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      時間:2021-03-23 11:52:07 課件 我要投稿






        在五個動詞短語中,do the dishes是五(上)Unit 4要求四會的詞組,read a book, cook dinner在五(上)中學過意思相同的兩個短語read books和cook the meals,并且屬于四會內(nèi)容。draw pictures , answer the phone 在前幾冊中也出現(xiàn)過,總之,五個動詞短語的前三個對學生來說比較簡單。針對這種情況,我采用由易到難、由舊知識練習新句型的教學策略,以此來降低學生理解及表達的難度。


        本節(jié)課是五年級下冊第四單元的第一課時,五年級下冊四、五、六單元的主要內(nèi)容就是現(xiàn)在進行時,而本節(jié)課是學生學習現(xiàn)在進行時的第一節(jié)課,因此,對學生接受現(xiàn)在進行時的概念,理解現(xiàn)在進行時的用法顯得尤為重要。 針對本節(jié)課的特殊情況,既學生第一次接觸一種新時態(tài):現(xiàn)在進行時,我確定了三個教學目標。

        (1)通過具體而典型的情景,體會現(xiàn)在進行時的用法,能夠運用句子What are you doing ? 詢問別人正在做什么,并用 I'm ___ing . 這一陳述句來做答。

        (2)初步認識現(xiàn)在分詞的構(gòu)成,能夠聽、說、讀、寫五個動詞短語的 ing形式。

        (3)通過說唱Let's chant部分的歌謠,鞏固復習 Let's learn 部分的短語和句子。


        (1)本節(jié)的重點是掌握五個動詞短語的-ing 形式,理解下一節(jié)課的主要句型 What are you doing ? 并能用 I am doing the dishes . 來作答。


        b、動詞- ing形式的讀音,特別是加 -ing 之后的連讀。這不單是本節(jié)課的難點,也是后三個單元的教學難點。培養(yǎng)學生流暢的連讀,它需要一個過程,需要老師多做示范,逐步引導,充分感知。這不是一節(jié)課兩節(jié)課就能達到的教學目標。




        Step 1:Warm-up, TPR活動

        T: Hello, boys and girls. This class I'll divide you into 4 groups. Group1.2. 3. 4.

        T: Before class. Let's warm up. Please follow me. Do as I do.


        eat/ drink/read/ write/ draw/ jump/ run/ swim/ fly(T: Wonderful! Let’s go on.)


        set the table/ sweep the floor/ wash the clothes./do the dishes./cook the meals./clean the bedroom.

        3.sing a song: 《I can help》. 投影出示歌詞,老師做動作示范,師生一同演唱。

        (設(shè)計思路: 在Warm-up 中通過TPR的形式回顧所學的動詞,以舊帶新,同時也為后面的新授、拓展做一簡單的鋪墊,目的就是從一開始就將學生帶入動詞的世界。歌曲《I can help 》中的歌詞動作在課前有所熟悉,所以讓學生邊唱邊做動作,進一步復習有關(guān)家務(wù)勞動的短語,這也是為后面通過Free talk引出do the dishes, cook dinner兩個短語所做的鋪墊。)

        Step 2. Unit 4 What are you doing 的導入及板書。

        1.T: Boys and girls. Here’s a ping-pong. Do you like playing ping-pong.(做動作)Please look at me. What am I doing now?(邊托球邊解釋:現(xiàn)在,我正在干什么?)You can ask me: What are you doing?(拿詞卡邊領(lǐng)讀邊板書)

        2.Ask me together. (師再次托球回答)I am playing ping-pong.(讓兩生試著托球,師拿詞卡I’m ---ing領(lǐng)讀、板書。)

        3.T: From this class .We’ll learn Unit 4. What are doing?

        (設(shè)計思路:這一環(huán)節(jié)即是課題的導入也是現(xiàn)在進行時用法的感知,針對本節(jié)課的難點,即如何引導學生感知、理解現(xiàn)在進行時所表達的含義。通過play ping-pong這一正在進行的動作,鼓勵學生用What are you doing?來問老師,借此老師教學并板書課題,且初步熟悉其陳述句的表達法I am ___ing.)

        Step 3.Presentation

        1.Free talk 引出do the dishes.

        T: Hello .What's your name? S1:(回答)

        Nice to meet you.

