Beijing's air pollution reached dangerous levels yet again on Sunday, marking the third consecutive day of severe smog, municipal environmental authorities said。北京市環保部門稱,北京空氣污染在上周日再次達到危險的水平。持續三天的嚴重霧霾天氣給北京帶來了嚴重的空氣污染。
The municipal meteorological station issued the city's first orange fog warning Sunday morning due to decreased visibility caused by the heavy smog. Monitoring data released on Sunday showed that air quality indexes in most regions of Beijing had hit 500, the indexes' highest level。北京市環保部門在周日上午發布了北京氣象史上首個霾橙色預警,濃霧籠罩的北京市能見度非常低。周日發布的監控數據顯示,北京大部分地區的空氣質量指數均達到了極值500.
"Beijing implemented its emergency response plan for hazardous pollution for the first time on Sunday," said Yu Jianhua, director of the air quality department under the municipal environmental protection bureau. The plan, issued last year, includes multiple measures to combat and respond to hazardous levels of air pollution。北京市環保局大氣處處長于建華表示:“北京在周日首次啟動了應對嚴重污染的應急方案。” 該應急方案于去年發布,規定應對嚴重級別空氣污染的多項措施。
The plan calls for construction sites to limit construction activity that creates large amounts of dust, as well as asks industrial enterprises to reduce emissions, during hazardous pollution days。該應急方案規定,嚴重污染日時,建筑施工工地應減少產生大量灰塵的施工行為,并要求工業企業減少排放。
The plan also requires municipal traffic authorities to limit government vehicle usage during smoggy days, with the goal of reducing such usage by 30 percent compared to normal days。方案還要求市政交通部門在濃霧天氣采用臨時交通管制,限制政府車輛的使用,目標是減少正常日中30%的車輛。
The plan also calls for education authorities to instruct schools to limit or completely stop outdoor activity during periods of heavy air pollution。方案另外要求教育部門指示學校等在嚴重空氣污染期間減少或完全終止戶外活動。
The municipal environmental monitoring center said readings for PM2.5, or airborne particles measuring less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, had reached more than 700 micrograms per square meter at several monitoring stations in Beijing, reaching as high as 993 Saturday evening。北京市環境檢測中心表示,在北京市的幾個監測站,PM2.5的濃度檢測結果(即大氣中直徑小于或等于2.5微米的顆粒物)達到了每立方米700微克以上,周六晚間更是高達993微克。
"These figures represent extremely bad pollution. Pollutants have gradually accumulated over the course of recent windless days, making the air quality even worse," said Zhu Tong, a professor from the college of environmental sciences and engineering at Peking University。北京大學環境科學與工程學院教授朱彤說:“這些數值意味著非常嚴重、可怕的污染,目前北京無風靜穩,新排放的污染物還在不斷累積,空氣質量更糟。”
Beijing until Wednesday, when wind will arrive to blow the smog away, according to a weather report from the meteorological station。根據北京氣象站的天氣預報,嚴重空氣污染將持續影響北京至周三即1月16日,周三將有一股冷空氣抵到北京吹散霧霾。