- 相關推薦
1.能夠聽說讀寫五個情緒單詞:tired, angry, excited, happy, sad ,bored.
2.能夠聽說讀句型:How does Amy feel? She’s tired.并進行關鍵詞的替換操練。
3.能夠完成Task time的任務。
教學重點:使學生熟練掌握五個四會單詞,并能替換句型“How does she/he feel? She’s/he tired.進行回答。
一、 Warm-up:
(1)Free talk: How tall are you?
How heavy are you?
How old are you?
How many pencils do you have?
How much is your…?
How are you? Your parents come to our classroom today.
Step 1: Learn the new words.
請同學們朗讀并翻譯課本19頁Let’s Learn 中的6個單詞,畫出不會讀或不會翻譯的單詞,2分鐘后指名交流。
T: You had the English test this week, many students did a good job in this test. X, you got 100 pionts, how do you feel?
T: If you failed the English test, you are ________.(sad)
T: If you failed the test, your parents are _________.(angry)
出示John踢球輸了的圖片,出示句子John is very angry, because he lost the football match. 讓學生看情景圖說句子,達到操練的新單詞的目的。
承接上面的情景,John is very angry, because he lost the football match, how about Zhang Peng? (情景圖)導入單詞excited.
出示句子:Zhang Peng is excited, because he won the football match.
Guiding2:請同學們朗讀并翻譯19頁Let’s Learn 中的兩個句子,畫出不會讀或不會翻譯的單詞,兩分鐘后指名交流。
以同樣的方式教學單詞tired和bored,同時教學句型How does Amy feel? She’s tired.在指導拼讀單詞時,讓學生觀察兩個單詞的相同之處:結尾三個字母都是red,這樣的話學生對這兩個單詞的記憶就會更加深刻。
Guiding2:請同學們朗讀并翻譯19頁Let’s Learn 中的兩個句子,畫出不會讀或不會翻譯的單詞,兩分鐘后指名交流。
1.句型操練:How does …feel? He/She’s ….安排同桌兩個人問答練習。
2.Pair work.記憶大比拼。(給學生30秒中,記住六個孩子的心情,然后教師問學生答。)
3.總結以How 開頭的疑問句,并對比How do you feel? How does Amy feel?兩個句子的不同之處:人稱和助動詞的變化。
Read and finish:
1.My dad is going on a trip without me.
I’m very _ _ _ _ _.
2. Chen Jie failed(不及格) the math test,She’s very _ _ _.
3. Lucy clean the bedroom in the morning,She’s_ _ _ _ _.
4.Mike is going to take a trip next week,He’s very _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
5. Sarah is _ _ _ _ _, because her mother
is going to buy a new dress for her.
Learning aims:
1.能聽說讀寫6個重點單詞:tired, angry, excited, happy; sad, bored;
2.能正確運用重點句子:How does Amy feel? She’s tired.
1.能夠聽說讀寫單詞和短語:have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore throat.
2.能夠聽說讀句型:What’s the matter, Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.并進行關鍵詞的替換操練。
3.能夠理解會并吟唱Let’s chant的歌謠。
1.重點是掌握A-Let’s learn的四會單詞和短語,并詢問別人的身體狀況。
1、 Warm-up
(1)播放錄音PEP4Unit6歌曲“My father is a doctor.”
(2)日常口語對話,復習職業單詞。What’s your father/mother?
2、 Presentation and practice
(1)教師出示Let’s start的教學掛圖,說:Look! We have some new friends here. Who are they? What’s the matter with them?…幫助學生回答,并引導學生通過觀察圖片或教師的肢體動作來幫助學生熟悉答句中的新單詞和短語。
(2)播放Let’s chant的錄音,重點領讀句子:I have a headache. I have the flu.
