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      時間:2024-11-06 21:24:52 俊豪 詩歌 我要投稿




        英文詩歌朗誦 1

        《Thou Blessed Dream》

        Swami Vivekananda



        If things go ill or well-

        If joy rebounding spreads the face,

        Or sea of sorrows swells-

        It is a dream, a play.





        A play- we each have a part

        Each one to weep or laugh as may;

        Each one his dress to don-

        Alternate shine or rain.





        Thou dream, O blessed dream!

        Spread far and near thy veil of haze,

        Tone down the lines so sharp,

        Make smooth what roughness seems.





        No magic but in thee!

        Thy touch makes desert bloom to life,

        Harsh thunder, sweetest song,

        Fell death, the sweet release.





        英文詩歌朗誦 2

        The Road Not Taken Robert Frost未選擇的路羅伯特·佛洛斯特

        Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,


        And sorry I could not travel both可惜我不能同時去涉足,

        And be one traveler, long I stood我在那路口久久佇立,

        And looked down one as far as I could我向著一條路極目望去,

        To where it bent in the undergrowth;直到它消失在叢林深處。

        Then took the other, as just as fair,但我卻選了另外一條路,

        And having perhaps the better claim,它黃草萋萋,十分幽寂,

        Because it was grassy and wanted wear;顯得更誘人、更美麗;

        Though as for that the passing there雖然在這條小路上,

        Had worn them really about the same,很少留下旅人的足跡。

        And both that morning equally lay那天清晨落地滿地,

        In leaves no step had trodden black.


        Oh, I kept the first for another day!啊,留下一條路等改日再見! Yet knowing how way leads on to way,但我知道路徑延綿無盡頭,

        I doubted if I should ever come back.恐怕我難以再回返。

        I shall be telling this with a sigh也許多少年后在某個地方,Somewhere ages and ages hence:我將輕聲嘆息將往事回顧:

        Two roads diverged in a wood, and I一片樹林里分出兩條路

        I took the one less traveled by,而我選擇了人跡更少的一條,

        And that has made all the difference.從此決定了我一生的道路。

        英文詩歌朗誦 3

        Yet Do I Marvel Countee Cullen



        Is bailed by the fickle fruit, declare是他被變化不定的果子吸引,

        If merely brute caprice dooms Sisyphus闡明是否僅僅因蠻橫的任性,

        To struggle up a never-ending stair.西西弗斯就注定得攀登無限高的階梯。 Inscrutable His ways are, and immune上帝之道深奧莫測,

        To catechism by a mind too strewn對人們的詰問置之不理,

        With petty cares to slightly understand他們的`頭腦塞滿雞毛蒜皮

        What awful brain compels His awful hand他們的頭腦塞滿雞毛蒜皮

        Yet do I marvel at this curious thing:但我對這件怪事感到驚奇:

        To make a poet black, and bid him sing!造出黑膚色詩人,令他唱吟!

        英文詩歌朗誦 4

        A Man and a Woman Sit Near Each Other Robert Bly



        A man and a woman sit near each other, and they do not long一男一女促膝而坐,這樣的時刻

        at this moment to be older, or younger, nor born他們不會渴求更老或更加年輕,抑或in any other nation, or time, or place.生在另一個國度、另一個時間或地點。

        They are content to be where they are, talking or not-talking.他們心滿意足于此情此景,無論交談或者沉默。

        Their breaths together feed someone whom we do not know.他倆的呼吸共同為某個我們所不識的人提供養(yǎng)分。 The man sees the way his fingers move;那個男人看著他手指動彈的樣子;

        he sees her hands close around a book she hands to him.他看到她的雙手圍攏著一本遞過來的書。

        They obey a third body that they share in common.他們服從著他們共享的'另一個身體。

        They have made a promise to love the body.他們早就作出承諾:愛這身體。

        Age may come, parting may come, death will come.年齡不會去,分離會到來,死亡終會降臨。

        A man and a woman sit near each other;一男一女這樣促膝而坐:

        as they breathe they feed someone we do not know,他們呼吸時,為我們所不識的人提供養(yǎng)分,someone we know of, whom we have never seen.某個我們知道但卻從未見面的人。

