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      時間:2024-04-02 08:55:47 紅萍 合同范本 我要投稿
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        中英文租賃合同 1













        party a hereby agrees to lease____________________and the equipment therein (as described in appendix[pendiks] 1) in clean and tenantable[tenntbl] condition to party b, the size of the leased property being____________________sqm.


        term of tenancy:

        3.1 租賃期為______年,自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。

        the above property is hereby leased for a term of______years, commencing______and expiring on______.

        3.2 租賃期滿,甲方有權收回全部出租房屋,乙方應如期交;乙方如要求續租,須在本合同期滿前兩個月向甲方提出書面申請。

        on expiry of this lease, party a has the right to take back the leased property in full, and party b must deliver the leased property on or before the date of expiry[ikspairi]. if party b wishes to extend the lease, party b is required[rikwaid] to give written notice to party a two months prior to expiry of this lease.



        4.1 租金每月為___________人民幣。

        the rent is rmb____________per month.

        4.2 每月租金一次支付,必須于租賃期每月前十天付清。如乙方逾期未付,須按日加付其租金的0.5%的滯納金,超過三十天未付視作自動退租,甲方有權按合同5.2條款視乙方為中途退租情況辦理。

        the rent is payable monthly in one lump[lmp]sum, before the tenth day of each month. if party b has not paid the rent by the tenth day, a penalty of 0.5% of the rent will be charged per day. if the rent has not been paid within 30 days, party a has the automatic right to eject party b from the leased property, according to clause 5.2 of this agreement.

        4.3 租金以人民幣為單位用現鈔支付。如以支票支付,所發生的費用由乙方負擔。

        the rent is payable in rmb and in cash. if the rent is paid by cheque[tek], all charges incurred will be borne by party b.

        4.4 在本合同有效期內, 租金不予調整。

        the rent cannot be increased during the term of this tenancy agreement.



        5.1 自本合同簽定之日,乙方應向甲方交付______個月之租金額的押金計____________人民幣。合同期滿,乙方如不再續租,并且乙方結清其在租賃期內所用的.各項費用后,甲方應將押金在七個工作日內如數退還給乙方(不計利息)。

        on signing this tenancy agreement, party b must pay to party a two months rental as deposit, totaling rmb________. on completion of the tenancy period, if party b doesnt wish to extend the lease and has paid all charges, party a must return the deposit in full to party b within 7 working days (excluding[iksklu:di] interest).

        5.2 乙方如在租賃期內終止租約,押金不予退還。

        if party b stops the tenancy agreement before the date of expiry, party a is not required to return the said deposit.

        5.3 乙方如違反合同規定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或因而發生費用開支,甲方可以扣留部分或全部押金抵付。

        if party b breaks any part of this contract, such as not paying the rent punctually[pktuli], or if party b caused damages to the leased property, party a has the right to retain part or all of the deposit in compensation[,kmpensein].

        5.4 發生5.3條款情形,押金不足抵付時,乙方必須按接到甲方付款通知后十天內補足。

        if clause 5.3 is brought into effect, and the said deposit is insufficient to cover party as costs, party b should pay the extra[ekstr] amount[maunt] to party a within ten days of receipt of party as payment.

        5.5 押金以人民幣為單位,用現鈔支付。如以支票支付,所發生的費用由乙方承擔。

        the deposit is payable in rmb and in cash. if the deposit is paid by cheque, all charges incurred will be borne by party b.


        other charges:

        6.1 乙方在租賃期內所用的水、電和煤氣費用,每月按實際耗用量結算,乙方按單繳付。

        during the period of the tenancy, all charges for use of water, electricity and gas are payable by party b monthly according to consumption[knsmpn], and on receipt of bills.

        6.2 乙方所用電話按電訊局收費標準,每月根據實際用量結算,乙方按單繳付。

        all telephone charges are payable by party b monthly according to the telecommunications bureau[bjuru] standard tariffs[t rifs], and according to bills received.

        6.3 租賃標的的物業管理費由______方按照大廈管理規章,負責按單繳付。

        any charges for the leased property, such as management fees, are payable by____________according to the bill issued by property management office.


        tenants responsibilities:

        7.1 乙方應按本合同四、五、六條款規定交付租金、押金和各項費用,如有拖欠,則作違約論。

        party b should promptly pay the rent, deposit and other charges as set out in clauses 4, 5 and 6 of this agreement. nonpayment of these charges constitutes a breach of this agreement.

        7.2 租賃期內,未經甲方同意,乙方不能轉讓其所租房屋,私自轉讓無效。

        during the period of tenancy, unless with the agreement of party a, party b cannot sub-let or let in part or in full the leased property.

        7.3 乙方應愛護房屋及其設備,如因使用不當導致損壞負責賠償。

        party b must return the property and its contents to party a in good and workable condition, otherwise party b must pay compensation to party a.

        7.4 在房屋內已有的裝飾和設備之外,乙方如需增加設備或其它裝飾須征得甲方同意。租賃期滿必須恢復原狀,并承擔其費用,經甲方驗收認可后歸還甲方。

        in addition to the decoration and equipment already in the property, if party b wishes to make any alterations or decorate the property, party a must consent. on completion of the tenancy, party b must hand-over the property to party a in its original condition, and all fees arising from such work and to be borne by party b.



        凡執行本合同或與本合同有關的爭議,由雙方友好協商解決;協商不成, 提請中國有關經濟合同仲裁機構調解;調解不成,提請中國有關經濟合同仲裁機構仲裁。

        in the case of disputes arising over this agreement, the two parties should negotiate[nigui,eit] in a friendly manner and in good faith; if failed, should submit to china related economic contract arbitrated[ɑ:bitreitd] bureau to mediate[mi:dieit] or arbitrate[ɑ:bitreit].



        9.1 本合同附件是本合同不可分割的組成部分。

        the attachment is combined with the contract.

        9.2 本合同如有未盡事宜,由甲、乙雙方洽談解決。

        if the contract remains some unperfected parts, the two parties should negotiate in peace.

        9.3 本合同自簽字之日起生效;合同文本一式兩份,甲、乙雙方各執一份。

        the contract effected on the signing date, two sets for the contract and one set for each party.


        the contract concludes in guangtiandi real estate(rome branch)longgang district of shenzhen on__________________.


        party a:










        party b:









        中英文租賃合同 2

        出租方(甲方)lessor (hereinafter referred to as party a) :

        承租方(乙方)lessee (hereinafter referred to as party b) :


        in accordance with relevant chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,party a and party b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.

        一、 物業地址 location of the premises


        party a will lease to party b the premises and attached facilities all owned by party a itself, which is located at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .

        二、 房屋面積 size of the premises


        the registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (gross size).

        三、 租賃期限 lease term


        the lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year). party a will clear the premises and provide it to party b for use before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year).

        四、 租金 rental

        1. 數額:雙方商定租金為每月人民幣_____________元整, 乙方以___________形式支付給甲方 。

        amount: the rental will be ____________per month. party b will pay the rental

        to party a in the form of ____________in ________________.

        2. 租金按_____月為壹期支付;第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的______日以前繳納,先付后住(若乙方以匯款形式支付租金,則以匯出日為支付日,匯費由匯出方承擔)。甲方收到租金后予書面簽收。

        payment of rental will be one installment everymonth(s). the first installment will be paid before_______(month)______(day)__________(year). each successive installment will be paid_____________each month.

        party b will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (in case party b pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.

        3. 如乙方逾期支付租金超過十天,則每天以月租金的0.5%支付滯納金;如乙方逾期支付租金超過十五天,則視為乙方自動退租,構成違約,甲方有權收回房屋,并追究乙方違約責任。

        in case the rental is more than ten working days overdue, party b will pay 0.5 percent of monthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, party b will be deemed to have with drawn from the premises and breach the contract. in this situation, party a has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party bs breach.

        五、 保證金 deposit

        1. 為確保房屋及其附屬設施之安全與完好,及租賃期內相關費用之如期結算,乙方同意于______年_____月_____日前支付給甲方保證金人民幣 _________元整,甲方在收到保證金后予以書面簽收。

        guarantying the safety and good conditions of the premises and attached facilities and account of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the lease term, party b will pay _________to party a as a deposit before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year). party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the deposit.

        2. 除合同另有約定外,甲方應于租賃關系消除且乙方遷空、點清并付清所有應付費用后的當天將保證金全額無息退還乙方。

        unless otherwise provided for by this contract, party a will return full amount of the deposit without interest on the day when this contract expires and party b clears the premises and has paid all due rental and other expenses.

        3. 因乙方違反本合同的規定而產生的違約金、損壞賠償金和其它相關費用,甲方可在保證金中抵扣,不足部分乙方必須在接到甲方付款通知后十日內補足。

        in case party b breaches this contract, party a has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . in case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, party b should pay the insufficiency within ten days after receiving the written notice of payment from party a.

        六、 甲方義務 obligations of party a

        1. 甲方須按時將房屋及附屬設施(詳見附件)交付乙方使用。

        party a will provide the premises and attached facilities (see the appendix of furniture list for detail) on schedule to party b for using.

        2. 房屋設施如因質量原因、自然損耗或災害而受到損壞,甲方有修繕并承擔相關費用的責任。

        in case the premise and attached facilities are damaged by quality problems, natural damages or disasters, party a will be responsible to repair and pay the relevant expenses.

        3. 甲方應確保出租的房屋享有出租的權利,反之如乙方權益因此遭受損害,甲方應負賠償責任。

        party a will guarantee the lease right of the premises. otherwise, party a will be responsible to compensate party bs losses.

        七、 乙方義務 obligations of party b

        1. 乙方應按合同的.規定按時支付定金、租金及保證金。

        party b will pay the rental, the deposit and other expenses on time.

        2. 乙方經甲方同意,可在房屋內添置設備。租賃期滿后,乙方將添置的設備搬走,并保證不影響房屋的完好及正常使用。

        party b may decorate the premises and add new facilities with party as approval. when this contract expires, party b may take away the added facilities which are removable without changing the good conditions of the premises for normal use.

        3. 未經甲方同意,乙方不得將承租的房屋轉租或分租,并愛護使用該房屋如因乙方過失或過錯致使房屋及設施受損,乙方應承擔賠償責任。

        party b will not transfer the lease of the premises or sublet it without party as approval and should take good care of the premises. otherwise, party b will be responsible to compensate any damages of the premises and attached facilities caused by its fault and negligence.

        4. 乙方應按本合同規定合法使用該房屋,不得擅自改變使用性質。乙方不得在該房屋內存放危險物品。否則,如該房屋及附屬設施因此受損,乙方應承擔全部責任。

        party b will use the premises lawfully according to this contract without changing the nature of the premises and storing hazardous materials in it. otherwise, party b will be responsible for the damages caused by it

        5. 乙方應承擔租賃期內的水、電、煤氣、電訊、收視費、等一切因實際使用而產生的費用,并按單如期繳納。

        party b will bear the cost of utilities such as communications, water, electricity, gas, management fee etc. on time during the lease term.

        八、 合同終止及解除的規定 termination and dissolution of the contract

        1. 乙方在租賃期滿后如需退租或續租,應提前兩個月通知甲方,由雙方另行協商退租或續租事宜。在同等條件下乙方享有優先續租權。

        within two months before the contract expires, party b will notify party a if it intends to extend the leasehold. in this situation, two parties will discuss matters over the extension.

        2. 租賃期滿后,乙方應在當天將房屋交還甲方;任何滯留物,如未取得甲方諒解,均視為放棄,任憑甲方處置,乙方決無異議。

        when the lease term expires, party b will return the premises and attached facilities to party a within days. any belongings left in it without party as previous understanding will be deemed to be abandoned by party b. in this situation, party a has the right to dispose of it and party a will raise no objection.

        3. 本合同一經雙方簽字后立即生效;未經雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協商。

        this contract will be effective after being signed by both parties. any party has no right to terminate this contract without another partys agreement. anything not covered in this contract will be discussed separately by both parties

        九、 違約及處理 breach of the contract

        1. 甲、乙雙方任何一方在未征得對方諒解的情況下,不履行本合同規定條款,導致本合同中途中止,則視為該方違約,雙方同意違約金為人民幣___________元整,若違約金不足彌補無過錯方之損失,則違約方還需就不足部分支付賠償金。

        during the lease term, any party who fails to fulfill any article of this contract without the other partys understanding will be deemed to breach the contract. both parties agree that the default fine will be________________. in case the default fine is not sufficient to cover the loss suffered by the faultless party, the party in breach should pay additional compensation to the other party.

        2. 若雙方在執行本合同或與本合同有關的事情時發生爭議,應首先友好協商;協商不成,可向有管轄權的人民法院提起訴訟。本合同一經雙方簽字后立即生效;未經雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協商。

        both parties will solve the disputes arising from execution of the contract or in connection with the contract through friendly consultation. in case the agreement cannot be reached, any party may summit the dispute to the court that has the jurisdiction over the matter.

        十、 其他 miscellaneous

        1. 本合同附件是本合同的有效組成部分,與本合同具有同等法律效力。

        any annex is the integral part of this contract. the annex and this contract are equally valid.

        2. 本合同壹式貳份,甲、乙雙方各執一份。

        there are 2 originals of this contract. each party will hold 1 original(s).

        3. 甲、乙雙方如有特殊約定,可在本款另行約定:_________________________________

        other special terms will be listed bellows:


        甲 方:

        party a


        id no



        電 話:


        代 理 人:


        日 期:


        中英文租賃合同 3

        Lessor (Hereafter referred to as "THE LESSOR")出租人(以下簡稱甲方):

        ID Card No.身份證(護照)號:


        Mail Add通訊地址.:

        Lessee: (Hereafter referred to as "THE LESSEE")承租人(以下簡稱乙方):

        ID Card No.身份證(護照)號:


        Mail Add通訊地址:

        This Lease has been mutual agreed and set up by THE LESSEE complying with The Lease or Rent Contract Law Of The People"s Republic Of China and related regulations provided by the Tianjin government.