        By the way, can you do housework?

        What can you do?

        Great. You're helpful.

        T: Hello. What can you do at home? S2:(回答)

        Good boy/girl. You're helpful.

        T: Boys and girls ,can you do housework? Ss: Yes.

        T: You're helpful .Please guess what I can do at home. Look carefully.(師做動作,生猜。You can use the sentence:“Can you ---”)

        T: Yes, I can do the dishes .Who can write the phrases?(師讓一名學生上黑板寫詞組,寫完后老師讓學生稍等,然后自己邊洗盤子邊說:I am doing the dishes now. Please try.)

        T: What are you doing?

        S: I am doing the dishes.

        (板書領(lǐng)讀:do add-ing is pronounced /i□/--- doing.

        再次板書:I am=I'm(領(lǐng)讀,拿盤子準備傳)

        T: This time, Let's pass the dish one by one, and ask: What are you doing?

        (領(lǐng)讀3-4遍之后開始傳,全體同學一起打著節(jié)奏問:What are you doing? 當老師說:Stop時,拿到盤子的同學站起來邊洗盤子邊說:“I am doing the dishes.”)

        (設(shè)計思路:由Free talk 引出do the dishes ,由學生熟悉的詞組入手,通過傳盤子的游戲集體練習、重點突破主句型 What are you doing ?)

        2. cook dinner

        T:(與最后一名學生對話)You can do the dishes . Can you cook dinner?

        S: 如果生回答 Yes, I can.老師就用 T: You’re helpful. Please do an action and say.

        如果生回答No, I can’t 老師邊做動作邊啟發(fā)鼓勵學生T: You can’t? cook eggs, can you? What about noodles?

        T:(邊讓生說cook dinner, 邊做動作)師板書 cook dinner

        T: It means: cook the meals.

        Here’s a pot .Who can ask me with the sentence : (指標題)

        T: I am cooking dinner .I am cooking fish. Mmm-Yummy. (板書-ing. Cook add ing is pronounced cooking畫連讀符號)

        T: Now, please cook something and practise in pairs. You can cook eggs. noodle,. tomatoes, potatoes, green beans and so on.

        T: Mm----Yummy. SA. What are you doing?

        SA: I’m----.(讓兩名學生一組起來匯報)

        (設(shè)計思路:當盤子傳到最后一名學生,老師問:You can do the dishes . Can you cook dinner?自然引出cook dinner的教學,練習的形式是兩人合作,邊做動作邊練習,在匯報時,老師以故事書作為獎勵,并讓學生坐下來耐心地一頁一頁的讀,將read a book 引出)

        3.read a book. [注意與read books的比較]

        T: Wonderful. Please come here. This is for you.(把故事書獎勵給學生) Please sit on the chair and read it. (師指正在讀書的學生說)read a book . 板書并領(lǐng)讀。

        T:(師蹲下去問)What are you doing?

        (引導學生試著加ing,并讀出) Please add-ing and try to read it.

        (師畫連字符號)Who can help her? Wonderful. This is for you[發(fā)獎品]

        T: I have many books here.

        (師邊說邊走下去將書分給學生) Please read it! 引導學生用句型來問答

        T: (師啟發(fā)學生說出具體的書目)You’re reading a Chinese book.

        (設(shè)計思路:當學生讀到picture book時,老師用實物投影儀展示pictures,并且問學生 Can you draw pictures ?然后老師在黑板上畫畫示范,邊畫邊說:I am drawing pictures .自然將 drawing pictures引出,接著讓學生來畫畫,親身體驗現(xiàn)在正在進行的這一動作)

        4.draw pictures

        T: You’re reading a picture book. Let’s see. (老師在實物投影上展示,邊翻書邊說:pictures,

        beautiful pictures.(板書pictures)Can you draw pictures.(師邊說邊畫,然后板書、領(lǐng)讀。)

        T: Can you draw pictures? Let’s finish the picture together. Please draw one thing. You can draw a tree, a path, grass, flowers,an apple and so on .


        5.answer the phone

        T:(電話鈴聲響起)I’m sorry. Please wait a minute. Let me answer the phone.(老師拿起聽筒)

        Hello. It’s Miss Lu. I’m having English class. I’m very busy. Bye.