        英文詩歌朗誦 5

        A Farewel to Worldly Joyes Anne Killigrew永別了,塵世的歡樂安妮·基麗格魯

        Farewel to Unsubstantial Joyes,永別了,空洞的歡樂,你是

        Ye Gilded Nothings,Gaudy Toyes,涂金的虛無,華麗的玩具,

        Too long ye have my Soul misled,太久,你使我的靈魂迷途,Too long with Aiery Diet fed:太久,給它空氣般的米黍:

        But now my Heart ye shall no more但是我的心不會再被你迷惑,Deceive,as you have heretofore:雖然以前你曾經(jīng)迷惑過我:

        for when I hear such Sirens sing,當(dāng)我聽到這樣的塞壬歌唱,

        Like lthicas fore-warned King,像伊斯卡受到警告的'國王,With prudent Resolution I以謹(jǐn)慎克制的決心,我將

        Will so my Will and Fancy tye,堅決縛住我的意志和想像,

        That stronger to the Mast not he,比他把自己縛于桅桿更緊,

        Than I to Reason bound will be:我將使自己鉗制于理性:

        And though your Witchcrafts strike my Ear,雖然你的巫術(shù)撞擊我的耳鼓,

        Unhurt,like him,your Charms Ill hear.無動于衷,像他,我傾聽你的法術(shù)。

        英文詩歌朗誦 6

        Drink to me only with thine eyes


        And I will pledge with mine


        Or leave a kiss but in the cup


        And Ill not look for wine


        The thirst that from the soul doth rise


        Doth ask a drink divine


        But might I of Joves Nectar sup


        I would not change for thine


        I sent thee late a rosy wreath


        Not so much honoring thee


        As giving it a hope, that there


        It could not withered be


        But thou there on didst only breathe


        And sentst it back to me


        Since when it grows, and smells, I swear


        Not of itself. but thee


        英文詩歌朗誦 7


        ----- Ralph Waldo Emerson

        What is success?

        To laugh often and love much;

        To win the respect of intelligent people

        And the affection of children;

        To earn the approbation of honest critics

        And endure the betrayal of false friends;

        To appreciate beauty;

        To find the best in others;

        To give ones self;

        To leave the world a little better,Whether by a healthy child,A garden patch,Or a redeemed social condition;

        To have played and laughed with enthusiasm

        And sung with exultation;

        To know even one life has breathed easier,Because you have lived......

        This is to have succeeded。


        拉爾夫沃爾多愛默生 陳采霞譯





        英文詩歌朗誦 8

        Do you fear the force of the wind 你可害怕寒風(fēng)凜冽,

        The slash of the rain? 你可畏懼大雨滂沱

        Go face them and fight them, 去迎著風(fēng)雨努力拼搏

        Be savage again .還你原始本色

        Go hungry and cold like the wolf 象狼一樣去經(jīng)受饑寒

        Go wade like the crane. 象鶴一般去跋涉河川

        The palms of your hands will thicken, 你的手掌變得厚實粗壯

        The skin of your cheeks will tan 你的臉龐曬得古銅發(fā)亮

        You’ll grow ragged and weary and swarthy,你會變得衣衫襤褸,皮膚黝黑,疲憊不堪,

        But you will walk like a man! 但你步履沉穩(wěn),是個堂堂男子漢!

        英文詩歌朗誦 9

        I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

        William Wordsworth

        I wandered lonely as a cloud

        That floats on high oer vales and hills,

        When all at once I saw a crowd,

        A host, of golden daffodils;

        Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

        Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

        Continuous as the stars that shine

        And twinkle on the milky way,

        They stretched in never-ending line

        Along the margin of a bay:

        Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

        Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

        The waves beside them danced; but they

        Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

        A poet could not but be gay,

        In such a jocund company:

        I gazed---and gazed---but little thought

        What wealth the show to me had brought:

        For oft, when on my couch I lie

        In vacant or in pensive mood,

        They flash upon that inward eye

        Which is the bliss of solitude;

        And then my heart with pleasure fills,

        And dances with the daffodils.