        1、The property to be leased is described as出租物業:



        2、Rental fees租金:

        2.1:RMB________ per month.該房屋月租為人民幣__元;


        2.2: Rental should be payable on ________ month base in advance. The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental shall be received by within the ________ day of each succeeding months term.

        租金每__個月付一次。具體付款日期: __前支付,甲方收到為準。

        2.3:Any delayed of the rental shall be charged 0.2% of the monthly rental day by day as a penalty. Delayed payment more than 7 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE

        LESSEE, and THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.


        2.4:Rental is to be paid in cash in RMB YUAN.THE LESSOR will make out receipt.租金以人民幣支付,甲方出具收據。


        3.1:At the time of signing of the contract, a deposit of months" equivalent rental RMB ______shall be paid by THE LESSEE in cash.簽約時,承租人須支付相當于月房租的押金,即人民幣___元整。該押金不得沖抵房款。

        3.2:The deposit shall be refundable after its expiration or early termination ( with same currency and with no interest thereupon ), providing all furnishings, contents and rental property are not subject to any loss of unusual damage, and all the various bills have been duly settled.在合同到期或解約后,甲方在乙方不拖欠任何費用和保持室內設施完好的情況下即返還押金。

        4:租期Lease term:

        4.1:From the date____ to_____ for continuous_________ months. If residence is overstayed, one monthrent is due to lessor, even if oversay is less than one month.


        4.2:No early termination either by THE LESSOR or by THE LESSEE is allowed during the lease period, Otherwise, one month rental penalty for such early termination shall be paid to the counter party.


        4.3:At its expiration ,with a must of 30 days prior written notice to THE LESSOR, THE LESSEE retains his priority to renew this lease.THE LESSOR shall also inform THE LESSEE 30 days in advance whether the rental will be adjusted. If the occupants decide not to renewlease within THE LESSEE"s term, THE LESSEE shall give a prior written notice to THE LESSOR..本合同期滿時,乙方有優先續租權,但須提前30天給予甲方書面通知,取得甲方的同意,并簽訂續租合同。甲方亦須在30天前通知乙方是否變動租金。

        4.4: If Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, non-man-made fire, government order etc.)cause to terminating the contract, THE LESSEE and THE LESSOR should be free of duty.


        4.5:In case that the property ownership is transferred during the lease, THE LESSEE has the right to continue to use the said premises according to the contract without any disturbance from THE LESSOR or any the third party.


        5:Lease Term租賃條件:

        5.1: These premises are limited of residential use only by THE LESSEE, and are prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or agency, or using as public office.乙方不得將該房屋用作公司或代表處的注冊地址。

        5.2:THE LESSEE shall not carry in the premises any unlawful of illegal activities which are not allowed according to China laws and the leasing regulations of the government. Otherwise, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE.


        5.3:THE LESSEE shall not partly or totally sublet, sell, lend, mortgage, exchange, exchange the said premises or use it so as to raise any joint-venture or become a certain shareholder without the written permission from THE LESSOR. Otherwise, THE LESSOR can terminate the contract and confiscate the deposit. THE LESSEE and the third party shall return the property unconditionally to THE LESSOR. THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused herefrom.


        5.4:THE LESSEE should pay in time the water, gas, electricity , heating fee, the Tel-Bills, TV receiving , managing fee and the lease related invoice taxes on actual user basis. Delayed payment more than 15 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE, and THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.


        5.5:The damage of the premises or the fittings that is within the control of THE LESSEE shall be borne by THE LESSEE,and THE LESSEE shall contact the management office or THE LESSOR instantly. If THE LESSEE refuses to compensate or to contact the management office to repair, THE LESSOR shall have the right to repair and charge the cost from THE LESSEE. The cost of repairs to the said premises, if damaged by Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, non-man-made fire, etc.), reasonable wear and tear or by accidents beyond THE LESSEE"s control, should be borne by THE LESSOR.


        5.6:THE LESSEE, upon written permission of THE LESSOR, may make additions or alterations dealing with water, electricity supply or fire protection, at his own expense, subject to necessary permits or licenses required by the authorities concerned and under the supervision of THE LESSOR. No structural alterations can be removed from the premises, upon expiration or termination of this contract. No reimbursement for said additions, and any structural damage to the premises must be repaired or compensated by THE LESSEE.


        5.7:THE LESSEE shall obey the regulations made by the management office such as not to litter or take any private use of public area and etc.


        5.8:THE LESSEE shall have the right to move in after paying off the deposit and the first term of rental.


        5.9:In case there is a cut of water, power or any other hitch which is caused by the accident beyond the control of THE LESSEE, THE LESSOR shall take the responsibility to assist and push the authorities concerned to repair and resume it as soon as possible.若由于甲方以外原因導致出租房屋停水,停電或其他故障,甲方有義務敦促并協助有關部門搶修,使之盡快得以恢復。

        5.10:THE LESSEE shall not store in or out of the premises any inflammable or dangerous thing, nor let any corrosive or dirty thing come out of the premises.


        5.11:Insurance: THE LESSOR will retain insurance on his property and belongings, and THE LESSEE will be responsible for his own property brought into or kept in proximity of the premises. If there is anything lost, THE LESSOR shall assist to conduct investigations, but has no responsibility to compensate it.


        5.12:THE LESSEE shall return the property intact to THE LESSOR at the expiration of the contract if there is no renewal thereupon. THE LESSOR shall have the right to take any effective measures to take back the premises in case that THE LESSEE refuses to move out at the expiration of the contract.


        5.13:THE LESSOR or his nominees, with the pre-notice and consent to THE LESSEE, shall have the right to inspect or repair the premises at any reasonable time (except for emergency). If THE LESSEE had any trouble ,which was foreign to THE LESSOR ,with the third party。在雙方合同期間或解除合同后,乙方與第三方的任何糾紛都與甲方無關,乙方應自行解決。

        6:Other conditions其它條件:

        6.1:Three copies of the lease will be drawn, and remain in the possession of THE LESSOR , THE LESSEE and THE WITNESS.本合同一式三份,甲、乙雙方各持一份,見證方一份,具有同等法律效力。

        6.3:The contract is drawn in both Chinese and English versions. Chinese versions will have validity finally in law. The contract shall come into force on the date that the lessor receives the deposit and the frist term of rental.


        6.4:The appendix(Property list ) is an indivisible part of this contract.合同的附件是本合同不可分割的組成部分。

        Signatures or official marks簽章:

        THE LESSOR甲方:

        THE LESSEE乙方:

        THE WITNESS見證方


        中英文租賃合同 4





        ID number:




        Bank No:




        ID number:

        出租方 (以下簡稱甲方)與承租方(以下簡稱乙方)于_____年____月____日,雙方一致就以下各項條款達成協議。(本合同以中文為準)

        An agreement made on the date of between the landlord(hereinafter referred to as Party A) and the tenant as Party B) is hereby mutually agreed by and between the said parties to be as


        一、 租賃標的:


        甲方同意將 室 及其家具電器設備在良好狀態下租給乙方,租用分戶面積總計約 平方米。家具與電器設備清單見附件。

        Party A hereby agrees to and the furniture and

        electrical appliances therein in clean and tenantable condition to Party B, the size of

        the leased property being Please see appendix for the list of furniture

        and electrical appliances.

        二、 租期:

        Term of Tenancy:

        2.1 租賃期為__年,自____年__月__日起至____年__月__日止。

        The above property is hereby leased for a term of year, commencing on and expiring on 2.2 租賃屆滿,甲方有權收回全部出租房屋及家俱、電器,乙方應如期交還(正常損耗及房屋結構上的潛在缺陷除外;返還的租賃房屋應當符合租賃房屋性質使用后的狀態),乙方如要求續租,在同等條件下享有優先續租權,須在本租約期滿前一個月向甲方提出書面申請,租金和租期雙方另行協商。

        On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property with furniture and electrical appliances in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry (fair wear and tear, structural and inherent defeats excepted). After the leasing term, the apartment has to maintain the reasonable condition. If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with the same condition and is required to give written notice to Party A One month prior the expiry of this lease , the revised rental rate and period should be negotiated between the two parties



        3.1 ,取暖,家具,電器(另見附件1)(家具及電器預算人民幣 元整).

        The rent month, including furniture, electrical appliances,management fee,heating fee.

        3.2 租金支付方式為__年付(十二個月)一次性支付,共計人民幣 for one year rental。

        3.3 租金以人民幣支付。乙方在收到甲方的付款通知后須盡快付款,甲方收到租金后付給乙方全額收據。

        The rent is payable in rmb. Party B has to pay the rent as soon as possible after receiving the note of payment from Party A. Party A then should issue a reciept of the total payment to Party B.

        3.4 在本租約有效期內,租金不予調整。

        The rental cannot be adjusted during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.

        四、 押金:


        4.1 本租約簽訂之日,乙方應向甲方繳付壹個月租金額的租賃押金計人民幣。租約期滿,乙方如不再續租,甲方應在租賃期結束后十日內(在乙方將租賃期間發生的全部水,電,煤氣等雜費付清后),將押金退還(不計利息)

        The day after the signature of this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A one months rental as deposit, totaling On completion of the tenancy period. if Party B does not continue to rent the leased property, Party A must return the deposit in full to Party B (excluding interest) within ten days after the termination or early of the Lease Agreement under the condition that Party B has paid all the utilities fee such as water, electricity, gas and telephone.

        4.2 乙方如違反租約規定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或因而發生費用開 支,甲方可以根據憑證扣留全部或部分押金抵付。不足部分甲方有權要 求乙方賠償。

        If Party B breaks any part of this contract, such as not paying the rent punctually, or causing additional expenses to Party A, Party A has the right to retain part of or all of

        the deposit as compensation according to its actual losses. If the said deposit is insufficient to cover Party A’s costs, Party A has the right to ask for compensation if any.

        4.3 發生4.2條款情況,押金不足抵付時,乙方必須按接到甲方付款通知后 十日內補足。

        If Clause 4.2 is brought into effect, and the said deposit is insufficient to cover Party A’s costs, Party B should pay the extra amount to Party A within ten days of receipt of Party A’s invoice notice.

        4.4 押金以人民幣支付。甲方收到押金后付給乙方全額收據。

        The deposit is payable in RMB. Party A should issue a receipt to Party B after receiving the deposit.

        五、 其它費用:

        Other Charges:

        5.1 乙方在租賃期內所用的水、電、煤氣,電話等費用由乙方繳付。 Party B’s utilities expenses during the lease term will be paid by Party B.

        六、 甲方的責任:

        Landlord’s Responsibilities:

        6.1 租賃期內甲方不得無故收回房屋,如甲方中途要求收回房屋,乙方可以拒絕。

        Party A is not permitted to take back the leased property during the term of the contract without any reason. If Party A wishes to do so, Party B has the right to object.

        6.2 負責對乙方正常使用中發生的房內家具、電器及其他設施損壞或故障進行及時維修并承擔費用。

        To undertake responsibility and assume such costs for timely repairs to furniture, electrical appliances and other facilities that are damaged or have malfunctioned through normal usage by Party B.

        6.3 督促物業公司提供充分的保安、消防工作及安靜清潔的居住環境。 To supervise the estate management office to provide adequate security, fire prevention and quirt & circumstance.

        6.4 督促管理公司向乙方提供所應提供的服務,如冷水、熱水、電的供應及各種設備(包括空調)的正常工作,并提供公共區域和公共設施的開放,如健身房、兒童房和其他娛樂場所。督促公共區域和公共設施的清潔;公共區域的`照明并提供道路指示牌。督促道路和公共區域的維護;督促修理、保養和更換大廈的保安設施、消防設施、電器設施、變壓器、煤氣、排水、空調、電梯和其它設施。

        To ensure the estate manager to provide proper service to Party B, such as supply of cold water, hot water, electricity, proper maintenance of all kinds of equipment (including air-conditioners), and to provide free access to public areas and facilities such as gymnasium, children’s room and other recreational areas. To clean public areas and facilities; to illuminate public areas and provide signs; to repair access ways and public areas; to repair, maintain, and replace security, fire fighting and electrical appliances, transformer, gas, sewage, air conditioning systems, elevators, lifts and other facilities of the building.

        6.5 保證物業的合法性,保證有合法權利出租該物業。

        Ensure the legality of the leased property. Ensure its legal rights to lease the property.

        6.6 負責因違反上述責任而對乙方造成的所有損失的賠償。

        To compensate Party B for all loss arising from any breach of the above-mentioned responsibilities.


        七、 乙方責任:

        Tenant’s Responsibilities:

        7.1 乙方應按本租約三、四、五條款規定交付租金,押金和各項費用,如有拖欠,則作違約論。

        Party B should promptly pay the rent, deposit and other charges as set out in Clauses 3,4 and 5of the Agreement. Non-payment of these charges constitutes a breach of this Agreement.

        7.2 租賃期內未經甲方同意,乙方不能轉租其所租房屋,私自轉讓無效。 During the period of Tenancy, unless with the agreement of Party A, Party B cannot sub-let or let in part or in full the leased property to other Party.

        7.3 乙方應愛護房屋及其設備,如因使用不當導致損壞應負責賠償。

        Party B must take care of the property and its contents, otherwise Party B should pay compensation to Party A for his improper use of the property.

        7.4 在房內已有的裝飾和設施之外,乙方如要增加設備或其他裝修須征得甲方同意;租賃期滿必須恢復原狀如有損壞(正常使用磨損、結構或原有的問題除外),并承擔其費用,經甲方驗收認可后歸還甲方。

        In addition to the decoration and equipment already in the property, if Party B wishes to make any alterations or decorate the property, Party B should get the permission from Party A. On completion of the tenancy, Party B must hand-over the property to Party A in its original condition ( fair wear and tear, structural and inherent defects expected), and all fees arising from such work have to be borne by Party B.

