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      時間:2024-06-08 10:25:17 宇濤 諺語 我要投稿
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        1、have [hold] a wolf by ears (騎虎難下)

        2、have a wolf in the stomach (餓極了 )

        3、He sets the fox to keep the geese. 引狼入室。

        4、Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold.

        5、the wolf at the door 比喻家庭面臨的財政問題。

        6、He holds a wolf by the ears. 擰狼耳,即騎虎難下。

        7、The wolf may lose his teeth,but never his nature.狼的牙齒會掉,本性卻改不了。

        8、The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep.(狼死羊安)

        9、a lone wolf (不喜歡與人來往的人, 喜歡獨居的人; 獨自作案的罪犯 )

        10、The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.

        11、Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold. 不能請羊管菜園,不能請狼管羊圈。

        12、Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. 和狼在一起,就會學狼叫。

        13、Man is a wolf to man. 人對人是狼。(人心狠,人吃人)

        14、A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 年輕人,在成長,吃起飯來像餓狼。

        15、cry wolf (喊“狼來了”, 發假警報)

        16、eat like a wolf (貪婪地吃, 狼吞虎咽)

        17、The wolf may lose his teeth,but never his nature.(狼的牙齒會掉,本性卻改不了。)

        18、wolf in sheep’s clothing (披著羊皮的狼 )

        19、cry wolf (虛張聲勢;報謊喊“狼來了” )

        20、One must howl with the wolves. (跟狼在一起, 就得學狼叫; 入鄉隨俗。)

        21、sea wolf (狼; 任何貪食的大海魚。海盜; 私掠船。潛艇。)

        22、see[have seen]a wolf (張口結舌, 說不出話來。)

        23、set the wolf to keep the sheep (叫狼看守羊; 引狼入室。)

        24、the big bad wolf (令人恐怖的人或物。)

        25、throw to the wolves (送入虎口; 置……于險境)

        26、wake a sleeping wolf (自找麻煩)

        27、He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl. (跟狼在一起, 就會學狼叫; 近墨者黑。)

        28、keep the wolf from the door (拒狼門外。也可翻譯成“免于挨餓,勉強度日”)。

        29、have a wolf in one’s stomach (肚里有狼)是指“饑腸轆轆”。

        30、have a wolfish appetite 是“有狼一般的食欲”。

        31、"A wolf in sheeps clothing."

        32、"The wolf at the door."

        33、"Wolf pack."

        34、" Cry wolf."

        35、"Hungry as a wolf."

        36、"Keep the wolf from the door."

        37、"Wolfs bite is worse than his bark."

        38、The wolf at the door. —— 門口的狼(比喻迫在眉睫的危險或困境)

        39、Wolves dont lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. —— 狼不會因羊的意見而失眠(不在乎別人看法)

        40、A hungry wolf is never choosy. —— 饑餓的狼不挑食(饑不擇食)

        41、When the wolf grows old, the sheep may laugh. —— 當狼老了,羊會笑(強者也有衰退時)

        42、Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than a fool in his folly. —— 寧遇失子的母熊,不惹愚行中的蠢貨。(類似與狼的危險性)

        43、The wolf always returns to his vomit. —— 狼總歸會回到它吐過的地方(本性難移)

        44、Wolves run in packs. —— 狼群而行(團結力量大)

        45、The wolf knows what the ill beast thinks. —— 狼知道病獸所想(同類相知)

        46、Among wolves, one must howl. —— 入狼群者必嚎(入鄉隨俗)

        47、The wolf changes his coat, but not his disposition. —— 狼換毛不變性(本質難改)

        48、A lone wolf. —— 孤狼(獨來獨往的人)

        49、The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel. —— 牧羊人爭吵時,狼便占上風(內訌讓敵人得利)

        50、He who sups with the wolf must have a long spoon. —— 與狼共餐需長勺(與惡人交往要小心)

        51、The wolf that one feeds bites one at last. —— 養狼終被狼咬(養虎為患)

        52、Old wolves fear not the fire. —— 老狼不怕火(經驗豐富者無所畏懼)

        53、A wolf in the manger. —— 占著茅坑不拉屎(無用卻阻礙他人)

        54、The wolf and the lamb will never agree. —— 狼和羊永遠不會達成一致(立場對立)

        55、Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. —— 與狼為伍者,學會嚎叫(近墨者黑)

        56、When the wolf grows old, the sheep may look him in the teeth. —— 當狼老了,羊敢直視其牙(強者衰退,弱者得勢)

        57、Better to feed a wolf than a thankless man. —— 寧喂狼,勿養忘恩負義之人

        58、A wolfs head and a dogs tail. —— 狼頭狗尾(形容開始勇猛,結局懦弱)

        59、Wolves run in packs. —— 狼群而行(形容團結一致)