        英文詩歌朗誦 10

        1.The Cow

        ~Robert Louis Stevenson

        The friendly cow, all red and white,

        I love with all my heart:

        She gives me cream with all her might,

        To eat with apple tart.

        She wanders lowing here and there,

        And yet she cannot stray,

        All in the pleasant open air,

        The pleasant light of day;

        And blown by all the winds that pass

        And wet with all the showers,

        She walks among the meadow grass

        And eats the meadow flowers.

        英文詩歌朗誦 11

        Every day

        Every day I need you Lord

        But this day especially,

        I need some extra strength

        To face what ever is to be.

        This day more than any day

        I need to feel you near,

        To fortify my courage

        And to overcome my fear.

        By myself, I cannot meet

        The challenge of the hour,

        There are times when humans help,

        But we need a higher power

        To assist us bear what must be borne,

        and so dear Lord, I pray -

        Hold on to my trembling hand

        And be near me today.hi, I picked 5 classic poems for children. hope you like them.

        英文詩歌朗誦 12

        Dear Santa, Heres My Christmas List

        Dear Santa, heres my Christmas list.

        I hope youll bring it all.

        Ive only asked for gifts my parents CopyRight

        cant find at the mall.

        Id like to have a UFO,

        with aliens inside,

        and maybe a Tyrannosaurus Rex

        that I could ride.

        A ninety-nine foot robot

        is a present I could use.

        Ill also need a time machine,

        and rocket-powered shoes.

        Please bring a gentle genie CopyRight

        who will grant my every wish,

        and dont forget a wizards wand,

        and, yes, a talking fish.

        Of course, Ill need a unicorn,

        and wont you please provide

        a dragon, and a castle

        in the English countryside.

        Of course, the weight of all these things CopyRight

        might cause your sleigh to crash.

        If thats the case, dear Santa,

        please feel free to just bring cash.

        英文詩歌朗誦 13

        Have you ever done something silly that made you feel so embarrassed? Well, I had a really bad Saturday morning.

        I went shopping last week, on my way home, it began to rain. I quickly ran into a nearby phone box because I didnt have an umbrella. It was raining hard and I decided to stay in the phone box until it stopped. A few minutes later, I saw a young man walk up to the phone box, wearing a yellow raincoat and holding a tool box. I didn’t want to go out into the rain, so I picked up the phone and pretended I was talking to someone. I thought he would go away, but he didnt. He just waited in the heavy rain, watching me wave my hands about and act as if I was deep in conversation.

        Luckily, the rain stopped after about ten minutes. “OK, Mum,”I said loudly into the phone.

        “Ill see you later. Bye!” I put the phone down and went out of the phone box.

        “Im sorry to keep you waiting for so long.”I said to the man.

        “Oh, I dont want to use the phone,”he replied. “Ive just come to repair it. It doesnt work.”

        My face turned red and I quickly ran off with my head down. That was certainly the most embarrassing time of my life.

        英文詩歌朗誦 14

        When you are old and gray and full ofsleep,


        And nodding by the fire, take downth book,


        And slowly read, and dream of the softlook your eyes had once,


        And of their shadows deep;


        How many loved your moments of gladgrace,


        And loved your beauty with love falseor true;


        But one man loved the pilgrim soul inyou,


        And loved the sorrows of your changingface;


        And bending down beside the glowing bars,


        Murmur, a littlesadly, how love fled,


        And paced upon the mountains overhead,


        And hid h face amid a crowd of stars.


        英文詩歌朗誦 15

        A little boy asked his mother: “Why are you crying?”

        “Because I am a woman.” She told him.