        7.5 保證賠償由于乙方或乙方有關系的官員、上司、雇員、客人、來訪者、雇傭工人、代理、執照持有者或被邀請人等(統稱與乙方相關的人)的粗心及疏忽造成的房屋的損害或損失,并允許甲方或其代理人在事先通知后進入房屋,對房屋的損失或損害進行彌補及修復,在此所發生的費用由乙方負擔。

        To indemnify Party A for any loss or damage to the leased property from negligent act or omission of Party B or any officer, director, employee, guest, visitor, servant, agent licensee or in invitee of Party B (each referred to hereinafter individually as an “associate” ), to permit Party A or his authorized representatives, with an advance notice, to enter the leased property to repair any such loss or damage at the expense of Party B.

        7.6 在甲方預先通知后,乙方應允許甲方或其代理人在有理由的情況下在合理的時間進入及巡視房屋進行必要的維修或修復工作;在租賃期最后一個月內,允許甲方或其代理人帶領有意租賃或購買房屋的客人視察房屋,但乙方已按第2.2條書面通知甲方將續租時除外。

        With Party A’s notice in advance, Party B should permit Party A and the person authorized by Party A under reasonable circumstances to enter and view the leased property at reasonable hours, to carry out any work and repairs which is necessary to be done. During the last one months of the Tenancy, Party A has the right to show the

        leased property to prospective lessors or purchasers, unless according to clause 2.2, Party B has informed Party A of its intention to renew the Lease.

        7.7 在未經甲方書面同意下,乙方不得擅自設立、安裝或移動設施及設備,不能擅自設立隔段,不得擅自對房屋的結構機關改動或增加。

        Not to erect, install or remove any fixtures or partitioning, or to make any structural additions and alterations without the prior written consent of Party A.

        7.8 租賃房屋過程中,必須嚴格遵守中華人民共和國的有關法律、細則、規章及法令的規定,并嚴格禁止乙方利用房屋進行違犯法律及不道德的行為。

        Strictly to comply and adhere in the use of the leased property with all laws, regulations and decrees of the People’s Republic of China applicable to such use, and specifically not to permit or suffer the leased property to be used for any purpose that is unlawful or immoral.

        7.9 房屋除供乙方居住之外,未經甲方書面同意,房屋不可作辦公或協議未曾說明之用。上述同意不應不合理地拒絕。

        To use the leased property exclusively as the residence of his family and not to use the leased property as an office or for any other purpose without the prior written consent or Party A , which consent shall not be ueasonably withheld.

        7.10 未經甲方書面同意,屋外不得擅自放置標示板及陳列任何設施,不允許在房外、窗及門上掛曬衣物以影響房屋外觀面貌,該條件不得被不合理拒絕。

        Not to affix or display any signboard or other device visible from outside the leased property without the prior written consent of Party A, which consent shall not be ueasonably withheld, and not to use the outside of the leased property or any doors or windows to hang any washing.

        7.11 租客必須遵守物業條例準則,如出現糾紛需與業主來協商調解。

        To obey the regulation is set by the management office, in case any dispute arises, the two parties shall negotiate friendly.

        八、 房屋不能居住時其他事件:

        Other things:


        If the leased property are substantially destroyed or damaged by fire, bad weather, war, force major, or other causes beyond the control of Party A and not attributable directly or indirectly to the negligence or malice of Party B or are otherwise rendered unfit for use or occupation, the rent shall cease to be payable from the date the leased property become unfit for use or occupation until the leased property shall again be rendered accessible and fit for use, if the lessor’s property can not be properly used for any reasons beyond 10 days, Party B has the right to terminate the agreement without any.

        THE LESSOR甲方:

        THE LESSEE乙方:

        THE WITNESS見證方


        中英文租賃合同 5


        Party A:


        Party B:

        甲乙雙方因合作經營甲方酒店客人用車事宜,特達成如下合作合同,供雙方共同遵守: This contract is made by and between Party A and Party B, whereby both parties agree to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:

        一、 合作基本方式

        Scope of work


        Party A and Party B agree to manage (hereinafter referred to as””) guest transportation together. Party B provides car and driver, Party B is in charge of guest transportation task and driver management. Party A and Party B will share the profit according to the contract. Party B shall provide standard price list with details to Party A, Party B has the right to comment and advise the price.

        二、 甲方權利義務

        Rights and responsibilities of Party A


        Party A is responsible for arranging and providing hotel cars for guest. Party A can only use Party B’s car according to the contract.


        Party A shall ensure proper administration, such as recording the daily business inventories and compensation receivable. Party A and Party B shall review the business income weekly.


        Party A has the right to obtain the stipulated share of profit and is obliged to related responsibilities Party A should provide 3 complimentary parking lots to Party B.

        三、 乙方權利義務

        Rights and Obligations of Party B


        Party B shall provide 2 Mendeo, , AudiA6, BuickGL8,Toyota Coaster including other models of car as per guest(s) request.


        Party B shall provide professional licensed drivers who must follow the rules and regulations of the hotel.


        Party B shall responsible for the drivers’ uniform based on the glooming standard and requirement by the hotel. Violation of this regulation will result in warning letter and driver change. Party A can terminate this contract if Warning letter amounted to more than three times

        4、乙方提供的上述車輛來源以乙方有權合法使用為原則,不以車輛所有權歸屬為限。 Party B shall guarantee the legal use rights of the cars, it will not be limited by the ownership of the cars.


        Party B shall be full in charge of car insurance and totally bear the insurance fee.


        Party B should be responsible for daily car maintenance.


        Party B has the right to obtain the stipulated share of profit and is obliged to related responsibilities

        四、 甲方客人用車費用的'收取

        Guest Transportation charge


        Party A can charge for guest first on behalf of Party B according to the profits made by the co-operation business.

        五、 經營成本負擔

        Management cost

        1、甲方的管理成本由甲方自行承擔,均包含在本合同約定的甲方收入內。 According to the contract party A’s management cost is to be borne by Party A , which is included in party A’s income


        Management cost hereinafter is to be borne by Party B:


        Car purchasing expense is to be borne by Party B. Party B has the ownership of the cars. Party A does not have the ownership of the cars.


        Driver salary


        Car and Driver Insurance D、車輛的維修、保養費用,油費,過路、過橋、養路費用等。

        Car maintenance fee / petrol fee /road toll fee.

        六、 收入分配

        Revenue distribution

        1、本合作事項為雙方利潤分成形式。即因本合作每月所產生的收入,甲方獲得25%作為本合作收入,其余75%全部收入由乙方所得。 Based on the terms and conditions of the contract the benefit pattern is that both sides share the profits. All the income from every month’s co-operation, Party

        A can obtain 30% of the revenue, party B can obtain 70% of the rest revenue.


        Above revenue includes all guest transportation charge from hotel, all the income shall be charged by party A, party B is not entitled to charge for guests. Party A’s compensation use of the car is not included in the revenue, it will be checked up by another way.


        Revenue should be cleared on the 1st to 5th of each month and distributed in 2 days.


        If the guests of Party A want another type of car which Party B can’t provide, Party B is responsible for coordinating it. Deducting the coordination costs, Party A will own 30% of the rest profits; Party B will own 70% of the rest profits.

        七、 經營相關責任承擔

        Distribution of the related responsibilities


        Party B shall be borne damages which includes, without limitation, car damage, driver and passenger injury and all third party loss.


        If the above damages are caused by a third party and need Party A to solve, Party A shall assist. All cost resulted shall be borne by Party B. The compensation that Party A obtained shall be returned to Party B.

        八、 特別約定

        Special agreement


        Party A shall provide invoice as required, Party B shall provide full invoice on monthly clearing.

        本合同全作期限限為壹年,從簽約時算起,合同期滿后,如雙方就繼續合作沒有異議,此合同自動順延一個合同期。 This contract will take effect from the signing date. After expiration of contract it can be extended for another year thereafter if agreed.

        九、 合同的解除,終止


        1、本合同存續期間,任何一方非因法定或約定事由均不得解除本合同,否則,視為違約解除合同,應按本合同作相應處理。 The parties shall perform their obligations stipulated in the contract. No party shall unilaterally modify or rescind the contract.

        2、本合同方經協商一致,可以解除本合同。協商解除本合同的,雙方互不違約。 The Agreement can be terminated upon agreement of both sides.


        This agreement shall automatically terminate, without notice by either party to the other, when it expires.

        十、 違約責任


        本合同存續期間,任何一方非因法定事由均不得無故解除本合同。否則,視為違約,違約方應向守約方支付違約金貳拾萬元整。此款包括了因一方解除合同后給另一方造成的全部損失、賠償金等。任何一方不得以本條約定的違約金過高為由向法院起訴要求降低。 The parties shall perform their obligations stipulated in the contract. No any party shall unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. Violation of this regulation, default party should pay 200,000 to the other party.




        Any dispute during execution of the contract shall be resolved by mutual friendly negotiation. Upon failure of negotiation, disputes shall be submitted to arbitration committee.




        The Contract shall come into force after signatures by both parties. The Contract is in four (4) originals, two (2) for Party A and two (2) for Party B. If need, both sides are entitled to sign a supplemental contract, which is also effective as this contract.

        THE LESSOR甲方:

        THE LESSEE乙方:

        THE WITNESS見證方


        中英文租賃合同 6

        出租人LESSOR: ______________

        (以下簡稱甲方Hereafter referred to as “PARTY A”)

        電話Tel:______________ 手機Mobile:______________


        (以下簡稱乙方Hereafter referred to as “PARTY B”)

        通訊地址Mail Add:

        電話Tel: 傳真Fax:

        住客姓名The occupants of the premises will be:


        This lease has been mutual agreed and set up by PARTY A and PARTY B as the following:

        1. 出租物業The Premises to be leased are described as follows:



        電話Tel: _____條IDD直線, ____ IDD lines

        2 租金Rental:

        2.1租金每月為 元整, 形式支付

        PARTY B shall pay as rent the sum of ; i.e.RMB per month.

        2.2租金包括家具和電器的配置(詳見附件), 供暖費, 物業管理費、水費,電費,+煤氣費、健身卡、衛星收視費。 The Rent includes the Furniture、the Electrical Appliances (see Appendix A), Heating Fee, Management fee,water fee , electricity fee, gas fee,Fitness card,Satellite TV service fee.

        2.3租金應在入住前及此后每月的 號前支付。甲方應在收到租金后向乙方開具正式發票。甲方應每月提前向乙方發出支付租金的書面通知。

        The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental shall be paid before the th of each succeeding 1 month’ term. PARTY A shall issue to PARTY B official invoice (Fapiao) upon receiving the rental. Party A shall send prior written notice to Party B for monthly rental payment request.


        Rental is payable in Ren Min Bi by check or by bank transfer.

        2.5 在本租約有效期內,租金不予調整。

        Rent will not be modified during the term of this Lease Agreement.

        3 押金 Deposit:

        3.1乙方須支付相當于兩個月房租的押金(即RMB ), 以人民幣支票或轉帳形式支付)。甲方應在收到押金后向乙方開具統一收據。

        A deposit of two (2) months’ equivalent rental (RMB ) shall be paid by PARTY B in RMB by check or by bank transfer. PARTY A shall issue to PARTY B official receipt upon receiving the deposit.


        The deposit shall be refundable in full amount in 10 days after the contract expiration, in same currency and excluding interest thereupon. In case PARTY A delays the refund of the deposit, PARTY A shall pay interest to PARTY B at the rate of 0.04% per day of delay.


        PARTY A shall pay off on time all the bills due. In case there is any loss or unusual damage to the furnishings, contents or the rental premises due to PARTY B’ s reason, PARTY B shall compensate for it.

        4 租期 Lease term:

        乙方租用出租房屋期限為 1 年,即自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。

        From 16 July 2004 to 15 July 2005 for one (1) year.

        5 出租人的責任 PARTY A’s obligation:

        5.1 3甲方聲明及保證甲方為該出租房屋的合法擁有人,有合法地位出租此房屋,并就出租事宜已取得有關方面的批準。

        PARTY A assures to be the legal owner of the leased premises, to have the necessary legal capacity to lease it, and PARTY A’ action has been ratified by the authorities concerned.


        In case PARTY A sells the premises during the lease which leads to the premises ownership be transferred, PARTY A shall ensure that the said contract will be implemented continuously.

        5.3甲方須按時將清潔狀況良好的出租房屋交付乙方使用,保證在租賃期內出租房屋內的各項設施能正常使用。 PARTY A shall hand over the said premises to PARTY B on time and assure the said premises will be cleaned and in good status during the lease term.


        PARTY A shall bear the responsibility of the said premises’ normal repairs and maintenance, and pay the cost related. In case the premises or facilities are in bad conditions not due to the reason of PARTY B, PARTY A shall complete the repair work within 24 hours upon receipt of the notice from PARTY B. Otherwise, PARTY B shall have the right to hire any third parties for the repair work at the cost of PARTY A. The cost of repairs to the said premises, if damaged by Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood non-man made fire, etc) reasonable wear and tear or by accidents beyond PARTY B’S control, should also be borne by PARTY A.


        During the lease, PARTY A shall not get in the said premises without PARTY B’S permission if PARTY B has been carrying out the contract normally.

        5.6甲方應督促管理公司向乙方提供足夠的服務,如冷水、熱水、煤氣,電的供應及各種設備的正常工作。 Party A shall direct Property Management Company to provide sufficient and continuous services to Party B, including provision of cold water, hot water, gas and electricity and ensure proper maintenance of equipment therein.

