by staring

      The villagers, full of hatred in their eyes, stared the traitor down.


      stare out 向外凝視 gaze outward

      He stared out over the sea. 他凝視著外面的大海。

      13. whisper vi. 低聲說;耳語 speak very softly

      She whispered so that she would not wake the baby. 她低聲說話,免得把嬰兒吵醒。

      His workmates were looking at him and whispering. 他的伙伴們正看著他并且在嘀咕什么。

      vi. 作低悄聲;作沙沙聲;作颯颯聲 make a soft, rustling sound

      The leaves whispered in the breeze. 樹葉在微風中沙沙作響。

      The breeze came whispering in our ears. 微風沙沙向我們耳邊吹來。

      vt. 秘密告訴 say very softly

      He whispered the news to me. 他私下告訴我這個消息。

      “Good luck to you!” I whispered. “祝你走運!”我輕聲地說。

      What the child said was whispered from one to another. 那個小孩說的話一個接一個悄悄地傳開了。

      He heard the people whisper he had nothing on. 他聽到人們低聲議論他光著身子。

      n.[C] 耳語;低悄之聲音 the act of whispering; a soft, low voice or sound

      They were talking in whispers. 他們在竊竊私語。

      I in a whisper told them what I had seen. 我低聲告訴他們我所看到的情況。

      I spoke to him in a whisper. 我低聲對他說話。

      speak in a confidential whisper 信任地對人耳語

      in a loud whisper 大聲耳語

      Lesson 4 The New Australians

      Teaching aims:

      To identify facts and opinions in a reading text

      To practise using words with negative and positive connotations

      Teaching difficulties:

      To practise using words with negative and positive connotations

      Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

      Teaching procedures:

      I. Warming up

      T: What do you know about Australia?

      Australia lies on the southern hemisphere. Australia is the sixth biggest country in the world and the only country covering the whole continent. Australia is also one of the oldest continent. It has special animals. Can you name their names? But today we talk the topic “The New Australia”. Can you guess what does the text talk about? Let’s read the text and see if your prediction is right.

      II. Reading

      1) Before reading the text can you write two questions about things you’d like to know about life in Australia? Then ask students to hand in their notes to the teacher.

      After reading the article teacher can ask these questions students write.

      2) Read the article again, do the exercise 3 and make if the statements are true, false or no information is given.

      When checking students’ answers, have them read out the section of the text which gives the answer and have them correct the false statements.

      3) Listen to the cassette and do the exercise 4

      4) Do the first two with the whole class. Then students work in pairs, reading the sentences and discussing who said them

      III. Further understanding

      Now, go into the text for detail information. What can we do at night in Sydney ?

      a wide choice of opera

      classical concert

      Shakespearean drama

      Aboriginal culture

      rock concert

      Broadway musicals



      Why Australia is a marvelous mixture of many different culture?

      1) early Anglo-Irish cosmopolitan immigrants from Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Vietnam, and Cambodia. These lead to: influence in modern Australian cooking --fusion food --- A brilliant mixture of : delicious Mediterranean flavors, Southeast Asian spices, native Australian food

      2) during the time teachers can show some picture of famous people to make students interested.

      Do the exercise 5

      Read the Strategies with the class and find the sentences that are quoted in the text.

      Students then look back at the sentences in Exercise 4and, as a whole class discuss if each sentence is fact or opinion.

      Do the exercise 6

      Students work individually , referring to the text and matching the expressions with the definitions

      IV. Vocabulary: (Lesson 4 )

      14. belong vi. 屬于;為……之財產 be a possession of; be the property of

      China belongs to the third world. 中國屬于第三世界。

      Does this book belong to you? 這書是你的嗎?

      Glory belongs to the Party. 光榮屬于黨。

      vi. 是(社團、家庭等)的成員 to be part of; to be a member of

      She belongs to the tennis club. 她是網球俱樂部成員。

      These languages belong to the Latin family. 這些語言都是屬于拉丁語族的。

      vi. 應歸入;原位在;適合待在某處 have its right place, etc.