        “I don’t understand” he said.

        His mum just hugged him and said: “And you never will.”

        Later the little boy asked his father: “ Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?”

        “All woman cry for no reason.” Was all his dad could say.

        The little boy grow up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.

        Finally he put in a call to God, when God got on the phone, he asked, “God, why do women cry so easily?”

        God said: “ When I made the women, she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world; yet, gentle enough to give comfort.

        I gave her inner strength to endure childbirth, and the rejections many times comes from her children.

        I gave her hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complains.

        “I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even her children has hurt her very badly.

        “I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.”

        “I gave her the wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strength and resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.”

        “And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. That is her exclusively to use whenever it is needed.”

        “You see the beauty of a women is not the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.”

        “The beauty of a women must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where the love resides.

        一個男孩問他的媽媽:“ 你為什么要哭呢?”










        英文詩歌朗誦 16

        The same leaves over and over again!

        They fall from giving shade above

        To make one texture of faded brown

        And fit the earth like a leather glove.



        Before the leaves can mount again

        To fill the trees with another shade,They must go down past things coming up.

        They must go down into the dark decayed.




        They must be pierced by flowers and put

        Beneath the feet of dancing flowers.

        However it is in some other world

        I know that this is the way in ours.



        英文詩歌朗誦 17

        Whose woods these are I think I know.

        His house is in the village though;

        He will not see me stopping here

        To watch his woods fill up with snow.

        My little horse must think it queer

        To stop without a farmhouse near

        Between the woods and frozen lake

        The darkest evening of the year.

        He gives his harness bells a shake

        To ask if there is some mistake.

        The only other sound’s the sweep

        Of easy wind and downy snow.

        Woods are lovely, dark and deep,

        But I have promises to keep,

        And miles to go before I sleep,

        And miles to go before I sleep.

        英文詩歌朗誦 18

        Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

        And sorry I could not travel both

        And be one traveler, long I stood

        And looked down one as far as I could

        To where it bent in the undergrowth;

        Then took the other, as just as fair,

        And having perhaps the better claim,

        Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

        Though as for that the passing there

        Had worn them really about the same,

        When I had to make a choice between two roads, I was hesitant. I looked at one road as far as I could see until it disappeared into the bushes.

        Then I chose the other road. It seemed just as good, and maybe even better in some ways. It was covered with grass, like it hadnt been walked on much. But actually, when you think about it, the amount of traffic on both roads was probably about the same.

        I shall be telling this story forever:

        Somewhere ages and ages hence:

        How I took the other path instead of the first,

        And that has made all the difference.

        英文詩歌朗誦 19

        She walks in beauty, like the night

        Of cloudless skies and starry lights;

        No angel in heaven could be so bright!

        Our earthly beauty, in this sight,

        Loses all its charm and all its might.

        One shade the more, one ray the less,

        Would have altered that sweet express;

        And her eyes, which hold such deep express,

        Would have been spoiled by too much dress.

        But she is dressed in simplicity,

        And her beauty shines out clearly.

        The best and purest of her kind,

        She is a beauty that will never blind.

        英文詩歌朗誦 20

        In the darkest night of the soul,

        Where shadows dance and fears unfold,

        Hope, like a lighthouse bright,

        Shines through the veil of endless night.

        Through storms that rage with furious might,

        And winds that howl with all their spite,

        Hopes gentle flame still perseveres,

        Calming the heart, quelling the fears.

        When paths are lost and dreams seem far,

        And every star is dimmed by war,

        Hope is the song that we can hear,

        Whispering, "Courage, do not fear."

        Its in the eyes of a new - born child,

        In every flower that blooms so wild,

        Hope is the thread that weaves our days,

        With its warm glow, it lights our ways.

        In every trial, every strife,

        Hope is the essence of our life.

        It gives us strength to rise above,

        And fills our world with boundless love.







      大學(xué)生英文朗誦稿 大學(xué)生勵志詩歌朗誦稿04-13




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