(3)教師出示一支體溫表,說:This is a thermometer. If I have a fever, it will tell me. Let’s see Mike. Mike doesn’t feel well. He has a fever.指著Let’s learn的圖片的 Mike,教學“have a fever”。讓學生看圖片,教師做出各種表情,引導學生提問“What’s the matter?”,引出詞組have a fever(出示體溫計或在額頭上捂濕毛巾) have a toothache(作牙疼狀) , hurt(在身體某一部位貼一塊膏藥), have a sore throat(咳 嗽,說話沙啞),have a cold(打噴嚏), have a headache(作頭痛狀)。注意headache 和 toothache的共同之處,幫助學生簡單了解構詞法。播放錄音,讓學生跟讀單詞。
(4)教師讓學生讀單詞,叫到的同學,給他圖片(have a fever),問他:“What’s the matter, x?”引導學生說:I feel sick. I have a fever.解釋sick單詞。用同樣的.方法教授句型:What’s the matter, x? I ...
(5)Let’s play “看病”游戲。 將學生分成六大組,每組選一張短語卡片。教師戴上醫生的帽子提問:Cold, cold, who has a cold? 如第一組選中的是have a cold,這組學生就邊做動作或表情邊吟唱:Cold, cold, I have a cold.用同樣的方法進行操練,各組調換卡片繼續該活動。
(6)Pair work “敲敲打打”活動。 教師將所學單詞或短語寫在黑板上,然后把學生分成兩大組,每組派一名代表站到黑板前。教師說單詞或短語,請學生敲擊聽到的單詞或短語,誰敲得既對又快得一分,最后得分高的組獲勝。
屏幕的左邊為sore throat/fever/cold/headache這些詞,它們的旁邊為少了一個詞的詞組結構:have a …, 右邊為每個詞組所對應的圖片。拖動左邊的詞把它們配對到對應的詞組中。右邊的圖可以給所填的詞以提示。連對了,則會發出歡呼聲,給學生以鼓勵。
3、 Consolidation and extension
五、板書設計: Unit 2 What’s the matter, Mike? have a fever hurt have a cold have a toothache have a headache have a sore throa
語言目標:Do you want to go to a movie? Yes ,do.
What kind of movies do you like?
I like action movies. Because they are exciting.
詞匯儲備:action movie,comedy,thriller,documentary,exciting,scary,sad。
(1)重點詞匯及句型“Do you want to……?”Yes/No。
(2)并列連詞and , but的運用及各詞由單數變復數的規律。
教學內容:Unite 9,Section A
Step 1、Lead in:Draw some pictures of football,basketball. T:Do you want to play football?S:YesI do.T:Do you want to go to a movie?S:Yes,I do.Show some movie pictures to the students。 Letthem discuss together. And teach the new words.
Step 2Task 1,Talk about the movies. T:Do you want to go to a movie?S:Yes,I do. T:What kind of movies do you like? Do you like comedies?S:Yes,I do./No,I don’t.
First, teacher gives an example. Then the class ask and answer. Choose 2 or 3 pairs to act them out.
Step 3、Task 2,Listening.
Let the students read 2a,then listen to the tape.
Ask some questions about listening.
T:Does Sally like action movies?S:No.
T:What kind of movies does Sally like?S:documentaries.
T:Does Ben like thrillers?S:No,they are scary.
Step 4、Task 3,discussion;like and dislike,using and used,but. Let the students discuss,and finish 3a and 3b and check the answers. Then tell them to read together,in groups or in pairs.
Step 5、Make a survey:What kind of movies do you like?Ask group mates what kind of movies they want to see on weekends. Tell them to talk about each other,and then ask the grouper to give a report.
a.學生能聽,說,讀,寫單詞:post card, magazine, dictionary, comic book, newspaper五個單詞,并能在日常生活中使用;學生能聽懂,會說句型What are you going to do? I’m going to…和When are you going to do? This afternoon…。 b.學生能夠熟練運用What are you going to do? I’m going to…這一句型和聽懂,會說以及基本運用When are you going to do? This afternoon…這個句型,進而在實際生活中能夠談論將要做的事情以及將要在什么時候做事情。
Ⅰ.Warm up
1.Chant教師播放Let’s chant.學生跟著錄音一起chant。 T: First, let’s warm our bodies. Let’s chant together.