        5.7 房產稅及與租賃有關的所有稅費由甲方承擔。

        Premises tax and other leasing related taxes shall be paid by PARTY A.

        6 承租方的責任 PARTY B’S obligations:

        6.1 乙方申明及保證其在中國擁有合法居留權,并按有關規定辦理必要的居住登記手續。

        PARTY B assures to have the legal right of residence in China, and shall complete the residential formalities complying with the local regulations.

        6.2 住客應按時支付電話費含上網費、水電煤氣費。

        The occupant shall pay the telephone bills and internet fee, extra water electricity gas fee on time.

        6.3 乙方只能將出租房屋用做住宅,不得將之用作公司及代表處的注冊地址,亦不可作為公開的辦公室。 The premises are limited for residential use only by PARTY B, and are prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or agency, or using as public office.

        6.4 乙方不得在出租房屋內進行違反法律及政府對出租房屋用途有關規定的行為。

        PARTY B shall not carry in the premises any unlawful or illegal activities which are not allowed according to the leasing regulations from the government.

        6.5 租賃期內,未經甲方書面同意,乙方不得將出租房屋部分或全部轉租他人。

        PARTY B shall not partly or totally sublet the said premises without the written permission from PARTY A.

        6.6 若因乙方使用不當或不合理使用,出租房屋及其內的'設施出現損壞或發生故障,乙方應及時聯絡管理機構或甲方進行維修,并負責有關維修費用.

        The damage of the premises or the fittings that are within the control of PARTY B shall be borne by PARTY B, and PARTY B shall contact the management office or PARTY A instantly.

        6.7 租賃期內,乙方對出租房屋進行裝修或增加水、電、消防等設施,須經甲方同意并經有關部門批準,并由甲方執行監理,所需費用由乙方承擔。雙方解約時,乙方不能移走自行添加的結構性設施,甲方亦不必對上述添加設施進行補償。

        PARTY B, upon written permission of PARTY A, may make additions or alterations dealing with water,electricity supply or fire protection, at his own expense, subject to necessary permits or licenses required by the authorities concerned and under the supervision of PARTY A .No structural alterations or additions can be removed from the premises upon the expiration of this contract. No reimbursement for the said additions.

        6.8 乙方有權在墻壁上懸掛畫、圖片或其他裝飾性物品。合同履行期限屆滿或提前解約時,甲方應承擔費用拔掉釘子、粉刷墻壁或使墻壁恢復原狀,并承諾不以此為由扣留乙方的押金。

        PARTY B is entitled to hang pictures, paintings or other decorative articles on the walls. Upon expiration or early termination of the contract, PARTY A shall bear the cost to remove the nails, repaint the wall or restore the wall to the original state, and PARTY A shall not retain PARTY B’S deposit for the reason of doing things above.

        6.9租賃合同期滿的前一個月內,經合理事先書面通知,乙方應允許甲方或其授權人 引領潛在客人參觀在出租房屋。

        During the last month of the contract, after reasonable prior written notice to PARTY B, PARTY A or his nominee shall be allowed to show the said premises to the potential clients.

        6.10 租賃期滿,若甲,乙雙方未達成續租協議,乙方應于租期屆滿時或之前遷離出租房屋并將鑰匙及清理干凈的房屋歸還甲方.

        PARTY B shall return the premises in a clean condition to PARTY A (except wear and tear) at the expiration of the contract if there is no renewal thereupon.

        7 提前解約Early termination:


        After six (6) months, Party B may, upon one (1) month advance written notice to Party A, terminate this

        Tenancy Agreement without any liabilities. Under this circumstance, Party A shall return the deposit in full to Party B within ten (10) days after the termination.

        7.2 若因自然界的不可抗力,如火災、洪水、臺風、地震、戰爭等意外損害導致出租房屋無法居住,合同即自動終止,甲、乙雙方互不承擔責任。

        If the said premises are so damaged by force majeure (fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, war, and etc) that it’s no longer habitable, the contract shall be terminated automatically. Neither PARTY A nor PARTY B shall bear any responsibility to each other.

        8 續租 Renewal:


        PARTY B retains the priority to renew this lease upon expiration , while one-month prior notice to PARTY A is necessary, and PARTY A shall arrange the signature for the renewal contract.

        9 爭議的解決 Dispute Resolution:

        9.1 本合同適用法律為中華人民共和國相關法律。

        The contract is governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.


        In case of any dispute arising out of the performance of this Contract, PARTY A and PARTY B shall consult

        together to reach unanimity, otherwise both parties can submit the dispute to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Beijing) for arbitration.

        10 其他Others:


        The contract is drawn in both Chinese and English versions. Both texts have equal effect.

        10.2 本合同一式二份,甲、乙雙方各執一份。

        Two copies of the contract will be drawn and remained in the possession of PARTY A & PARTY B. 10.3本合同自簽定之日起生效。

        The contract shall come into force on the date of signature.


        The appendix is an indivisible part of this contract. Details listed in appendix 1 shall not come into affect until being checked and signed by both PARTY A and PARTY B.

        11 簽章 Signatures and official marks:

        甲方 乙方

        PARTY A: PARTY B:

        授權代表: 授權代表人:

        Authorized representative: Authorized representative:

        蓋章: 蓋章:

        Seal: Seal:

        日期 日期

        Date : Date :

        附件一APPENDIX 1: 家 具 清 單FURNITURE LIST

        The Furniture listed below will be provided by the Landlord as per those chosen by the Occupant (in IKEA Furniture Brochure).

        項目 Items - Quantity數量

        Living Room客廳 - Dining Room餐廳

        1 - Three-Seat Sofa三座沙發

        2 - Single Sofa單座沙發

        1 - Tea Table茶幾

        1 - TV Stand電視柜

        1 - TV電視

        1 - Telephone電話

        1 - Dining Table餐桌

        中英文租賃合同 7

        出租人(以下簡稱甲方): Landlord:(hereinafter called” Party A”) 身份證號碼(Identity Card No.): 電話(Tel):法定地址(Registered Address): 代理人(Agent):電話(Tel): 法定地址(Registered Address): 代理人身份證號碼(Identity Card No.):

        承租人(以下簡稱乙方): Tenant:(hereinafter called “Party B” 護照/身份證號碼(Identity Card No.): 電話(Tel): 法定地址(Registered Address): 甲、乙雙方就甲方愿意出租、乙方自愿承租物業事宜,以雙方協商一致,同意簽訂本房產租賃合約。 An Agreement made BETWEEN Party A of the one part and Party B of the other part WHEREBY IT IS:

        一、 租賃物業名稱(以下稱“該物業”) Name & address of Property to be rented:(hereinafter called “the said premises”):

        二、 用途:該物業只供作住宅 使用。

        Usage:for domesticuse only.

        三、 面積:該物業建筑面積為 平方米。

        Area:square meter.

        四、 租約期限(Terms of Tenancy):


        Formal Tenancy:租賃期租金:每月人民幣____元整。此租金已經包含該房屋每月的出租稅金。

        五、 租金(Rent):

        2、 付款方式:乙方須以銀行自動轉帳方式在支付。

        Payment Method: Party B shall deposit the rent to Party B’s bank account below:

        受益人(Beneficiary Name): 銀行 (Bank) :

        帳號(Bank A/C NO):

        六、 付租條款(Payment Terms):


        七、 管理費:租賃期內管理費由  支付。

        Management Fee:

        八、 公用事業費:電費,水費,煤氣費,和電話費等等, 均由  支付。

        Public Utility Fees: electricity fee, water fee, gas fee, and telephone fee, etc, shall be responsible by

        九、 保證金(Deposit):

        簽訂本房產租賃合約時,乙方須付甲方保證金 人民幣______元整.

        On the signing of this Formal Tenancy Agreement, Party B shall pay to Party A a security deposit in

        十、 其它條約(Other Terms):

        1、 乙方須按上述規定交付保證金于甲方,于租約終止或期滿時,甲、乙雙方不再續約,乙方在付清全部租金及公用事業費后,保證金(不計利息)得憑原收據領回。

        The said deposit (no interest will be counted) shall be repayable forthwith from Party A to Party B at the expiration or determination of the tenancy without any renewal, subject to Party B had completed full payment of the entire contract period and paid all Public Utility Fees or any other fees related.

        2、 甲方按每日1%交付滯納金。如乙方超過15天不支付租金,則視為乙方違約,甲方有權取消租賃合同并且沒收全部按金。

        daily interest of 1% of the monthly rent will be imposed as a fine of the payment delay to Party B. if party B pay rent delay more than 15 days , party A should be have right to cancel

        the contract and deduct all deposit from party B.

        3、 該物業內之一切原來設備及間隔,乙方必須得到甲方書面同意,方可更改或增減。

        Party B shall not make or permit to be made any alterations in or additions to the said premises without having first obtained the written consent of Party A.

        4、 乙方不得在該物業之內任何地內存放違反危險品條例之物品,例如軍械、火藥、璜硝、汽油, 有爆炸危險性的.物品及揮發性之化工原料等等, 另乙方不得在該物業內做任何違反中國法律行為。否則,一切后果,由乙方負責。

        Party B shall not store arms, ammunition or unlawful goods, gun-powder, saltpeter, kerosene or any explosive or combustible substance, etc. in any part of the said premises, the tenant or inmate shall not use the said premises for any illegal purposes, for violation against the law of People’s Republic of China in any part of the said property, Party B shall be answerable and responsible for any consequence of any breach of local ordinance.

        5、 乙方須正確維護該物業內甲方所提供之家具、電器、裝置及設備、該物業之原來一切設備如有因非正當使用造成的損壞,乙方須負責修理或賠償。

        To keep the interior of the said premises and furniture, fixtures and fittings provided by Party A in condition of normal use throughout the tenancy, if any damages made by any abnormal use, Party B is responsible for the repair or reimbursement.

        6、 乙方不得拒絕甲方派譴之人員,在適當時間入屋檢視該單位近況或進行任何修理工程。

        Party B shall permit Party A and its agents with or without workmen or others and with or without appliances at all reasonable times to enter upon the said premises and to view the condition thereof and to take inventories of the fixtures therein and to carry out any repairs to the premises which Party A considers necessary or proper to be done.

        7、 當租約期滿或終止前X個月,甲方有權在不騷擾原則下, 張貼招租告示于該單位外,乙方亦應準許甲方/代理人在合理時間內,帶同新租客進入該物業視察。

        During the X month immediately preceding the determination of the said term of tenancy, Party A shall be at liberty to affix and retain without interference or molestation on the door or the external parts of the said premises a notice for letting the said premises and the Party

        B shall permit and allow all persons with written or oral authority from party A or its agent or agents at all reasonable hours of the day to view the said premises or any part or part thereof.

        8、 租約期滿,乙方如需延長租約,須在租約期滿 X 個月前以書面方式通知甲方,經甲方同意,乙方可以新訂租金和租約繼續入住該物業。

        X month written notice before the expiration is required for any tenancy renewal; new tenancy agreement will be generated under the consent of both parties.

        9、 乙方須自行投買風災, 水災, 火災, 盜竊, 意外保障等等, 乙方如在該單位內有任何損失,甲方不負任何責任。

        Party B shall himself cover insurance for his own belongings against Typhoon, Depression, Storm, Flood, Fire, Theft, Accidents, etc. in relation to this Tenancy. Party A shall not be responsible for any damage or loss under all circumstances.

        10、 乙方不得于單位內制造或容許制造噪音, 異味或任何滋擾鄰居或業主安寧之舉動, 其中包括拖欠租金。經警告后仍未有所改善, 甲方有權終止租約。

        Party B shall not permit any noise or allow any music to be produced in the premises so as to give cause for reasonable complaint from the occupants of neighboring premises, otherwise, Party A has the right to terminate the tenancy immediately if case continued after advised.

        11、 甲方須承擔該物業的房產稅、土地使用稅。 Party A shall pay all property tax, land tax and any other tax or charge of the said premises. 租約期內,甲方有權將該物業出售給第三者,本合約對購得該物業之新業主仍然有效,所有適用于甲、乙雙方的條款,同樣無條件適用于新業主和乙方。

        During term of tenancy, Party A shall have the right to sell the said premises to the third party. The terms and conditions here in contained which applicable to Party A and Party B must be applicable to the new landlord and Party B without negotiation.

        12、 本合約之附件,包括:家具裝置設備清單、房屋所有權證副本,租賃協議書,均為本合約不可分割的成部分。

        The attachments, including Furniture Fixture, Appliances List Title Certificate, Property Certificate and Offer letter forms an integrate part of the agreement.

        13、 本租約適用中華人民共和國法律、自甲、乙雙方簽章后,雙方均應遵守本租約規定的各項條款,如發生爭議,雙方不能完滿解決,將依照中華人民共和國有關法律仲裁解決。 The agreement is construed in accordance with laws of People’s Republic of China (PRC). Both parties shall perform and observe the stipulation here in contained upon signing. Any disputed shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration of PRC. The applicable law shall be PRC law.

        14、 本租約各有中、英文版本。英文版本為中文版本之譯本,如英文版本與中文版本在翻譯

        上有所不同,以中文版本為準。 This agreement is given in Chinese and English languages. The English Language is an abridged translation of the Chinese text but in event of any difference between the Chinese text and the English translation, the Chinese text shall prevail.

        THE LESSOR甲方:

        THE LESSEE乙方:

        THE WITNESS見證方


        中英文租賃合同 8

        出租人(甲方)Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A) :

        承租人(乙方)Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B) :


        擁有的房屋出租給乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,訂立本合同。In accordance with relevant Chinese laws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.

        一、物業 Property:

        甲方同意將其所有的位于上海市_ 房屋及其設施在良好及可租賃的狀態

        下租給乙方居住使用,產權證號為:,出租房的建筑面積總計 平方米。in Shanghai and the related facilities in good and tenantable condition to Party B for residential use, property right number, the size of leased property is 2

        二、租賃期 Term of Tenancy:


        )and(year). Party A will clear the property and provide it to (year).