      She doesn’t belong here. 她不應該在這。

      belong in 在……中有適當的地位

      This lamp belongs in this room. 這燈應歸這個屋。

      He thinks he belongs in teaching. 他認為自己適宜于從事教學工作。

      15. fond adj. 特別喜愛 liking something or someone very much

      I am fond of mushrooms. 我特別喜歡吃蘑菇。

      I am very fond of flowers. 我愛花。

      You’re very fond of reading. 你非常喜歡看書。

      He is fond of playing the piano. 他喜歡彈鋼琴。

      adj. 親愛的,慈愛的 loving; kind

      He has a fond look. 他有副慈愛的面孔。

      She is very fond of her son. 她很寵愛她的兒子。

      a fond mother 慈祥的母親

      adj. 溺愛的;癡妄的,不切實際的 foolishly loving; foolishly trusting or hopeful

      She has fond hopes of becoming a movie star. 她妄想成為一名電影明星。

      a fond dream 黃梁美夢

      16. spot n. 點;斑點 small, round mark

      A tiger has stripes and a leopard has spots. 老虎身上有條紋,而豹有花斑。

      She has a white dress with blue spots. 她有一件白底藍點的連衣裙。

      n. 污點;疵點 dirty mark

      There were black spots all over it. 這上面到處是黑點。

      How did you get that spot on your face? 你臉上怎么弄臟了一塊?

      n. 地點;場所 place

      I don’t know the exact spot where it happened. 我不知道事情發生的確切地點。

      The policeman ran to the spot immediately. 警察立即跑到了現場。

      vt. 弄臟;留下污點 make a mark on something

      The ink has spotted my clean shirt. 墨水把我的干凈襯衫弄臟了。

      vt. 認出;出現 see someone or something

      He spotted his friend in the crowd. 他在人群中認出了他的朋友。

      on the spot 當場;立即 then and there; at once

      He was killed on the spot. 他當場被殺。

      17. addition n.[U] 加法;增加 putting things or numbers together

      He is very clever at addition. 他擅長加法。

      There is no room for addition. 沒有增加的余地。

      n.[C] 增加物;增加部分 something added to another thing

      A new baby is an addition to the family. 新生兒給家庭增加一口人。

      in addition 另外;還 also

      When Diane fell, she hurt her arm and, in addition, broke her glasses.


      In addition, I paid 100 yuan. 另外我又付了一百元。

      in addition to 此外,除此之外 besides

      In addition to his homework, he did many exercises. 除了家庭作業外,他還做了許多習題。

      In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language. 除英語外,他還要學第二外語。

      18. contrast n. 比較;對比 the act of contrasting; the state of being contrasted

      Black is a contrast to white. 黑白形成對比。

      She seems prettier by contrast with her sister. 她與她妹妹相比似乎更美些。

      He looks healthier in contrast to his former self. 他與以前相比,顯得更健康些。

      Compare and contrast English with Chinese. 把英語和漢語進行比較和對比。

      n. 有明顯差別的東西 a thing which shows differences when placed with another

      Anybody can see the contrast between black and white. 任何人都能看出黑色和白色的差別。

      There is a big contrast between summer and winter weather. 夏季和冬季的天氣很大的差別。

      This picture is a great contrast to that. 這畫和那幅有很大的差別。

      an impressive contrast 給人印象深刻的對照

      a marked contrast 明顯的對照

      a sharp contrast 尖銳的對照

      afford a contrast 提供對照

      bring out the contrast 引出對比

      form (=offer) a contrast 形成對照

      lend a contrast 顯出對照

      make a contrast with 與……做對比

      notice a contrast 注意到差異

      point out a contrast 指出差異

      in contrast with (to) 對比

      This appears small in contrast with that. 這個東西和那個東西比就顯得小了。

      vt. 對比;差別 compare (two things) so as to show their differences

      When I contrasted the two bicycles, I saw that one was older.


      Contrast our climate with that of the tropics. 將我們和熱帶氣候比較一下。

      vi. 形成對照,映襯 show striking differences when they are put together or compared

      The black and the gold contrast prettily in that design. 這圖案中黑與金黃兩種顏色對比效果很好。

      contrast … with 把……與……對比

      This colour contrasts strikingly with green. 這個顏色顯然不同于綠色。

      This colour contrasts well with green. 這顏色和綠色襯起來很好。

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