(設計意圖:通過聽唱歡快的chant讓學生盡快進入英語學習的氛圍,復習Part A學過的句型。)
2. Free talk
教師走下講臺,提起三到四個同學進行對話。教師用PPT展示動詞詞組T: Hello, … S: Hello, Mr Hu
T: What are you going to do tomorrow/this weekend…? S: I’m going to …….
(設計意圖:通過師生間自由回話復習Part A學過的一般將來時的句型,也為下面情境導入學習做準備。)
1.老師問全體學生: Do you like reading books? Where are you going to buy books? Ss: In the bookstore.
T: What kinds of books can you buy in a bookstore? Who can tell me?
Ss: Storybooks, English books, notebooks, magazine…….
T: You can buy some novels, too. You can buy novels written by“莫言”.
The literature of 20xx Nobel winner(諾貝爾文學獎)
2.Learn new words
(1)We can also buy some things else in the bookstore. Do you know what they are? I say ,you guess.
教師邊在黑板上畫出簡筆畫問:It’s made of paper ,we can look up many new words. It’ thick. It is helpful to us. What’s this?
Ss: It’s a dictionary(字典).
(2)T: It’s made of paper. When New Year’s Day is coming, we often send them to our friends. And give our best wishes to our friends. What is it? Ss: It’s a postcard(明信片)
PPT展示post card并且教授新詞.呈現并且板書句子
(3)教師再在黑板上畫出簡筆畫漫畫書,然后問: It’s made of paper. There are many pictures in it. What’s this in English ?
Ss: It’s a comic book. T:How do you spell? Ss: C-O- M-I-C comic
(4) Let’s guess again. It’s made of paper. It’s large. We can read news it it. What’s this in English?(教師拿出一份報紙) Ss: It’s a newspaper.
教師解釋拼寫由new—news+ paper.—newspaper單詞較長,學生記憶有困難時,想辦法解決。及時板書,領讀教師用同樣方法教授magazine.
(1)So many wonderful books, We can get much knowledge from them. What are you going to buy in the bookstore?
S1.I am going to buy comic booking in the bookstore. S2:I am going to buy a dictionary in the bookstore. S3: I’m going to buy a newspaper in the bookstore. S4:I am going to buy.
When New Year’s Day comes,呈現生詞細致,但方法單一。教師描述、不一定學生能說出生詞。建議根據學情調整。評委注
(2)T: All of you like reading books. Well done! When are you going ? S1: This afternoon.
T: He is going to buy a book in the bookstore, (對一個學生):What about you?”
Let’s ask her together: When are you going? S2:This Sunday.
(3)教師出示自學指導:Boys and girls, ask and answer like this, using the words in the bank.
Let’s learn
T:What is Mike going to buy in the bookstore? When is he going? Listen and find the answer.
(1)listen and answer.
(2)Listen and repeat.
(3)Practice in pairs.
(設計意圖由于單詞已經學完,讓學生帶著問題來聽,來模仿朗讀,來回答問題。讓學生時刻對英語有興趣。并且做到單詞放在句中練習,做到詞不離句。) Ⅲ.Practise
T: Look, this is a bookstore. There are many books here. What are you going to buy?
--What are you going to do? --I’m going to _________ --When are you going? -- ___________.
Words bank
1.magazine comicbook newspaper dictionary post card….
2.Tomorrow tonight this evening this afternoon next week….
What are you going to do?
I’m going to buy an English book in the book store.
T: It’s made of paper. When New Year’s Day is coming, we often send them to our friends. And give our best wishes to our friends. What is it? Ss: It’s a postcard(明信片)
PPT展示post card并且教授新詞.呈現并且板書句子
教師再在黑板上畫出簡筆畫漫畫書,然后問: It’s made of paper. There are many pictures in it. What’s this in English ?
Ss: It’s a comic book. T:How do you spell? Ss: C-O- M-I-C comic
Let’s guess again. It’s made of paper. It’s large. We can read news it it. What’s this in English?(教師拿出一份報紙) Ss: It’s a newspaper.
教師解釋拼寫由new—news+ paper.—newspaper單詞較長,學生記憶有困難時,想辦法解決。及時板書,領讀教師用同樣方法教授magazine.
