1. This letter is to inform you that I will require 10 days late-marriage leave in January 20xx for my wedding.
第一句話開門見山,說要請假。英語里請假的最普遍說法是“Leave”。Leave本身是離開的意思,工作中離開就是“請假”。你可以說ask for leave/take leave。比如:I want to ask for leave.
我想請假。Can I take annual leave next week?我下星期能休年假嗎?年假是annual leave。這則申請里請的是late-marriage leave-晚婚假。我國現行計劃生育政策鼓勵晚婚,男年滿二十五周歲、女年滿二十三周歲的初婚為晚婚。符合晚婚年齡的夫婦,可以在法定三天婚假的基礎上增加婚假天數。但是20xx年12月,全國人大常委會審議《人口與計劃生育法修正案(草案)》,草案中刪除了對晚婚晚育夫妻、獨生子女父母進行獎勵的規定。來回顧一下這個句子:This letter is to inform you that I will require 10 days late-marriage leave in January 20xx for my wedding.這封信呢是通知您我要求20xx年1月休10天晚婚假。
2. I shall be off to Italy for my honeymoon from 4th January to 14th January.那這句話呢說明了請假期間將去干嘛。要做的事情就是to Italy for my honeymoon-去意大利度蜜月。蜜月就是honeymoon。這句話中還出現了關于請假的另外一個表達,be off,在這句話中表示“離開”,請假還可以說成take+時間+off。I’d like to have three days off.我想請三天假。Can I take one day off?我能請一天假嗎? I shall be off to Italy for my honeymoon from 4th January to 14th January.我將去意大利度蜜月,時間是從1月4日到1月14日。
3. I would, therefore, be highly grateful if you could kindly grant my leave for the above stated period.如果您能準假的話我將會非常感謝您。I would ... If...是一個固定句型——如果...就會...,最簡單的例句就是I would if I could.我要是能辦,我就會辦的'。Grateful就是“感激的”,感激某人是be grateful to sb.,為...而感謝是be grateful for sth.。例如:I'm very grateful to you for your help.我非常感謝你的幫助。Ok,grant leave是準假。the above stated period就是說上面所說到的時間段。那么這句話的意思是:如果您能準假的話我將會非常感謝您: I would, therefore, be highly grateful if you could kindly grant my leave for the above stated period.
在今天的節目中,我們學習了如何申請請假,先說明請假的意圖,然后表明緣由,最后呢記得要感謝上級。再來回顧一下這則請假條:This letter is to inform you that I will require 10 days late-marriage leave in January 20xx for my wedding. I shall be off to Italy for my honeymoon from 4th January to 14th January. I would, therefore, be highly grateful if you could kindly grant my leave for the above stated period.好了,今天的節目就到這里,感謝收聽,再見!