英語作文600字 篇1
上三年級了,增加了一門課程——英語,于是,也就多了一位英語老師——沈老師:他挺著個將軍肚,鼻梁上架著一副近視眼鏡,還有那滑稽可笑的發型,看上去非常好笑。他是個雙面人,他有兩種不同的性格。 沈老師非常風趣。每次下課,他總與同學們在教室里打打鬧鬧。同學們老摸他的將軍肚,他一點兒也不介意,還幽默地說:“我這肚子,摸一次十元。”惹得同學們哈哈大笑。沈老師走起路來屁顛顛的,真像一只胖企鵝。同學們都在后面偷偷地抿著嘴笑,沈老師聽見了笑聲,并沒有責罵我們,反而把企鵝裝得更像了。
有一次,快期末考試了,英語課的肉容都是復習,大家都有些不耐其煩了。沈老師仿佛看出了我們的心思,在上課的時候做了一個鬼臉,逗得同學們無不仰天大笑,使同學們那緊張的心情舜間就放松了。 沈老師十分風趣,但也非常嚴厲。有一次上課了,沈老師陰沉著臉走進教室,所有人都知大事不妙了。在玩耍的同學以迅雷不及掩耳之速回到了座位上。在講話的同學立馬閉緊了嘴巴。但是沈老師還是火爆發了,其威力并不亞于掩蓋龐貝城的'火山爆發的威力。沈老師大吼一聲:“吳雨航,王煜杰,給我每個字母各抄四十遍!蓖瑫r,將他們的沒完成的作業本使勁地扔在地上。同學們見暴風雨過后,禁不住打了一個寒顛。而我還是毛骨悚然,生怕災難會降臨到我的頭上。沈老師批評完了還不夠,嚴厲地警告:“你們給我認真地做作業,不然,下場也會像他們一樣!蔽疫@才感覺到,沈老師在殺雞敬候。 這就是我們的英語老師,既幽默又嚴厲的沈老師。
英語作文600字 篇2
Spring is a beautiful, she germinating the breath of life. All of the knot with spring melts things, and then had the beating of vitality, involve intoxicating poetry. Spring, spring, spring, spring landscape, silver, ChunQing, love... All lurk a vigor of life.
Spring is precious, she gave the earth add beauty. People in spring and in understanding the colorful color beauty, charm and beauty of the beauty of the law, scenery beauty, realize her unique vacuolized beauty.
Spring is the angel, people brings warmth. Spring is hope, and her people brings strength; Spring is a season, she called industrious people quickly sow cho s wishes.
Spring is short, especially as a affectionate and specific girl, but only ture love her, she will realize the connotation, will cherish it and have her, let her 1etched in mind.
Friends, let us together embrace spring!!! Embrace spring, embrace good life; Embrace spring, embrace spring hope...
英語作文600字 篇3
In 20xx,when June comes,it means the college entrance exam comes, too.It is the most important moment for the high school students,they have worked for three years,they are ready to go to further study.
This year,on that day,some accidents happened,some gangsters cut people,two brave high school students stood out,both of them fought for the gangster, and stopped the tragedy happening.The brave students got hurt,they missed the important exam.
They are the real heroes,they never thought a second to stopping the gangster,other students chose to be quiet.In my eyes,they are the most beautiful students,their spirit inspires the young generation,they are the new Lei Feng.The public is touched by their behavior,some colleges are willing to offer them the chance to go to college.
I am so happy for them,because they deserve the chances.
英語作文600字 篇4
The Attractive Translators
In general, a person with beautiful face is always thought to be incapable. In China, it has been said that a girl who has the long hair is not that knowledgeable, so in people’s eye, appearance and ability seem to be seperated. While in fact, there are some people break the rule. Every year, people will find some beautiful faces in the forums, these ladies work as the translators and catch the media’s attention. As a translator who is from Foreign Ministry, it means that she is the top students in the college, for there only few person can join the team. These girls are young and beautiful, but the more important thing is that they get the brain. They are doing the most difficulty job and they are the excellent team. I admire these girls so much, they set the good example for me to learn English well.
英語作文600字 篇5
Winter was gone,spring comes.I love spring best,because it's very beautiful.In spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,it's not cold and not hot,it's warmer and warmer.The flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn green.The birds are singing in the sky,they are happy.The animals will go out to play.Many people like to go out and enjoy the sunshine.I like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers. Spring is colorful,I think it's a wonderful season. What's your favourite season?Please tell me.
英語作文600字 篇6
A library used to be only a building with a lot of books and a very quiet place to me.
I had never wanted to enter a traditional library because it was a boring place for a child. Since I became a senior high school student, I have more homework that requires me to find the latest information on a topic or some good ideas. So I got into the habit of going to the library, and I cant tell you how wonderful it is! There are so many interesting books Ive never read, including novels and books about science and computers.
Most important of all, there are even a lot of famous classic films, which are very popular. Now I also have something else to do when Im in a library: studying. Studying together with a lot of people is a good experience. Now Im never bored when Im in a library. Do you want to see how much fun it is? Come with me to a library today!
英語作文600字 篇7
1.不要沉湎于(be given to)上網以免影響生活和學習。
In my opinion,the Internet is helpful rather than harmful as someone else thinks. As is known to all,the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the Internet,we can read news at home and from abroad and get as much information as we can. We can send e - mails or make phone calls to our family as well as to our friends. We can also attend the net school,read many books and even teach ourselves English. We can also enjoy music,watch matches and play computer games on the Internet. We can even do shopping on line. Besides,we can improve our ability to operate the computer.
英語作文600字 篇8
our national father
there is no doubt that dr. sun yat-sen is the greatest man that i ever known in my whole life. he set up the republic of china, so we call him our national father.
he was devoted to the revolution about forty years. his aim was to liberate china from the hands of the manchu dynasty. he had not met with result, but he was not discouraged at all. as a result, he accomplished his end in the long run.
to sum up, his strong will and indomitable spirit are worth our worship and imitation (are worth our worshiping and imitating).
英語作文600字 篇9
When my tenth birthday was coming up, I was happy imaging what kind of present my father would give me. To my surprise, Father gave me a set of books, which I was not very glad to accept. He saw what I was thinking and said kindly: "Dear, remember, books are the most precious fortune in the world, I am sure that once you finish reading the first book, you will be anxious to read the second one, then the third, the forth…" According to my father's words, I have to give reading a try. And things really happened as he expected. Books indeed exerted a strong influence on me. From then on, I stepped into a new and wonderful world that books spread open for me.