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      時間:2024-09-10 18:57:54 公函 我要投稿
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        1. 開業 opening of new business


        dear mr. / ms,

        we have opened at the above address a sales office for our products here in new york. we employ a staff of consultants and a well-trained service department which makes routine checks on all equipment purchased from us. we would be pleased if you would take full

        advantage of our services and favourable shopping conditions. we fully guarantee the quality of our products. yours faithfully


        我們已在紐約上述地址為我們的產品開設了一家辦事處。我們雇有一個諮詢人員和一支受過良好訓練的服務隊伍,可以為從我處購買的設備進行日常檢查。 如果你能充分利用我們的服務和良好的購物環境,我們會很高興。我們全面保證產品的質量。 你誠摯的

        2. 建立辦事處 establishment of new branch

        dear mr. / ms,

        owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with mr. wang lo as manager. the new branch will open on 1st

        march and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to mr. wang lo at the above address, instead of to our london office. we take this opportunity to express our thanks for your cooperation in the past. we hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results. yours faithfully


        因在該國貿易額大量增加,我們決定在這里開設一家分支,由王洛先生任經理。新辦事處將于三月一日開業,今后所有的訂單和詢價請按上述地址送到王洛先生那,而不是倫敦辦公室。 我們籍此機會向您過會與我們的合作表示感謝,我們希望新的安排能產生好的結果。 你誠摯的

        3. 歇業 discontinuation of business

        dear mr/ms,

        with the demolition of our premises at the above address under a redevelopment scheme, the part of our business carried on there will be discontinued after the end of october. on monday, 1st october, we are holding a closing-out sale. stock on hand will be cleared

        regardless of cost. there will be substantial reductions in all departments and in some cases, prices will be marked down by as much as one half. stock to be cleared is uivaled in both variety and quality. as the sale is likely to be well attended, we hope you make a point of visiting the store as early as possible during the opening days. yours faithfully


        隨著在經營重組計劃下而取消的上述經營場所,該處的業務將于十月底后停止。在十月一日,星期一,我們將組織一次清倉銷售,現有庫存不論成本都將清售。所有部門都將大幅消價,有的商品折價會達一半。 清倉商品無論種類還是質量都無可挑剔。因此次銷售參加人員可能較多,我們希望您在清倉銷售期間盡早來。 你誠摯的 back to top

        4.更改名稱和地址 change of name and address

        dear mr. / ms,

        尊敬的先生/小姐, 在公司九月四日的會議上,我們公司的名稱已決定改為

        cnmiec李氏公司。同時公司由現在地址移到百老匯街3-6號。 如能把這些變化通知相關部門,我們將不勝感激。 你誠摯的

        5. 新的任命 new appointment

        dear mr. / ms,

        we wish to notify you that mr. robert smart, who has been our representative in southwest england for the past seven years has left our service and therefore no longer has authority to take orders or collect accounts on our behalf. we have appointed mr. fred peterson in his place. mr. peterson has for many years been on our sales force and is

        thoroughly familiar with the needs of customers in your area. we trust you will have good cooperation from him. yours faithfully


        我們在此通知您,過去七年在英格蘭西南任我們代表的羅伯特斯馬特先生已離開我們公司,他不再代表公司接受訂單收款。 我們已任命弗萊德彼特森代替他的位置。彼特森先生已在我們的銷售部門任職多年,完全熟悉你地區顧客的需要。我們相信您和他能有好的合作。 您誠摯的

        dear mr. / ms,

        appreciate the confidence you have placed in us in the past and look forward to continued dealings with you. yours faithfully


        我們高興的宣布,由于六月一日我們公司將于該鎮的d&w公司合并,成立新的cn/cm公司。新公司將在tripoli的 rue de toqueville六號辦公,五月三十一日后所有信息請寄新地址。 我們感謝您過去對我的信任并希望繼續與您來往。 您誠摯的





        告示類文體主要用于說明或者傳達某件事情、某項活動等,重在言簡意賅。 如果是關于活動的通知,需要說明活動的內容、時間、地點、參加人員范圍以及其它必要細節。在告示結尾一般需要寫上貼出告示的單位或者個人。


        suppose you are an secretary of the english department of x university. write a notice to inform the teachers and students of this department of a lecture on crosscultural studies.

        you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2.

        do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead.范文:


        there is going to be a lecture, titled across cultures: digital media and literate activity, in the meeting room of the english department from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on monday, july 11th. the lecture will be given by professor robert johnson, who is from the department of englsih literature of university of pennsylvania. professor johnson is known for his unique probing of the many connections between literate

        activity and new information technologies. he will present, in his humorous style, the relation he found between culture and technological development, which you surely will enjoy very much.

        english department






        title: v. 以......為標題

        literate: adj. 有文化的,都讀寫能力的

        probe: v. 探查、探明

        humorous: adj. 幽默的


        there is going to be a lecture, titled... in the meeting room of ...from 10:00 to 12:00 on monday, july 11th.

        ...which you surely will enjoy very much.


        the famous opera cat will be presented the theatre of your university you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2.

        do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead.范文:


        college badminton club















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