        2. 租賃期滿,甲方有權收回全部出租房屋,乙方應如期交還。乙方需繼續承租該房屋的,則應于租賃期滿前一個月,向甲方提出續租書面要求,經甲方同意后簽訂新的租賃合同。 On expiry of the tenancy, Party A has the right to take back the entire leased property and Party B shall deliver the leased property to Party A. Party B shall apply for extension in writing to Party A one months before the expiration if Party B intends to continue the lease, the new lease contract shall be signed after getting Party A’s approval.

        三、租金 Rental:

        1.雙方議定租金為每月人民幣____元整(¥)包括房屋的物業管理費,包括(不包括)發票費用。 ¥ including property management fee, including (excluding) invoice fee.

        2. 租金按個月為壹期支付;第一期租金于____年__月__日以前付清;以后每期租金于每個付款月的第 日以前繳納,先付后住(若乙方以匯款形式支付租金,匯費由匯出方承擔)。甲方收到租金后予以書面簽收。

        day each paying month. Party B will pay the rental before using the property and attached facilities (In case Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.

        3. 如乙方逾期支付租金超過十天,則每天以月租金的0.5%支付滯納金;如乙方逾期支付租金超過十五天,則視為乙方自動退租,構成違約,甲方有權收回房屋,并追究乙方違約責任。 In case the rental is more than ten days overdue, Party B will pay 0.5% of monthly rental as overdue fine every day; if the rental is paid 15 days overdue, Party B will be deemed to have withdrawn from the property and breach the contract. In this situation, Party A has the right to take back the property and take actions against Party B’s breach.

        四、保證金 Security Deposit:

        1. 為確保出租房屋及其設施之安全與完好及租賃期內相關費用之如期結算,乙方同意于年月___ 日前支付給甲方保證金人民幣______元整(¥___ ),甲方在收到保證金后予以書面簽收。To ensure the welfare and good condition of the leased property and attached facilities as well as the prompt payment and settlement of all related charges during the term of the tenancy, Party B agrees to pay Party A¥(year).Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the deposit.

        2. 除合同另有約定之外,甲方應于租賃期滿或此合同提前終止之日,且雙方確認交房方遷空、清點,當天將保證金全額無息退還乙方,在甲方退還保證金之前,乙方有權保留房屋鑰匙。 Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Party A shall return to Party B the entire security deposit without interest thereon upon expiration of the tenancy or sooner termination of this Agreement, and at the time when both parties have confirmed the return of the premises. Party B has the right to retain the keys to the premises until Party A returns the deposit.

        3. 甲方因乙方違反本合同的規定而受的損失,可在保證金中扣抵雙方協議數目,不足部分乙方必須在接到甲方付款通知后十天內補足。Party A may deduct a negotiated amount of security deposit towards Payments of any actual damages Party A shall have incurred or suffered as a result of Party B’s breach of this Agreement. In case the security deposit is not sufficient to cover such amounts, Party B must pay the deficient within 10 days of the receipt of a demand from Party A.

        五、甲方的義務Obligations of Party A:

        1. 甲方須按時將出租房屋以良好狀態交付乙方使用。

        Party A shall deliver on schedule to Party B the leased property for Party B’s use.

        2. 租賃期內甲方不得無故收回出租房屋。(除非本合同另有規定)

        Party A shall not take back the leased property, without cause, during the term of the tenancy.(unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement)

        3. 在乙方遵守本合同的條款及交付租金的前提下,如非中國法律特別規定,乙方有權于租賃期內拒絕甲方或其他人騷擾而安靜享用出租房屋。

        Provided Party B paying the rent and performing and observing Party B’s terms and conditions herein contain shall peaceably hold and enjoy the leased property throughout the term of this Agreement without any interruption by Party A or any other person save and except as required by the law of the People’s Republic of China.

        4. 房屋基本設施和結構(不包括乙方損壞的家私和器具)損壞時,甲方有修繕的責任并承擔有關的費用,并對其作定期修保。

        Party A is responsible for repairing and maintaining the basic facilities (excluding furniture and appliances damaged by Party B), the structure of the leased property and for bearing all costs related thereto.

        5. 甲方謹在此聲明及保證甲方為出租房屋的合法擁有人并有合法地位出租此房屋予乙方。就本合同及出租此房屋予以乙方之事,甲方已取得所有有關機構的批準,包括政府批準及抵押權人的同意(如適用)。甲方于本合同所做出的聲明及保證,如有錯誤或違反者,甲方須就乙方因此而引致的任何損失、損害、支出及費用做出全部補償。 Party A hereby represents and warrants that Party A is legal owner of the leased property and has the necessary legal capacity to lease the property to Party B. Party A has also obtained all the necessary authorizations from all relevant authorities in the People’s Republic of China in respect of this Agreement and the leasing of the property to Party B, including government approval and/or mortgagee consent (if applicable).

        Party A shall be liable to Keep Party B be fully indemnified against any costs, expenses, losses and damages incurred to suffered by Party B as a result of any breach of Party A’s representations of warranties herein(including but not limited to legal costs.

        6. 如在租賃期內,租賃房屋發生所有權全部或部分轉移、和其他影響乙方權益的事情時,甲方應保證所有權人或其他影響乙方權益的第三者,能繼續遵守本合同所有條款。如乙方于本合同下的權益受此等所有權人或第三者所影響或損害,甲方須負責補償乙方的所有損失、損害、支出及費用。

        If during the term of the tenancy, all or part of the leased property is transferred of Party B’s right to use leased property is affected, Party A shall ensure that such transferee or third party having an effect on Party B’s right to use the leased property will continue to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Party A shall also be liable to keep Party B be fully any of Party B’s interests herein are affected or prejudiced by such transferee or third party.

        六、乙方的責任 Obligations of Party B:

        1. 乙方應按合同的規定,按時支付租金,保證金及其它各項應付費用如水、電、煤、寬帶等費用。 Party B shall promptly pay all rent, security deposit and other charges such as water, electricity, gas, ADSL, etc payable by it in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

        2. 乙方經甲方事先書面同意,可在承租用房內進行裝修及添置設備。租賃期滿后恢復原狀或可正常出租狀態(正常損耗除外),并承擔其費用,經甲方驗收認可后歸還甲方。乙方在租賃結束交房時應保持房屋清潔。

        Party B may, with the prior written consent of Party A, renovate and install additional facilities in the leased property. Upon expiry of the tenancy, the leased property shall be returned to Patty A in its original conditions of normal lease conditions(fair wear and tear excepted), and all expenses arising there from shall be borne by Party B. Party B shall keep the premise clean once returning it to Party A.

        3. 乙方應愛護使用租賃的房屋,如因乙方的過失或過錯致使房屋及設施受到損壞(正常損耗除外),乙方應負賠償責任。 Party B shall treat the leased property with care. If, as a result of party B’s negligence or misconduct, the leased property and the related facilities suffer any damage (fair wear and tear exempt), Party B shall be responsible for compensating Party A for such damages.

        4. 乙方應按本合同的約定合法使用租賃房屋,不得擅自改變使用性質,不應存放中華人民共和國法律下所禁止的危險的物品,如因此發生損害,乙方應承擔全部責任。Party B shall use the leased property legally as agreed in this Agreement and may not change such use on its own. Party B shall not store any dangerous items which are prohibited by the laws in the People’s Republic of China in the leased property and shall be fully responsible for any damages or losses as a result thereof.

        5. 未經甲方事先書面同意,乙方不得將承租的房屋轉租或分租給其他的第三方.

        Without Party A’s prior written consent, Party B may not assign the tenancy or sublet the leased property to a third party.

        七、違約處理Breach of Agreement:

        1. 甲、乙任何一方在未征得對方諒解的情況下,不履行本合同規定條款,導致本合同中途中止,則視為該方違約,雙方同意違約金為人民幣____元整(¥ ),若違約金不足彌補無過錯方之損失,則違約方還需就不足部分支付賠償金。 During the lease term, any party who fails to fulfill any article of this contract without the other party’s (¥party in breach should pay additional compensation to the other party.


        Party A shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, re-possess the leased property and forfeit the security deposit if Party B commits one of the following:

        a) 將承租的房屋擅自轉租

        Sublets the leased property to another person

        b) 未得甲方同意將承租的房屋擅自拆改結構或改變用途的.

        Alters the structure of the leased property without authorization or uses the leased property rather than for the purpose stated herein

        c) 無故拖欠租金超過十五天

        Fails s to pay rent without any reason for more than 15 days after the due date

        八、不可抗力 Force Majeure:

        若由于不可抗拒的自然災害(包括但不限于火災、洪水、地震、施工、敵對、瘟疫等行為等)獲其他非乙方過錯所造成的對本物業的損毀致其無法居住或使用本物業,乙方有權終止本組契約,甲方必須全數退還乙方所有保證金和當月所余租期之相應租金。 If the leased property is destroyed, damaged and rendered uninhabitable of unusable due to force major

        (include, but not limited to, fires, flood, earth quakes, accidents, strikes, wars, insurrections, public enemy,pestilence etc).or actions that are not the result of Party B’s fault, Party B shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and prorated balance of all rents and management fees paid, as well as security deposit, shall be returned to Party B without any set-offs or deductions.

        九、適用法律Applicable Law:

        本合同的成立,其有效性,解釋,簽署和解決與其有關的一切糾紛均應受中國法律的管轄并依據中國法律解釋。The formation of this Agreement, its validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of any disputes arising hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China.

        十、爭議的解決 Dispute Resolution:

        凡因執行合同所產生的或與本合同有關的一切爭議,雙方應通過友好協商解決;協商不成,應提交上海仲裁委員會,按其仲裁規則和中華人民共和國仲裁法在上海進行仲裁, 仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方都有約束力。In the case of disputes arising over this Agreement or any matters related hereto, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to arbitration by Shanghai Arbitration Commission in Shanghai accordance with its arbitration rules .The decision of the arbitrage body is final and shall be binding on the parties hereto.

        十一、其他 Others:

        1. 本合同附件是本合同不可分割的組成部分,具有同等法律效力。

        The attachment to this Agreement is an inseparable part of this Agreement and is equally enforceable.

        2. 本合同如有未盡事宜,由甲、乙雙方洽談解決。

        If this Agreement is unclear with respect to certain matters, the two parties shall discuss to resolve such ambiguities.

        3. 本合同由中文和英文寫成,以中文版本為準,英文僅供參考。

        This Agreement is written both in the Chinese and English languages. Only Chinese versions shall be authentic, English version is for reference.

        4. 本合同自簽字之日起生效。未經雙方同意,不得任意終止或修改(本合同另有約定除外)本合同一式三份,甲、乙雙方各執一份,中介執一份。This Agreement shall become effective upon the signing thereof by the parties hereto. Save and except as

        provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may not be terminated or amended without the consent of both parties. There are three originals of this Agreement, one for each party and agency hold one.

        5. 雙方須各自分擔因準備,商討及簽署本合同所引致法律費用。

        Each party shall bear its own legal costs in relation to the preparation negotiation and execution of this Agreement.





        甲方(Party A):乙方(Party B):

        身份證(ID): 護照號(Passport):

        電話(Telephone): 電話(Telephone)::




        中英文租賃合同 9



        Parties to the contract:


        Lessee (hereinafter referred to as party A):


        Tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B):


        Having reached unanimity through friendly consultation and negotiation, Party A and Party B, here by agree to enter into the following contract to be abided by both parties.


        甲方將其所有的位于上海市 的房屋在良好及可租用的狀態下出租給乙方。 乙方向甲方承諾該物業僅作為住宅使用。

        Ⅰ. Address of premised:

        Party A lets its lawfully owned premises to Party B in good and tenantable condition, Located at

        Party B shall undertake to party A that the premises shall be used only for the purpose of Residential.


        出租房屋的登記面積為 平方米(建筑面積)。

        Ⅱ. Floorage of premises:

        The registered floorage of the premises let by Party A shall be square



        Ⅲ. Lease Term:

        租賃期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止甲方應于 年 月 日以前將房屋騰空交給乙方做搬遷準備使用。

        The lease term shall be from (month) (day) (year),to (month) (day) (year).

        Party a shall vacate the premises and deliver it to Party b for

        preparing moving in before (month) (day) (year).

        四. 定金:

        Ⅳ. Earnest money:

        1. 乙方于 年 月 日支付的定金為人民幣(美金) ______元整,其它的余額 元整人民幣(美金)應在 年 月 日之前支付給甲方。

        Party B has paid RMB (USD) as an earnest money

        on (month) (day) (year). anther vacancies yet to be filled as RMB(USD) will be paid to Party A before (month)

        (day) (year).

        2. 在甲方收到定金(以乙方匯出日為準)之后自租期開始之前如甲方違約,則上述定金由甲方雙倍返還乙方,如乙方違約則定金由甲方沒收。

        If Party A violates the contract after receiving the deposit (depending on the date of remitting from Party b and before the lease term begins, Party A shall pay double the

        earnest money back to Party B. If Party b violates the contract, The carnest money shall be confiscated by Party A.


        After the lease term begin, the above-mentioned earnest money shall be automatically turned into deposit of security of Clause 6 of this contract.

        五. 租金:

        Ⅴ. Rental:

        1. 數額:雙方議定租金為每月人民幣______元整。乙方以 形式支付給甲方。

        Amount: The total amount of monthly rental agreed upon by both parties shall be RMB or US$ . Party B shall pay the rental to Party A in the form of .