        60、The wolf knows what the ill beast thinks. —— 狼知病獸心(同類相知)

        61、A wolf loses his teeth but not his nature. —— 狼失牙不改性

        62、He who sups with the wolf must have a long spoon. —— 與狼共餐需長勺(與惡人交往須謹慎)

        63、The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel. —— 牧羊人爭吵,狼得利

        64、The wolf changes his coat, but not his disposition. —— 狼換毛不變性(本性難移)

        65、Do not trust a goat with the kitchen-garden, or a wolf with sheepfold. —— 不可讓山羊管菜園,不讓狼看羊圈

        66、One cannot live as a wolf and yet expect to be treated like a pet dog. —— 不能像狼一樣活著卻期待被當作寵物狗對待

        67、Where wolves are, expect no safety. —— 有狼之處無安全

        68、Old wolves fear not traps. —— 老狼不怕陷阱(經驗豐富者不易上當)

        69、A lone wolf. —— 獨行俠(獨來獨往的人)

        70、The wolf always returns to his vomit. —— 狼總回到它吐過的地方(惡習難改)

        71、The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature. —— 狼牙可掉,本性難改

        72、The wolfs in the fold. —— 狼入羊圈(危險已至)

        73、The wolf that one feeds bites one. —— 養狼咬手

        74、A howling wolf is not always a biting one. —— 吠的狼不一定咬人

        75、When the fox preaches, take care of your geese; when the wolf sings, keep your sheep. —— 狐貍布道防鵝,狼唱歌守羊

        76、The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb. —— 狼與羔羊同居(和平共處的理想狀態)

        77、Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. —— 和狼為伍,學會嚎叫(近朱者赤,近墨者黑)

        78、Theres many a slip twixt cup and lip, and many a calf twixt wolf and ship. —— 杯到唇邊易滑落,羊入狼口難逃生

        79、The wolf may prowl, but the sheep need not fear. —— 狼雖徘徊,羊毋需懼

        80、He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. —— 自甘為羊,難免被狼吃

        81、Its easy to call names after the wolf is shot. —— 狼死方好罵名

        82、To set the fox to keep the geese; to set the wolf to keep the sheep. —— 讓狐貍看守鵝,讓狼看守羊(引狼入室)

        83、Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. —— 寧為犬首,不作獅尾(小單位領導勝過大單位隨從)

        84、A wolf in the morning, a lion at night. —— 早如狼,晚似獅(形容變化多端)

        85、The wolf and the lamb will never agree. —— 狼與羔羊永不同心

        86、The wolf may change his hair, but not his vice. —— 狼可換毛,惡習難改

        87、A hungry wolf is never choosy. —— 餓狼不挑食

        88、The wolfs greed will lead him to his death. —— 狼之貪婪終致死

        89、The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his inclinations. —— 狼齒可落,欲念難消

        90、The wolfs foot is always in his mouth. —— 狼嘴常露爪(本性顯露)

        91、If you live among wolves, you must howl like a wolf. —— 入狼群,須學狼嚎

        92、The wolf may change his skin but not his habits. —— 狼可換皮,習慣難變

        93、The wolf always finds a reason for eating the lamb. —— 狼吃羊總有理由

        94、The wolfs inside the house, and were outside in the wind and rain. —— 狼在屋內安逸,我們在風雨中

        95、A wolf in the flock is more dangerous than a tiger in the mountains. —— 羊群里的狼比山中的虎更危險

        96、The wolf has a hundred foes, but the sheep has many more. —— 狼有一百敵,羊更多

        97、A wolfs whistle. —— 狼哨(輕浮的口哨聲)

        98、The wolf always returns to the scene of the crime. —— 狼總回犯罪現場

        99、The wolf may change his fur, but never his nature. —— 狼可換皮,本性難移

        100、The wolfs hunger increases with eating. —— 狼越吃越餓

        101、A wolf in the woods is better than a thief in the house. —— 林中狼勝過家中賊

        102、When the wolf grows old, the cubs may dare to bark at him. —— 狼老崽敢吠

        103、A hungry wolf is more fierce than a satiated lion. —— 饑餓的狼比飽食的獅更兇猛

        104、The wolf of the steppes knows more than seven paths. —— 草原上的狼識途多

        105、The wolfs den is safe from wolves. —— 狼窩無狼害

        106、Better to cry "Wolf!" once too often than to let the wolf catch you napping. —— 寧可多喊一次“狼來了”,不可讓狼趁你打盹時得逞

        107、The wolfs in the fold and the shepherds in bed. —— 狼入羊圈,牧羊人卻在睡覺

        108、The wolf that one does not see is the one that eats you. —— 看不見的狼最危險

        109、The wolf on the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill. —— 山頂之狼不如攀山之狼餓

        110、The wolf may change his coat, but the evil remains. —— 狼可換衣,邪惡依舊












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