Happy snail幼兒園教案
1、 通過游戲活動,初步了解snail、creep的含義,并能正確、大膽的發音。
2、 在豐富多彩的英語活動中,培養幼兒對英語活動的興趣。
活動準備:課件《Happy snail》,歌曲《Happy birthday》《Bingo》,蝸牛頭飾人手一份,葉子若干。
一、Song:《Happy birthday》
1、 Today is one little animal birthday. Let’sing a song,ok?
2、 Sing the song《Happy birthday》
3、 觀賞課件。
A、 Let’s guess who is it?(你們猜猜是誰的生日?)(幼兒說出動物的`名稱如:tiger、monkey時課件中出現動物的形象。)
B、 觀賞課件《Happy birthday》
C、 Its name is a snail.學習單詞:snail(蝸牛)的發音。
D、 Oh! How beautiful! Here are flowers, cake, and candles. The snail is very happy.
二、 Game.《Happy snail》
1、 出示蝸牛頭飾:Who is it? 鞏固練習snail 的發音。
2、 I have a lot of snails. Who wants? Say its name.
3、 How does the snail walk? Creep(爬行)Who can creep too?(Snake can creep. Tortoise can creep.幼兒可自由的做些動作。)
4、 欣賞課件:幼兒感受蝸牛緩慢的爬行。慢慢slowly.
5、 Slowly,slowly,veryslowly ,snail creep slowly.幼兒坐在座位上模仿蝸牛爬行。
6、 Let’s creep like snail.幼兒邊爬行邊念短語Slowly,slowly,veryslowly ,snail creep slowly.
7、 Do you want to play games with me?Let’s play a new game.
A、 what’s this?Leaf. Snail like leaf. There are a lot of leaves here.
B、 教師示范游戲。Little snails have set out.Pick up the leaf and put it in the middle of the legs.Come back.
C、 幼兒游戲。
三、 結束活動。
1、 Let’s give the leaf to the little snail.
2、 Sing the song《Bingo》。
3、 Say goodbye to the teachers.
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