        2. 支付方式:

        租金按 個月為一期支付,第一期租金 年 月 日以前付清,以后每期租金支付時間為當月 日之前,先付后用(若乙方以匯款形式支付租金,則匯出日為支付日,匯費由匯出方承擔),甲方收到租金后應予以書面簽收。

        Method of payment:

        The payment of rental shall be made each period, month (s) is one period, the first payment shall be made before (month) (day) (year). Each successive

        payment shall be made before . Party B shall pay the rental before it moves into the premises.(If Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting shall be the day of rental payment ,the remittance fee shall be borne by the remitter.) Party

        A should issue a written receipt after each payment of rental is received.

        3. 如乙方逾期支付租金,則每逾期一日按應付月租金的百分之一向甲方支付滯納金。如乙方逾期超過十五日,則視為乙方自動退租,構成違約,甲方有權收回房屋,并追究乙方違約責任。

        If Party B delays such rental payment, Party B shall pay penalty to Party A at the rate of 1% of the due rental for each day of delay.If the delay is in excess of 15 days. It shall be

        deemed as automatically quitting tenancy, which shall constitute breach of contract. Then, Party A shall have the right to recover the leased premises and take actions against Party

        B for liabilities of breach of Contract.

        六. 保證金

        Ⅵ. Deposit of Security:

        1. 為確保房屋及其附屬設施之安全與完好及租賃內相關費用之如期結算,乙方同意支付給甲方保證金共計人民幣______元整,甲方在收到保證金后應予以書面簽收。

        To ensure that the premises and its accessory facilities are sale and in good condition and that accounts of relevant fees are settle on schedule during the term of lease, Party B

        agrees to pay Party A as a deposit, Party A should issue a written receipt.


        Unless otherwise agreed upon, the amount of deposit of security shall be refunded by Party A without interest to Party B upon expiration of the lease, provided that Party B has vacated the premises, left everything in the premises intact and paid up all expenses due, kept the premises and all facilities in good condition.


        Any penalty for breach of contract, compensation for damage and rental and other relevant fees payable arising from Party B’s violation of the provisions of the Contract may be deducted by Party A from the deposit of security after receiving the written confirmation from Party B. any shortage there of must be made up for by Party B within ten days of the receipt of the notice of Payment issued by Party A.

        七. 其他費用:

        Ⅶ. OTHER FEES:

        1.乙方應承擔租賃期內的電話費,水、電、煤、 等一切因乙方實際使用而產生的費用,并按公共事業單位的單據如期交納。

        Party B shall pay for the water, electricity and gas fees and telecommunication fees and all other fees incurred by Party B in actual use and paid bills from relevant public service department on schedule the terms of lease.

        2、物業管理費用由 方支付。

        Management fee that will be payable by party .

        八. 甲方的義務:

        Ⅷ. Obligations of Party A:

        1. 甲方須按時將房屋及附屬設施(詳見附件)交付乙方使用。]

        Party A shall turn over the premises and accessory facilities (details refer to the appendix) on schedule to Party B for use.

        2. 房屋設施如因質量原因,自然損害或災害而受到損害時,甲方有修善的任務并承擔有關的`費用。

        Party A shall be responsible for repairing any damage of the premises due to poor quality, natural tear and wear or calamities and bear the expenses thereof.

        3. 甲方應確保其為出租房屋的合法擁有人,按中國法律該房屋可以出租,如在租賃期內,該房屋發生所有權全部或部分的轉移,設定他項物權或其他影響乙方權益的事情時,甲方應保證所有權人,他項權利人或其他影響乙方權益的第三者,能繼續遵守本合同所有條款,反之如乙方權益因此而遭受損害,甲方應付賠償責任。

        Party A shall ensure that Party A is the legal owner of the premises and the premises can be let according to Chinese law, If all or part of the ownership of the premises is transferred, other rights ate settled, or any other happening affects the rights and interests of Party B during the leasehold, Party A should guarantee that the owner. Person to the rights or any other third Party that affects the affects the rights and interest of Party B continue to abide by all the articles of the Contract. Otherwise Party A shall be liable for compensating the loss to the rights and interests suffered by Party B there from.

        九. 乙方的義務:

        Ⅸ. Obligations of party B:


        Party B should pay the rental, deposit of security and other fees payable on schedule according to the provisions of the Contract.

        2. 乙方經甲方同意,可在承擔租用房內進行裝修及添置設備。租賃期滿后,乙方可將添置的可拆動的動產部分自行拆運,并保證不影響房屋的完好及清潔使用。

        Party B may, upon approval by Party A, fit up the lease premises and add equipment there in during the lease hold expiration of the lease hold, Party B may remove the added party of property that is removable, but Party B must ensure that the premises is in good and clean condition for use.

        3. 未經甲方同意,乙方不得將承擔租的房屋轉租或分租給第三方,并愛護使用租賃的房屋。如因乙方的過失或過錯致使房屋及設施受到損壞,乙方應付賠償責任。

        Party B shall not transfer or sublet the leased premises without the approval by Party a and shall take good care of the leased premises and facilities resulting from Party B’s fault or negligence.

        4. 乙方應按本合同的約定合法使用租賃房屋,不得擅自變更使用性質,不應存放危險物品,如因此發生損壞,乙方應承擔全部責任。

        Party B shall use the leased premises lawfully according to the provision of the contract. Party B shall not arbitrarily change the use of the said premises. No hazardous materials and goods shall be allowed to be kept in the premises. If any damage is attributable to such use, Party b shall be fully liable for the damage.

        5. 非房客人為因素造成的設備和家具損壞,由房東負責修繕或更換,如房東在接到房客通知的十天沒有及時修繕或更換,房客有權自己去更換或修繕,費用由房東承擔,房東應負責房屋結構的維修,除非損壞是由于房客人造成的,其中日常消耗品的更換費用由乙方承擔。

        In case any equipment in The Property breaks down by natural use by The Tenant, it is The Landlord’s responsibility to arrange and pay for the costs of repair or replacement. In the event that The Landlord fails to repair or replace such equipment within a reasonable time (being less than ten days from he date on which the problem was notified to The Landlord) The Tenant shall have the right to arrange for repair or replacement and the costs are to be reimbursed to the Tenant by The Landlord. The landlord is responsible for the repair and upkeep and repair of the structure of The Property, except where and to the extent it is damaged due to the negligence of The Tenant. Party B is responsible for the daily consumption.

        十. 合同終止及解除的規定:

        Ⅹ. Termination and dissolution of the Contract:

        1. 乙方在租賃期滿后,如需續祖或退租,應提前一個月通知對方,由雙方另行協商續租事宜。

        If Party B intends to renew or terminated lease hold upon its expiration, it shall notify Party

        A of such intention one month prior to the expiration of the lease term. Then the two parties shall discuss matters over the renewal of leasehold.

        2. 租賃期滿后,乙方應在當日內將承擔的房屋及設施在正常清潔狀態下交還甲方,如有留置的任何物品,在未取得甲方的諒解之下,均視為放棄,任憑甲方處置,乙方絕無異議。

        Upon the expiration of the lease hold, Party B shall return he leased premises and accessory facilities in normal condition to Party A within last days, Any belongings left behind in the house shall, without obtaining precious understanding of Party A, be deemed as things

        given up by Party B and shall be dispose of by Party A at its discretion o which Party B shall raise no objection.

        3. 合同一經雙方簽定后立即生效,未經雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協商。

        This Contract shall come into force upon the date of being signed by both parties. It must not be terminated at will without the approval of both parties, Anything not covered in the contract must be consulate separately by party A and party B.

        4. 合同任何一方在不可抗力事件(地震,戰爭,自然災害,政治因素)而不能履行本合同義務時,本合同將自然終止,未租租金及全部押金將返還給乙方。

        In the occurrence of force majeur (Earthquake, War, Natural Calamity, Government

        complication ),this contract can be terminated in any of the cases above, and the Tenant should get back all the deposit and the rest of the rental pro rata.

        十一. 違約責任:

        Ⅺ. Handling of Breach of Contract:

        1. 甲、乙任何一方未按本合同的條款執行,導致中途終止本合同,并且過錯方在未征得對方諒解的情況則視為違約,雙方同意違約金為 元整。若違約金不足彌補無過錯方之損失,則違約方還需就不足部分支付賠償金。

        If failure of either Party A of Party b to fulfill the articles of the contract results in the termination of the Contract before its expiration, the Party at fault shall be deemed as violating the contract without obtaining the understanding of the other Party. The two parties agree that the penalty for breach of contract shall be . In case such penalty is not sufficient to make up for the loss suffered by the faultless party, the party that has violated the Contract shall pay additional compensation.

        2. 凡在執行本合同或與本合同有關的事情時雙方發生爭議應首先友好協商,協商不成,提交上海仲裁委員會仲裁解決,如雙方意見不一,可向有管轄權的人民法院提出訴訟。

        Any dispute arising from the execution of, or in connection with the contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between both parties, In case no settlement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted to the shanghai Arbitration Committee, if the settlement still can not be reached by both parties, the disputes can be submitted to the people’s court

        which has jurisdiction over the premises.



        1.本合同的附件1至附件5是本合同的有效組成部分,具有同等法律效力。附件3、附件4 和附件5為本合同必備部分,否則本合同不生效。

        The appendix is an effective component of this contract, which shall have the sane force of law. Attachment 3, 4 and 5 are the important part of the contract, the contract will not be valid without the attachment3, 4and 5.


        This Contract is made in 2 copies for each party.


        If party A of Party B has any specific matters, it may be agreed upon by both parties in this separate clause.

        4.本合同及其附件用中文和英文書寫,兩種文本具有同等效力,上述兩種文本如有不符,以中文本為準。 This agreement and its appendix are written both in Chinese and English, and the two copies are equally authentic. If there is any inconsistency between them, take the Chinese copy in writing separately as the standard.

        甲方: 乙方:

        Party A: Party B:

        證件號碼ID No. 證件號碼Passport No.:

        聯絡地址: 聯絡地址:

        Address: Address:

        電話: 電話:

        Tel: Tel:

        日期: 日期:

        Date: Date:

        中英文租賃合同 10

        Party a (the lessor) : _________________________ contract number: ___________________


        Legal representative: _____________________________ signed address: ___________________


        Party b (tenant) : date: _________________________ signed on _____ _____ ______ years


        Id card number: _____________________________


        In accordance with the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and relevant provisions, the parties hereto have reached an agreement on the lease of underground parking space through negotiation and hereby enter into this contract to define the rights and obligations of both parties for mutual execution.


        Article 1 Basic information of underground parking Spaces


        This parking space is located in ____ ____ ____ city road _____ area (hereinafter referred to as the district) the first ____ ____ floor underground, the vehicle Numbers for ____.


        The parking space is ____ meters long and ____ meters wide.


        The left side of the parking space is: □ parking space /□ wall /□ other _;


        On the right: □ parking space /□ wall /□ Others: __.


        This parking space is suitable for vehicle types ____.


        Party A shall ensure that the parking space is in rentable condition.


        Article 2 Lease Term


        The lease term is ____ years starting from ____ on ____ month of ____ and ending on ____ ____ month of ____.


        After Party B pays Party A the lease fee of the parking space in full, Party A agrees to hand over the parking space to Party B for use before ____.


        Article 3 Rent


        The total rental fee is RMB _____ Yuan (in words: ___).


        Article 4 Term and method of payment


        Party B shall pay the rent in one lump sum within _____ days from the date of signing this contract.


        Article 5 Liability for late payment


        If Party B fails to make payment within the agreed time, it shall be handled in the following ways:


        Party B shall, within _____ days, from the next day after the expiry of the agreed payment due period to the date of actual payment due, pay Party A a liquidated damages amounting to _____ ‰ of the overdue payment on a daily basis, and within _____ days from the date of actual payment due, the Contract shall continue to be performed.


        Party A shall have the right to rescind the contract after the delay exceeds _____.


        If Party A rescinds the contract, the rent paid by Party B shall not be refunded.


        If Party B is willing to continue to perform this contract with the consent of Party A, it shall pay Party A a liquidated damages amounting to 10,000 (_____) of the overdue payment on a daily basis starting from the next day after the expiration of the agreed payable period and ending on the date of actual payment of the payable.


        Article 6 Term and conditions of delivery


        Party A shall deliver the parking space to Party B before _____ month _____ month _____.


        The delivery of the parking space shall meet the following conditions:


        (1) The building where the parking space is located has obtained the planning acceptance approval document and the completion acceptance receipt of the construction project.


        (2) The parking space has been marked.


        Article 7 Liability for overdue delivery


        Except for force majeure, if Party A fails to deliver the parking space to Party A within the time limit and conditions stipulated in Article 6, it shall be dealt with in the following manner:


        Party A shall, within _____ days from the next day after the expiration of the agreed delivery period to the actual delivery date, pay Party B a penalty equal to _____ 10,000 of the paid parking space price on a daily basis and the Contract shall continue to be performed.


        If the delay exceeds _____ days, Party B has the right to return the parking space.


        If Party B returns the parking space, Party A shall refund all the payment and pay _____% of the total payment to Party B within _____ days from the effective date of the notice of refund.


        If Party B requires to continue to perform the contract, Party A shall pay to Party B the liquidated damages equivalent to 10,000 (_____) per day from the next day after the expiration of the delivery period to the actual delivery date if the contract continues to be performed.


        Article 8 Handover Procedures


        At the time of acceptance and handover, both parties shall sign the parking space handover form.


        Article 9 Commitment to Use


        During the use of the parking lot, Party B shall not change the purpose and the main structure and load-bearing structure of the building where the parking lot is located without authorization.


        Unless otherwise agreed herein, the Supplementary Agreement and its annexes, Party B shall have the right to use the shared parts and facilities related to the parking space with other right holders during the use of the parking space, and shall assume the obligations according to the shared parts and the shared area of the shared house.


        Party A shall not change the nature of use of the common parts and facilities related to the parking space without authorization.


