【教材理解】本單元的主要內(nèi)容是 Animals on the Farm,主要涉及學生們常見的小動物的單詞及其特征和相關的日常用語,本課把第一單元中部分單詞和句型整理在一起,和學生一起鞏固練習,通過本課的復習,使學生能熟練運用農(nóng)場重點動物類單詞并能夠?qū)λ麄兡茏鍪裁催M行問答,使學生對英語有好奇心,能交流簡單的信息,表達簡單的情感和感覺。能夠在老師的幫助下創(chuàng)設情景,進行角色表演。
1.能正確地聽、說、讀、寫農(nóng)場中的動物單詞 duck,pig,cow,cat, dog,sheep, bird,horse。
2.能綜合運用所學的語句進行交際。 — What’s this? — It’s a …—Can it …? Yes, it can/ No, it can’t.
—What can you do? I can… —Can you …? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.
3.通過活動培養(yǎng)學生能夠運用所復習的詞匯和句子來正確表 達周圍的具體實物。
Step1: Class Opening
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.
S: Good afternoon
T: Let’s sing a song, Old McDonald, OK?
S: OK!
設計意圖:營造活躍輕松的課前氣氛, 使學生帶著積極的心態(tài)投入到學習中去,英文歌曲也為下面的復習做鋪墊。
Step 2: New Concepts
1.Show the animals.
T: Do you want to visit Old McDonald? Now, let’ s go to his farm. (課件出示 Old McDonald 圖片和農(nóng)場里的動物們。)
T: Look! Old McDonald is coming! Say hello to him.
Ss: Hello, McDonald!
T: Look! There are a lot of animals on his farm, what are t hese?
2. Ask and answer to review the animals.
T: What’s this?
Ss: It’s a chicken/duck/pig…
3. Practice in pairs and present the dialogues. What’s this? It’s a…
4. Play games What’s missing? Match the animals and the pictures.
5. Take out the text paper and finish number.
設計意圖:這幾個步驟,通過課件給學生創(chuàng)設去農(nóng)場參觀的情境, 自然引入到本課的`復習中;通過學生認讀,師生對話,同桌互練,做 游戲和完成練習題一等活動方式, 扎扎實實的進行動物單詞的聽、 說、 讀、寫訓練,幫助學生鞏固已學知識。
Step 3: Practice and Extension
1. Play a game Let’s do it. (教師出示英語單詞卡片,學生起立,做錯動作的學生坐下。看有幾個學生留到最后。教師可以找部分學生到前面來做.) swim/fly/dance/sing/…
設計意圖:通過看卡片做動作,讓學生動起來,使他們在玩中復習 這些動詞短語,最后勝利的學生還有機會優(yōu)先參加下一個游戲,競爭機制對學生也是一種激勵和鼓勵。
2. Ask and answer : You’re very good, now let’s look at the animals, what can they do?
T: What’s this?
Ss: It’s a chicken.
T: Can a chicken fly?
Ss: Yes, it can./No, it can’t. 板書:---Can a chicken fly? Yes, it can/No, it can’t.
3: Practice in pairs —What’s this? —It’s a … —Can a…? —Yes, it can/No, it can’t.
4. Review: Can you…? Yes, I can/No. I can’t.
T: Good work, boys and girls. The animals can do many thing s, but what can you do? Can you play cards?
S1: No, I can’t/Yes, I can. and present their dialogues
T: Can you sing?
S2: Yes, I can.
T: Show me… 板書:Can you play cards? Yes, I can/No, I can’t. 5.Practice and present their dialogues
Can you play cards? Yes, I can/No, I can’t.
設計意圖:這五個步驟將動物單詞和句型有機的結合在一起,讓學 生用英語談論他們喜歡的小動物, 之后從談論動物之中自然的過度到 談論自己,培養(yǎng)學生語言綜合表達的能力。)
6. Demonstrate
T: What’s this?
S1: It’s a chicken.
T: Can a chicken fly?
S1: Yes, it can.
T: Can you fly?
S1: No, I can’t.
7. Practice in pairs with the sentences.
—What’s this? —It’s a …
—Can a…? —Yes, it can/No, it can’t.
—Can you…? —Yes, I can/No. I can’t.
8. Present their dialogues and the teacher should praise the students. 9. Take out the text paper and finish number
設計意圖:這幾個步驟設計的目的是從短語到句子,即部分到整體 循序漸進,創(chuàng)設真實的語言情境,讓學生把復習過的動物和句型整合 在一起, 以對話形式展示學生綜合表達的能力, 同時, 完成練習題二, 在學生能用英語對話的基礎上又考察了學生認讀句子的能力。
Step4: Class Closing
Are you happy? Now, let’s say goodbye!
Introduce your farm to your family or friend.