(設計意圖:教師展示書店以及各種圖書的`圖片,引導學生用I’m going to buy...來表達自己打算買的圖書。通過“你呼我應”游戲進行操練,讓學生在具體的選書情境中對所學的詞句進行鞏固。)
Ⅳ. Production
Can I help you?
Yes. I’m going
to buy some comic books.
Herethey are!
Thank you.
Ⅵ. Homework
1. Copy the new words.
(一)認知目標能夠聽、說、讀、寫句子does he live in Sydney? No, he doesn’t. Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? Yes, he does.并能在實際生活中運用。
Step 1: Warm-up
1.播放歌曲My new pen pal,師生齊唱。
2.師生進行日常會話。如:T: Where are you from? S: I’m from China. T: What do you do on Sundays? S: I often read books. T: How do you go to school? S: I go to school by bike. T: Do you go to school by subway? S: No, I don’t. T: Do you have a pen pal? S: Yes, I do.
Step 2:Presentation
看圖描述:She teaches English。He goes to work。
He watches TV。 He reads newspapers。
What’s your hobby?出示圖片:hobby?
I say you say。
Let’ s try
What does ZhangPeng’s mother teach ?
She teaches English.
Does she teach English?No , she doesn’t 。
Does she teach Chinese?
No , she doesn’t .
Does she teach math ?
Yes , she does .
教師先引導學生看問題,然后播放Let’s try部分的錄音,學生回答問題。教師再次播放錄音,讓學生找出回答問題的關鍵信息,核對答案。最后讓學生反復聽輪,盡量聽出原文并進行復述。
Let’s talk.
I have a pen pal. She lives in Beijing. I live in Wuhan. She likes climbing mountains, singing and swimming, but I like drawing cartoons and dancing. We often write emails.教師根據這名學生的'介紹問其他學生:Does his pen pal live in Beijing/Wuhan…?幫助學生回答:Yes, he/she does./No, she doesn’t. She lives in…教師板書并教讀句型:Does he/she live in ? Yes, he/she does./No, she doesn’t.
2.教師用單詞卡片指導學生進行替換練習。如:Does he live in the city? Does she live in the country?
3.教師出示簡單字謎游戲,教學生玩,學生完成后,教師說:These are word puzzles.教師板書并教單詞word puzzles。注意單詞中word puzzle的發音,可用拆分法:puz-zle。教師問:Do you like doing word puzzles?引導學生回答:Yes, I do.
4.教師出示遠足圖片,提問:What are they doing?引導學生回答:They are going hiking.教師板書并教讀單詞go hiking。教師可做適當解釋和拓展。繼續提問:Do you like going hiking?引導學生回答:Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
5.教師向一位學生提問:Do you like doing word puzzles and going hiking?學生回答:No, I don’t.教師向全班提問:Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?學生回答:Yes, he/she does./No, she doesn’t.教師板書句子:Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? Yes, he/she does./No, she doesn’t.
6.教師播放Let’s talk部分的錄音,讓學生帶著問題靜聽兩遍錄音后回答問題。
① What do the two Johns like?
② What is Wu Yifan doing?
③Where does Wu Yifan’s pen pal live?
Step 3: Practice
1.教師準備一些卡片,正面寫人名,反面寫動詞短語或住址,如:watch TV, read newspaper, Shanghai等。請一名學生上臺抽取一張卡片,這名學生把抽到的卡片正反面內容展示給其他學生看,再請一名學生只看正面并進行提問:Does your uncle/aunt like watching TV...? Does your uncle/aunt live in...?其他學生用Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.來回答。
2.教師讓學生將個人信息填在卡片內。 Name: ___________ I am a boy/girl. I live in ____________. I like ______________. I go to school___________.請一名學生上臺從一堆卡片中抽取一張,告訴臺下學生:It’s a boy/girl.學生分成兩組,輪流提問,如:Does he/she like drawing pictures? Does he/she go to school by bus?等等,看哪一組先猜出填寫卡片的人是誰。
3.學生分組討論自己的興趣愛好,然后完成Let’s talk下面的練習。
Step 4: Consolidation and extension
1.讓學生聽Let’s try和Let’s talk部分的錄音,并積極與他人交流。