        Article 10 Property management


        The property management enterprise lawfully selected and engaged by Party A is: _____.


        The enterprise shall handle the corresponding parking management service filing procedures in accordance with the provisions.


        During the management period, the property management enterprise shall charge Party B the underground parking management service fee and provide the underground parking property management service.


        Article 11 Change of ownership


        During the term hereof, Party A shall have the right to sell the parking space.


        If Party A sells the parking space, Party A shall notify Party B of the sale price and payment requirements at least _____ days in advance, and Party B shall have the right of priority to purchase the parking space under the same conditions.


        Party B shall, within _____ days from the date of the notification by Party A, give a written reply on whether Party A agrees to purchase the parking space as notified by Party A. If Party B does not agree to purchase the parking space or fails to give a definite reply within the time limit or agrees to purchase the parking space as notified by Party A, it shall be deemed that Party B has waived its right of priority and Party A shall have the right to sell the parking space otherwise.


        If Party B gives up its right of priority to purchase the parking space, this Contract shall be terminated, Party B shall immediately return the parking space, and Party A shall refund the unpaid rent of the parking space without interest.


        Article 12 Notice


        Any notice required or permitted by this Contract, however delivered, shall be effective upon actual receipt by the notified party.


        The term "actual receipt" in the preceding paragraph means the arrival of the contents of the notice or communication at the legal address or domicile of the communicated person (domicile specified in this Contract) or within the range of the designated mailing address.


        If either party changes its notification or mailing address, it shall notify the other party of the changed address within _____ days from the date of change; otherwise, the party making the change shall be liable for all consequences caused thereby.


        Article 13 Dispute settlement


        This Contract shall be governed by and governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.


        Any dispute between the parties concerning the interpretation or performance of the relevant terms of this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation.


        If no written contract is reached through negotiation, either party shall have the right to bring a lawsuit to the peoples court with jurisdiction.


        Article 14 Supplementary Provisions


        The terms and appendices of this contract together constitute a complete contract, and the oral agreement and written materials prior to this agreement do not constitute the content of the contract and therefore have no legal effect.


        Before signing this contract, both parties shall provide the other party with valid legal documents, including Business License of Enterprise Legal Person, ________.


        This contract is made in _____ copies, with each party holding _____ copies, all of which are equally authentic.


        This contract shall come into force upon being signed and sealed by both parties.


        Party a (seal) : ____________________ party b (signature) : ____________________


        Authorized agent: (sign) ______________ Authorized agent: (sign) ______________


        Address: ____________________________ address: ____________________________


        Zip: ________________________ zip: ________________________


        Contact phone: ________________________ contact phone: ________________________


        Fax: ____________________________ fax: ____________________________


        Date: date of ____________________________ : ____________________________


        E-mail: ________________________ E-mail: ________________________


        Bank: ________________________ bank: ________________________


        Account: ____________________________ account: ____________________________


        中英文租賃合同 11

        Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A) : _____


        Nationality: _____


        Id Card: ___________


        Legal representative: _____


        Business license: _____


        You can be reached at _____


        Name of entrusted agent: _____


        Nationality: _____


        Id Card: ___________


        You can be reached at _____


        Lessee (hereinafter called Party B) : _____


        Nationality: _____


        Id Card: ___________


        Legal representative: _____


        Business license: _____


        You can be reached at _____


        Name of entrusted agent: _____


        Nationality: _____


        Id Card: ___________


        You can be reached at _____


        In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Peoples Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, the two parties hereto reach the following agreement on the basis of equal, voluntary and friendly consultation.


        Article 1 The address of the leased property (hereinafter referred to as "the Property") is:


        _____, the construction area is ______ square meters (subject to the real estate certificate area). Party A warrants that it has the legal right to lease the property, that leasing the property does not infringe the rights of any third party, and that all the information about the property described herein and all the materials provided herein are true, legal, accurate and complete.

        _____,建筑面積______平方米(以房地產證面積為準),甲方保證對該房產擁有合法出租的權利,出租該房產并沒有侵犯第三人的權利,并保證本合同所載有關該房產之情況以及所提供的全部資料均真實、合法、準確、完整,Otherwise, Party A shall bear all the responsibilities arising therefrom. Meanwhile, Party B has inspected the property on site and approved the orientation, area, age, floor, spacing, quality, decoration, mortgage and property rights of the property.


        The second party agreed to this house lease to party b for the USES of the alarm, the lease is... years, from... from...... solstice on ______ ______ ______.


        Party A shall deliver the premises to Party B for use on ______ ______ month ______.


        Before delivering the property to Party B, Party A shall settle the management fee, water and electricity fee, gas fee and other related expenses.


        Article 3 the parties agreed the monthly rent is RMB _____________ (RMB ____________ hold).


        The rent shall be settled monthly. Party B shall settle the previous months rent before the ______ day of each month, and Party A shall issue a receipt.


        Party B must pay the rent on time; otherwise, in addition to continuing to pay the rent, Party B shall pay a late fee of 1% of the amount owed for each day overdue.


        Article 4 Party B shall pay the rent in cash at ______________.


        Article 5 Party B shall pay ____________ Yuan deposit to Party A on the date of signing this Contract. If Party A fails to lease the property to Party B as agreed herein, Party A shall return twice the deposit to Party B. If Party B fails to lease the Property as agreed herein, Party A shall have the right to confiscate the deposit.


        When Party A delivers the property to Party B for use, the deposit shall be converted into the lease deposit.


        Article 6 the party b to party a deliver the property to party a on the day of deposit RMB.. (RMB...).


        And the first monthly rent of RMB _______________ ten __________ yuan (¥______ yuan).


        Upon expiration of the lease term, Party B shall pay off the rent and other expenses and move out on schedule, Party A shall immediately return the deposit to Party B without interest.


        If Party Bs breach of contract causes economic losses to Party A, Party A shall have the right to deduct relevant expenses from the deposit.


        Article 7 Party A shall not provide furniture and electrical appliances for Party B to use during the lease term.


        Article 8 During the lease term, taxes and fees to be paid shall be borne by both parties in accordance with regulations.


        Party B shall be responsible for the payment of utilities, gas, telephone, property management fees, etc., as well as any expenses incurred by Party B in using the premises.


        Article 9 During the lease term, Party A shall be responsible for the regular safety inspection of the premises and bear the maintenance costs of natural damage to the main structure of the premises.


        Party A shall be liable for compensation for personal injury, death or property loss caused by delayed house maintenance due to Party As maintenance responsibilities.


        Article 10 During the lease term, Party B shall take good care of and normally use the premises and equipment. If Party B finds natural damage to the premises and equipment, Party B shall promptly notify Party A and actively cooperate with Party A in inspection and maintenance. If Party B delays maintenance due to its fault and causes personal injury, death or property loss, Party B shall be responsible for compensation.


        If Party B improperly uses the premises or artificially causes damage to the premises and its equipment, it shall be responsible for repair or compensation.


        Article 11 During the lease term, if either party wants to terminate the contract in advance, it must obtain the consent of the other party.


        Otherwise, it shall be handled as follows: If Party A takes back the property in advance, in addition to returning the entire deposit, Party A shall also pay a penalty equivalent to the amount of the deposit;


        If Party B rescinds the lease in advance, Party A shall have the right to confiscate all the deposit.


        Article 12 If Party B commits any of the following acts, Party A shall have the right to terminate this contract, take back the house and confiscate the deposit;


        Party B shall compensate for the economic losses caused by:


        1. Without the consent of Party A, the Property is sublet, sublet to others for use or exchange;


        2. Using the property for illegal activities;


        3. Delinquent rent or related expenses for more than 15 days;


        4. Change the structure and use of the premises without the consent of Party A and the property management department;


        5. Intentionally damage the property.


        Article 14 When the lease contract expires or terminates in advance, Party B must move out and remove all the furniture and sundries he has bought.


        Otherwise, Party B shall be deemed to have waived the right to the remaining items and shall be handled by Party A without any objection.


        Article 15 During the lease term, if the premises are destroyed by an irresistible natural disaster, the lease shall terminate naturally without any liability.


        Party A shall be responsible for repairing the property in case of heavy loss or tipping danger.


        If Party A does not repair the room, Party B may offer to leave the room or repair the room on behalf of Party A, and the repair fee will be offset against the rent.


        Article 16 This Contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. The contents of each copy must be identical and have the same legal effect. It shall come into force after being signed and sealed by both parties.


        Article 17 In case of any inconsistency between this Contract and the previous agreements, statements and commitments of the two parties, this Contract shall prevail.


        Article 18 Regardless of whether this Contract has been performed, if any dispute arises between Party A and Party B or both parties and it cannot be settled through negotiation, a lawsuit shall be filed with the peoples court at the place where the contract is performed, that is, where the property is located.


        Article 19 Other matters agreed by the two parties (amendment or supplement to the above terms) :


        1. Any tax incurred shall be paid by Party B.


        2. Four hanging air conditioners are owned by Party A.


        Signature of Party A: ___________


        Date: ___________ ______ month ___________


        Party Bs signature: ___________


        Date: ___________ ______ month ___________


        中英文租賃合同 12

        Party A: ____________(hereinafter referred to as Party A)


        Party B: ____________(hereinafter referred to as Party B)


        Through negotiation, Party A and Party B agree to enter into the following contract concerning Party Bs lease of Party As coal storage site, which shall be performed by both parties.


        A, party a agrees to its own coal yard ground lease to party b... square meters, location designated by party a, the time limit for the rent for three years, since on ____ ____ ____ year end on ____ ____ ____, _____ yuan per month, the rent _____ yuan a year, according to the delivery of the rent,一、甲方同意將其自有的儲煤場地給乙方租用________平米,具體位置由甲方劃定,租用期限為三年,自____年____月____日起至____年____月____日止,租金按每月________元,每年________元計算,按年交付租金,Rent is paid before the venue is rented.


        Party A shall also lease one loader and one coal distributor to Party B for the same term as the coal storage yard. The loader shall be paid ________ yuan per month, the coal distributor ________ yuan per month, and Party B shall pay the rent annually. Party A shall pay the rent first and then use the machinery, repair and maintenance expenses, spare parts and materials expenses, and labor expenses by itself.


        Iii. Party B shall not pile up any articles other than coal in the coal storage yard, and shall obey the management of Party A and shall not pile up, unarrange or pile up coal or other articles beyond the scope designated by Party A; otherwise, Party A shall have the right to impose a penalty of ________ yuan per time and unilaterally terminate the Contract.

        三、乙方在儲煤場地,不得堆放除煤之外的任何物品,同時要服從甲方管理人員的管理,不得將煤亂堆、亂放或超出甲方主劃定范圍堆放煤和其他物品,否則甲方有權予以處罰每次________元,同時有權單方終止合同,And shall not bear any loss of Party B (paid rent is non-refundable)


        Iv. The loaders and coal dispensers rented by Party B shall only be used within the site and shall not be driven or transported outside the site, and shall not engage in any operation other than coal loading and blending. Otherwise, Party A shall have the right to take back the machinery and shall not bear any loss to Party B (the rent paid will not be refunded).


        V. After the lease term of the coal storage yard expires or the contract is terminated, Party B shall deliver the site to Party A on time. Party B shall be responsible for repairing the damaged part of the site at its own expense.


        The same applies to the rented loaders and coal dispensers. The machinery returned must be in good condition, and Party B shall repair the damaged part at its own expense.


        Vi. Other matters not covered herein shall be settled by both parties through negotiation.


        In case of any dispute, both parties shall negotiate first. If negotiation fails, the dispute may be referred to the local court.


        Vii. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. It shall come into force after being sealed and signed by both parties.


        Party A: ____________ Party B: ____________


        ________ ________ ________ ________


        中英文租賃合同 13

        Lessor (Party A) : ________________


        Id number: ____________________


        Address: ________________________


        Lessee (Party B) : ________________


        Address: ________________________


        Through mutual consultation, Party A and Party B enter into this agreement concerning the rental of vehicles for mutual compliance.


        1. Vehicle Rental:


        Party A voluntarily leases its ________ car (license No. : ________) to Party B for use.


        Party A shall deliver the vehicle to Party B within 2 days from the date of conclusion of this Agreement, together with the driving license, purchase tax payment certificate, paid insurance certificate and vehicle accompanying tools.


        Ii. Lease term:


        There is a total of ____ months from ____ (____ month ____) to ____ (____ month ____).


        3. Rent and Payment method:


        1. The rent is ________ yuan per month, ________ yuan in total.


        Party B shall pay ________ Yuan of the first-year (or monthly or quarterly) rental to Party A upon receipt of the car, and the subsequent rental shall be paid to Party A on the basis of payment before use, that is, the next years (or monthly or quarterly) rental shall be paid ____ months before the expiration of the previous years contract.


        Party B shall also pay ____________ Yuan rental deposit, which shall be refunded upon the expiration of the lease term if Party B does not breach the contract or the vehicle is damaged.


        Iv. Other rights and obligations of Party A and Party B:


        1. Party A shall ensure that the vehicle procedures are complete, including driving license, purchase tax payment certificate, compulsory traffic insurance and other driving procedures;


        If Party A is investigated and punished by relevant departments in the process of using the vehicle due to incomplete procedures, Party A shall bear relevant responsibilities. If Party A delays Party B in using the vehicle, Party A shall compensate Party B for the loss according to the actual situation.


        2. Party B shall use the vehicle for the purpose agreed herein.


        If Party B does not use the vehicle for the agreed purpose, Party A shall have the right to terminate the agreement and claim responsibility for breach of contract.


        3. Party B shall pay the rent in full according to the time and amount agreed herein.


        If Party B fails to pay the rent in full as agreed, it shall pay Party A a penalty for ____% of the rent for each day for which Party B is late in performing the rent. If the delay exceeds ____ days, Party A shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.