        (放下電話教學詞組answer the phone )


        A、做Hide and seek游戲,把電話藏起來,通過一名學生找電話,全班同學用高低聲提示,鞏固這一動詞詞組。當學生找到電話,電話鈴聲再次響起,讓學生試著加ing并讀出。

        B、T: Next, practise in pairs. Use your books, like this.(老師把英語課本卷起,作為電話聽筒,并出示下面的對話。)

        A: Hello.

        B: Hi. It's ________ . What are you doing?

        A: I'm answering the phone. What are you doing?

        B: I'm _________ (drawing pictures /doing the dishes /cooking dinner / reading a book )

        (設(shè)計思路:老師接電話時說:Hello! It's Miss Lu.自然滲透打電話的日常用語,然后做Hide and seek 游戲,以此來練習這一短語。緊接著讓學生將書卷起做為電話,出示對話提示,小組練習。借助這個短語即可以對前面的`四個短語做一階段性總結(jié),又可滲透下節(jié)課 Let's talk的內(nèi)容。)

        Step 4 Practise

        1.Listen to the tape. Listen, point and repeat.

        2.Look at the blackboard and read after me .(do---doing---doing the dishes)

        3.T:(師生分工讀)Ss: What are you doing? What are you doing?

        T: I’m doing the dishes. (教師邊做動作邊說)What are you doing?

        4.Let’s chant.(投影出示P44的Let’s chant.邊說邊做)

        5.Play a guessing game.

        一名學生從詞卡中挑出一張出示給全班同學,另一名學生背對這位同學,猜一猜自己正在干什么,全班同學問:What are you doing ?猜的同學邊做動作邊用I'm _ing來回答。

        (設(shè)計思路:聽錄音之后看板書領(lǐng)讀, 領(lǐng)讀過程中,通過動詞原形與現(xiàn)在分詞的對比,使學生進一步理解現(xiàn)在分詞的構(gòu)成,緊接著師生分工讀,自然引出Let's chant的內(nèi)容,在Let's chant之后,我設(shè)計了一個猜單詞的游戲,這是一個常規(guī)性的游戲,無多少技巧隱含其中,時間夠了就做,不夠就略去,這是機動處理的部分。)

        Step 5 Consolidation and extension

        T: Boys and girls, spring is here.Group1 is going to do housework..Group2 is going to have a picnic . Group3 is going to have a sports meeting. Group4 is staying in the classroom.(教師邊說邊將卡片發(fā)下去。)

        1.首先從課前發(fā)下去的詞卡 比如 play___ the piano 中挑選動詞詞組且加ing,如并試著讀出,然后將詞組貼在對應(yīng)的圖畫下面。

        2.學生發(fā)現(xiàn)問題,即個別單詞的后面畫有四條小橫線,swim_ _ _ _, run_ _ _ _, set_ _ _ _, 老師集中講解問題。

        3.小組內(nèi)練習,利用句型What are you doing? I'm _____ing.充分討論。



        一. 本周教學內(nèi)容:

        Unit 10 The Future

        二. 重點、難點:

        Topic, Phrases and Grammar

        三. 詳細內(nèi)容:

        1. Topic- The Future

        Lesson 1


        Lesson 2







        2. Phrases:

        (1)have exciting adventures 進行刺激的探險

        (2)far away from … 遠離……

        (3)flying cars 飛行汽車

        (4)live in space 在太空中居住

        (5)work as an astronaut 當宇航員

        (6)in twenty years 20年后

        (7)travel far away 到很遠的地方旅行

        (8)fly to work and fly home 坐飛機上班與回家

        (9)be fun to do sth. 做某事有樂趣

        (10)be quite sure 十分肯定

        (11)travel to space 到太空旅行

        (12)explore the mountain 探索山區(qū)

        (13)travel through space 穿越太空

        (14)be an astronaut like him 成為像他那樣的宇航員

        (15)be the only female Chinese astronaut 成為唯一的中國女宇航員

        (16)fly to the moon for our vacations 飛往月球去度假

        (17)design and build spaceships 設(shè)計與建造宇宙飛船

        (18)travel from planet to planet 在星球之間旅行

        (19)plan to do sth. 計劃做某事

        (20)have a boring live 過著無聊的生活

        3. Grammar-情態(tài)動詞表示推測












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