        4. After the vehicle is delivered to Party B, Party A shall pay all taxes and fees related to the use of the vehicle, such as vehicle rental, vehicle and vessel use tax, insurance premium, annual audit, etc., and Party B shall bear the fuel by itself.


        If the relevant responsibilities caused by late payment or non-payment shall be borne by the responsible parties.


        5. The insurance premium payable by Party A shall include: third party liability insurance, vehicle damage insurance, theft insurance, compulsory traffic insurance, etc. The specific insurance amount shall be calculated according to the amount approved by the insurance company.


        6. During the rental term, if the vehicle is involved in a traffic accident or other risks not caused by Party A occur during use, the insurance company will not settle the claims, and Party B shall bear all the responsibilities and handle all the risks by itself. If Party A needs to issue formalities, Party A shall provide assistance.


        In the event of damage to the vehicle, if the insurance compensation is insufficient to restore the vehicle to a serviceable condition, Party B shall assume the responsibility of making up for the damage and bear 30% of the actual maintenance cost of the vehicle.


        7. During the rental period, Party B shall not transfer, sublease, mortgage, pledge or otherwise guarantee the leased vehicle.


        If so, Party A shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and demand Party B to bear the loss and pay liquidated damages equal to 20% of the rental amount.


        8. Party B shall properly protect the vehicle and maintain it regularly, and the relevant expenses shall be borne by Party B.


        When the lease expires or the vehicle is terminated in accordance with this Agreement and returned to Party A, the vehicle shall be kept in the condition after use, and the glass and accompanying tools shall be complete and valid.


        9. During the rental period, Party B shall be responsible for repairing the damage caused by the normal use of the vehicle.


        10. If Party A sells the vehicle during the lease term, Party A shall notify the buyer of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall remain valid for the buyer.


        Party B does not claim the right of preemption, but Party A shall inform Party B of the sale.


        11. Party A shall ensure that the leased vehicle is free of mortgage, seizure and other circumstances that affect Party Bs normal use. In case of any of the above circumstances or any defect in Party As right to the vehicle, which affects Party Bs use, Party A shall pay Party B a penalty of 10% of the rental amount and Party B shall have the right to terminate the Agreement.


        V. Expiration of the lease:


        1. This Agreement shall terminate upon the expiration of the lease term. If Party B no longer leases the vehicle, it shall return the vehicle to Party A upon the expiration of the lease term according to the terms and conditions stipulated herein.


        If Party B continues the lease, both parties shall negotiate a new agreement.


        2. Upon expiration of the lease term, if the parties fail to reach an agreement on the continuation of the lease and Party B fails to return the vehicle to Party A, Party B shall compensate Party A for the loss by twice the rental standard agreed herein, and shall also bear the attorneys agency fee calculated according to the prescribed standard if any lawsuit needs to be settled.


        Vi. Termination of the Agreement:


        1. Both parties can terminate this Agreement upon mutual agreement.


        2. If the vehicle reaches the retirement age or the retirement mileage is forced to be scrapped within the rental period, this Agreement shall be terminated, Party B shall pay the rent according to the actual use period, and neither party shall bear the responsibility for breach of contract.


        When either party unilaterally terminates this Agreement in accordance with this Agreement, the date on which the termination notice is sent to the other party and reaches the contact address of the other party shall be deemed as the effective date of termination.


        Upon termination of this Agreement, if Party B fails to return the vehicle to Party A, in addition to compensating Party A for the loss by twice the rental standard agreed herein, Party B shall also bear the attorneys agency fee calculated according to the prescribed standard if a lawsuit is needed.


        If Party A does not accept the vehicle, Party B can deposit the vehicle to the notary office, and the condition of the vehicle at the time of deposit shall be deemed to conform to the condition of delivery agreed in this agreement, and Party A shall bear the relevant expenses.


        Vii. Dispute Resolution Methods:


        All disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be settled by both parties through negotiation and may also be filed in the Peoples Court of Chengyang District of Qingdao.


        Viii. Effectiveness and Other Agreements:


        1. Matters not covered herein shall be determined by both parties through negotiation.


        2. This Agreement shall come into force upon being signed or sealed by both parties.


        3. This agreement is made in ____ copies, with each party holding ____ copies.


        Party A: ________________________


        Legal Representative (signature) : ____________


        Contact person: ____________________


        Contact number: ____________________


        You can be reached at ____________________


        Party B: ________________________


        Legal Representative (signature) : ____________


        Contact number: ____________________


        You can be reached at ____________________


        ________ ____ month ____


        中英文租賃合同 14

        Party A:




        Legal representative (unit):


        Party B:




        Id Card Number (Natural person):


        Based on the principle of high trust and mutual benefit, and within the scope of the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China, both parties reach the following agreement on the basis of good faith and friendly consultation:


        1. Party A shall provide Party B with vehicles with complete equipment, good technical condition, safe and reliable operation and complete documents.


        2. After Party B signs this Agreement and selects the vehicle type, Party B shall pay the vehicle rental fee of RMB Yuan per month to Party A, the vehicle rental mortgage of RMB yuan, and the vehicle rental fee of the same month per day.


        Iii. Term of Agreement: Party A shall deliver the vehicle model A to the Lessee for use from () to ().


        Iv. During the term of this Agreement, the ownership of the vehicle belongs to Party A, and Party B only has the right to use the vehicle. Party B shall not sublease, lend, mortgage or carry out freight other than passenger transport, and shall not engage in commercial activities, sports competitions or any other acts infringing on the ownership of Party As vehicle.


        Rights and obligations of Party A:


        (1) Deliver the agreed vehicles to Party B on time;


        (2) Assist Party B in dealing with vehicle insurance accidents and repairing damaged vehicles;


        (3) The balance of the vehicle mortgage after deducting depreciation expenses shall be returned to Party B as agreed;


        (4) Under any of the following circumstances, Party A shall have the right to terminate the Agreement, take back the vehicle, and request Party B to compensate for the corresponding economic losses;


        (1) Party B uses Party As vehicle for illegal and criminal activities;


        (2) Party B fails to use Party As vehicle as agreed herein;


        (3) Without Party As consent, Party B rents Party As vehicle, or sets up mortgage, pledge and other rights on Party As vehicle;


        (4) Party B damages Party As vehicle or other acts that damage Party As legitimate rights and interests.


        (5) During the term hereof, Party A shall not be liable for personal and property damage caused by Party Bs use of Party As vehicle, except for insurance compensation.


        If Party A has made compensation, Party A has the right to recover from Party B...


        Party Bs rights and obligations:


        (1) Party B shall have the right to request Party A to deliver the vehicles for use in accordance with the agreement;


        (2) Party B shall pay the vehicle mortgage in full and on time;


        (3) Party B shall use the vehicle normally as agreed.


        Party B shall be liable for any damage to the vehicle caused by improper use or storage, such as damage to the single tire, or damage to the engine caused by water entry of the exhaust pipe or improper operation after water entry;


        (4) Party B shall bear the annual inspection fee, road maintenance fee, vehicle and ferry fee and normal maintenance fee (including automobile oil, clutch oil, brake oil and coolant) of the vehicle during the term hereof.


        (5) Party A shall promptly notify Party A of any loss or damage of vehicle license plate or other procedures during the use of the vehicle, and Party B shall bear the relevant procedures expenses and losses caused by the above reasons for the vehicles failure to operate normally.


        1. Party B shall not give the vehicle to an unlicensed driver or a driver who has been driving on the highway for less than one year, otherwise all consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by Party B...


        2. Party B shall cooperate with Party A to carry out normal maintenance and annual inspection of the vehicles during the Agreement period, and carry out maintenance on schedule (the first maintenance shall be kilometers or the vehicles have been driven for several months, and the first maintenance shall be carried out on schedule according to the manufacturers regulations).


        If annual inspection is required, Party B shall deliver the vehicle to the designated place at the time designated by Party A and clean the vehicle as required.


        Party A reserves the right to claim compensation for vehicles that fail to carry out maintenance or annual inspection on time.


        Without permission, Party B shall not send the vehicle to any place other than the repair shop designated by Party A for repair and maintenance.


        3. During the term of the Agreement, Party B shall bear the fuel fee, parking fee, bridge toll, highway toll, violation fine and other expenses.


        If the vehicle fails or is abnormal during normal use, Party B shall immediately notify Party A or drive the vehicle to Party As maintenance office, and Party B shall not disassemble or replace the original vehicle equipment and parts by itself.


        Party B shall be liable for all accidents and losses caused by improper use.


        When Party B normally uses the vehicle, if the engine or gearbox is damaged, Party B shall promptly notify Party A of timely inspection and maintenance.


        4. If the vehicle or a third party is damaged due to any of the following circumstances, Party B shall bear all compensation:


        (1) Drivers who drink alcohol, take drugs, or use them exclusively for medicine;


        (2) Party B drives the vehicle and escapes.


        (3) Failing to report the accident, concealing the true situation or failing to notify Party A within 24 hours to deal with the accident.


        (4) The part of car damage and third party insurance that exceeds the amount insured by the insurance company.


        Vii. Insurance


        (1) If the vehicle is stolen, damaged or scrapped during Party Bs use, Party B shall continue to bear the vehicle mortgage payment hereunder from the date of occurrence of the insured accident to the date of compensation by the insurance company.


        (2) In the event of an insured event, Party B shall promptly notify Party A and provide relevant certificates to the insurance company;


        Otherwise, Party B shall be liable for non-compensation and related economic losses of the insurance company.


        Viii. Liability for breach of contract


        (1) If either party fails to perform the contract (except force majeure), it shall pay the other party liquidated damages equal to 20% of the unpaid mortgage amount.


        (2) If Party A delays in the delivery of the vehicle, it shall, on the basis of the mortgage payment, pay Party B 5&permil per day if Party B delays in the return of the vehicle, the penalty shall be paid according to the actual use time (150 yuan/day), which shall be deducted from the mortgage payment returned.

        (2)如果甲方延遲交付車輛,則應在支付抵押款的基礎上,每天向乙方支付5 & permil乙方逾期歸還車輛的,按實際使用時間(150元/天)支付違約金,從歸還的抵押款中扣除。

        (3) Upon expiration of the contract, Party A and Party B shall perform the contract and return the vehicle and the deposit on time. In case of breach of contract, Party A and Party B shall pay the other party a penalty of 5% per day of the mortgage payment.


        (3) If Party A fails to contact Party B at the address and telephone number registered as agreed upon upon delivery of the vehicle to Party B, no matter whether the agreed period expires or not, it shall be deemed to have cheated the vehicle in bad faith and shall immediately report the case to the public security organ as fraudulent.


        (4) Modification and termination of the Agreement


        Ix. The parties shall sign a written agreement to modify and terminate the Agreement unless the conditions stipulated in this Agreement are met or the agreement is terminated by law.


        X. If Party B shall renew this Agreement upon expiration of this Agreement, it shall go through the renewal procedures within 5 days prior to the expiration of this Agreement.


        Settlement of disputes


        Any dispute arising from this Agreement shall be settled by the parties through consultation in a timely manner.


        If negotiation fails, one of the following methods may be adopted:


        (1) Arbitration by the Municipal Arbitration Commission.




        Annex to the agreement


        The annexes to this Agreement are an integral part of this Agreement and have the same legal effect as this Agreement.




        Vehicle handover order


        Xiii. This Agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. It shall come into force after being signed and sealed.


        Party A :_____ Party B :_____


        Signature date :____ ____ month ____


        中英文租賃合同 15

        Lessor: (hereinafter referred to as Party A)


        Gender Date of birth


        Id Number:




        Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B)


        Gender Date of birth


        Id Number:




        Through friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have entered into this lease contract on the principle of equality, mutual benefit, good faith, and for the mutual compliance of both parties:


        1, party a is to lease to party b in _ the facade, lease term in __ _ years, from the day of __2013___ years ___ ___ month to _2016_____ ending on ___ ___.


        2. Party A and Party B agree that the rent of the house shall be ___7000________ yuan/year. Party A promises to waive the rent of Party B in the first year and Party B shall pay the rent of the year in one lump sum one month in advance.


        3. Party A shall guarantee that the leased premises are owned by itself without any rights defects, that the leased premises and facilities are in good condition and can be used normally, and that Party A shall provide Party B with valid real estate certificates and relevant procedures for applying for the business license.


        4. Party A shall provide the facade as a blank house, and Party B shall provide its own water and electricity facilities, be responsible for facade decoration, and bear various taxes and fees required for operation. Party B shall operate and work within the scope permitted by national laws, regulations and policies, and shall prohibit prostitution, gambling and drugs; otherwise, Party A shall have the right to recover the leased premises and Party B shall bear the economic losses caused to Party A.


        5. Party B shall be responsible for all expenses required for house decoration. Upon termination of the Contract or termination of the lease relationship, Party B shall have all movable facilities related to the House decoration or renovation.


        6. During the term hereof, Party B shall sublease the leased site to a third party only with the consent of Party A.


        7. Upon expiration of the lease term hereof, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease.


        8. If either party fails to perform or not fully perform the provisions hereof after the Contract is officially signed, it shall constitute a breach of contract, and the breaching party shall be liable for all losses caused to the non-breaching party by its breach.


        Note: In the course of performing this Contract, if Party A arbitrarily rescinders or terminates this Contract early, it shall compensate Party B for all decoration losses and expected operating losses.


        9. This contract shall come into force after being signed by both parties in two originals. Each party shall hold one copy and each copy shall have the same legal effect.


        10. For matters not covered herein, Party A and Party B may enter into a supplementary contract after reaching an agreement through negotiation. The supplementary contract and this Contract shall have the same legal effect.


        Party A (Signature):_______________


        Party B (Signature) : _______________


        Date: Year month day


        Date: Year month day












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